
  • 网络Engagement;mixing bowl
  1. 把插条分别栽入盆中。

    Pot the cuttings individually .

  2. 待稍温后,坐入盆中浸浴15分钟。

    You just temperature , which sit axle soak for15 minutes .

  3. 他帮我把玫瑰栽入盆中。

    He helped me pot the roses .

  4. 面粉和盐混合入盆。

    Sieve the flour and salt .

  5. 胎儿脐带绕颈的B超诊断与胎先露入盆的关系

    Relationship Between Diagnostic Coincidence Ratio of Ultrasonography for The Umbilical Cord Around Fetal Neck and Presentation Engagement

  6. 面粉,砂糖和罂粟子量入盆里。加入柠檬皮屑。

    Measure flour , sugar and poppy seeds into a large bowl . Grate in lemon rind .

  7. 对生长1个月左右的四倍体丹参试管苗炼苗后进行不同环境下的移栽试验。结果表明将试管苗栽入盆中,无根苗可以生根且生长良好;

    The result of Danshen test-tube seedling transplantation experiment showed that the seedlings which have no root can come into root .

  8. 胎头于妊娠36周入盆。产科医生建议阴道分娩。

    The pelvic measurements were done in the 7th moth of pregnancy and all in normal limit . Fetal head as engaged at 36 weeks of pregnancy . Vaginal delivery was suggested by the obstetrician .

  9. 结论:急症剖宫产术和胎头入盆后的剖宫产术易引起膀胱损伤,产前生殖道感染易引起剖宫产术后泌尿系感染。

    Conclusion : The emergency cesarean section and the cesarean section in which head engaged in brim easily causes the injury of bladder ; the infection of urinary system before cesarean section easily causes the infection after cesarean section .

  10. 结论:闭孔神经髋关节支切断术,盆内入路优于盆外入路。

    Conclusion : To cut the obturator nerve branches to hip joint through external pelvic approach is better than that through internal pelvic approach .