
  • 网络Influenza;flu
  1. MIT林肯实验室的研究人员开发了一种技术,可能在将来某一天能治愈普通感冒、流行感冒和其他疾病。

    Researchers at MIT 's Lincoln Lab have developed technology that may someday cure the common cold , influenza and other ailments .

  2. 她将流行感冒传染给全班。

    She infected the whole class with her influenza .

  3. 另一个有趣的领域是挖掘tweet本身,使用地理位置数据来理解基于位置的行为或事件(比如流行感冒的爆发)。

    Another interesting area is the mining of tweets themselves , using geolocation data to understand location-based behaviors or events ( such as flu outbreaks ) .

  4. 上星期我们的小孩全部得了流行感冒。

    Our children all came down with the flu last week .

  5. 恐怕我要得流行感冒。

    I 'm afraid I 'm coming down with the flu .

  6. 听起来你好像得了流行感冒。

    It sounds like you are coming down with the flu .

  7. 如果我们每人都成天呆在家里,流行感冒是否就会在人群中消失了?

    Would the common cold die out if we all stayed at home ?

  8. 据说自虐是寂寞国度流行感冒的特征。

    Said self-flagellation is a lonely land of the characteristics of pandemic flu .

  9. 医生诊断此病为流行感冒。

    The doctor diagnosed the illness as influenza .

  10. 格瑞哥得了流行感冒。

    Grieg is down with the flu .

  11. 他因患流行感冒而卧床。

    He is struck down with influenza .

  12. 像流行感冒一样的急性病症。

    An acute disease resembling influenza .

  13. 这种变异的重要性正在被世卫组织的流行感冒实验室的科学家们进行评估。

    The significance of the mutation is being assessed by scientists in the WHO network of influenza laboratories .

  14. 那个外科医生因行为不端而被开除了。医生诊断此病为流行感冒。

    The surgeon was struck off because of his immoral behaviour . The doctor diagnosed the illness as influenza .

  15. 香港卫生部门称,疑似新型冠状病毒的案例实际上只是流行感冒。

    Health authorities in Hong Kong say the suspected case of novel coronavirus is , in fact , simply a case of influenza .

  16. 几星期后,他罹患流行感冒,打电话问我是否能代替他出席纽约大学的客座演讲,演讲主题正是《推销员之死》。

    A few weeks later when he came down with the flu he called and asked if I could fill in for him as a guest lecturer at NYU . The subject was Death of a Salesman .

  17. 跟其他受试者一样,她发现:肿瘤疫苗很少有副反应,但是给予免疫增强剂后就像是“患上了严重的流行感冒”。

    Still , she found what many other vaccine recipients have learned : The vaccine had few side effects , but the immune system boosters were " like the worst case of flu you 've ever had ," she said .

  18. 那一年,流行性感冒来得异常凶猛。

    The grippe hit unusually severely that year .

  19. 他正从一次流行性感冒中康复过来。

    He 's recovering from an attack of flu .

  20. 体弱者容易感染流行性感冒。

    If one is not strong , it 's easy to catch the flu .

  21. 流行性感冒病毒是终极的变形怪。

    The influenza1 virus is the ultimate shape-shifter .

  22. 表达流行性感冒病毒HA基因非复制型重组腺病毒的构建及免疫效果的研究

    Construction of Replication-defective Recombinant Adenoviruses Expressing Influenza Virus Hemagglutinin and Study on its Immune Responses

  23. 流行性感冒病毒M2蛋白可溶性表达及其免疫原性的研究

    Soluble Expression of Influenza Virus M2 Protein and Detection of Its Antigenicity

  24. 这些设施还可以传播疾病,比如流行性感冒,SARS及肺结核病等。

    They have also transported diseases such as influenza , SARS , and tuberculosis .

  25. 禽流行性感冒(禽流感,avianinfluenza,AI)是由A型流感病毒引起的一种急性高度接触性传染病。

    Avian influenza ( AI ) is a highly contiguous infection which is flowed by influenza A virus .

  26. 国产与进口流行性感冒病毒裂解疫苗安全性和免疫原性的Meta分析

    The Meta Analysis on the Safety and Immunogenicity of Domestic and Imported Split Influenza Virus Vaccines

  27. 流行性感冒是(influenza,简称流感)是流感病毒引起的急性呼吸道感染,是一种传染性强、传播速度快的疾病,严重危害人类健康。

    Influenza is an influenza virus-induced acute respiratory infections , Is a contagious , spread fast , serious harm to human health .

  28. 在疫苗免疫选择压力下H9N2亚型禽流行性感冒病毒HA基因的遗传变异

    Genetic Mutations of the Hemagglutinin Gene of H_9N_2 Subtype Avian Influenza Viruses under the Selective Pressure of Vaccination

  29. 专家们担心的是H5N1禽流感病毒可能会转变为致命的可以使成百万人毙命的流行性感冒。

    Experts fear that the H5N1 bird flu virus could transmute into deadly human influenza that could kill millions .

  30. H5N1是否会成为下一次流行性感冒的世界性流行株成为人们关注的焦点。

    Whether the H5N1 would turn to be the next pandemic strain became the hot topic all over the world .