
xūn zhēnɡ fǎ
  • Fumigation method;fumigation and steaming method
  1. Air(初三适用)甲醛氧化熏蒸法空气消毒用量探讨

    On the Amount of Formaldehyde Used to Air Oxidizing Fumigation

  2. 结果表明,DMF对烟叶仓储防霉具有效果良好、操作简便易行和成本低廉等优点,其中直接添加法还能避免熏蒸法对部分人体产生的过敏反应,具有推广应用价值。

    The results showed that DMF had the advantages of good protective effect , simpler in han-dling and lower cost . The method of direct application could avoid possible allergic reaction on human body caused by DMF fumigation , hence it is preferable to be popularized .

  3. 方法在急诊治疗室应用MKJ除菌消毒空气洁净器和甲醛加高锰酸钾熏蒸法对空气消毒效果进行比较。

    Method Applied the MKJ air disinfecting machine and methanal plus potassium permanganate Fumigating to disinfect the air in emergency room , and then compared the disinfecting effect among them .

  4. 为了评价不同森林恢复类型与方式对南方红壤丘陵区退化生态系统土壤微生物群落的影响,借助氯仿熏蒸法、平板涂抹法和BIOLOG检测法,比较研究了4种森林恢复类型土壤微生物的群落特征。

    In this paper , soil microbial community properties of five vegetation patterns were measured by bacterial , microbial biomass carbon and metabolic diversity ( BIOLOG ) assays to evaluate the effects of different forest restoration patterns on soil microbial community .

  5. 甲醛氧化熏蒸法行空气消毒后通风时间探讨

    Probe into ventilating time after air disinfection via methanal oxygenation fumigation

  6. 甲醛氧化浓氨熏蒸法灭菌的实验研究

    Experimental Study of Sterilization of Oxidized Formalin Fumigant Combined with Strong Ammonia

  7. 用雾化熏蒸法消毒,两种消毒剂均达不到消毒要求。

    Aerosol fumigation disinfection with both disinfectants could not fulfil requirement of disinfection .

  8. 熏蒸法治理火烧原木害虫研究

    Study on eradicating pest in five-damaged logs with fumigating method and spraying method

  9. 结论中药熏蒸法治疗痹症使用方便、见效快、患者痛苦小,值得临床推广。

    Conclusion : Herbal steaming therapy is simple , effective and should be popularized .

  10. 目的比较2%强化戊二醛(下称戊二醛)气雾熏蒸法与浸泡消毒法消毒吸痰管的效果。

    Objective To study the effectiveness of sterilized absorbing-sputum tube by fog-fumigating and dipping sterilization .

  11. 液氮气熏蒸法玻璃化冷冻小鼠扩张囊胚的研究

    Successful Cryopreservation of Expanded Mouse Blastocysts by Vitrification after Being Fumigated with Liquid Nitrogen Gas

  12. 氨气熏蒸法降解花生及花生粕中黄曲霉毒素方法的研究

    Study on the Effective for Inactivating the Aflatoxins in Peanut and Peanut Meal by Ammonia Gas

  13. 三种中药熏蒸法对重症监护病房空气消毒效果比较

    Comparison of efficacy of three kinds of Chinese herbal medicine fumigation in disinfection of air in ICU

  14. 从化油器到汽油喷射熏蒸法治理火烧原木害虫研究

    From carburetor to fuel injection study on eradicating pest in five-damaged logs with fumigating method and spraying method

  15. 益气活血方熏蒸法与口服法治疗系统性硬皮病疗效比较

    Effect Comparison of Steaming Therapy and Oral Using of Prescription for Nourishing Qi and Activating Blood on Treating Systemic Scleroderma

  16. 结论,该植物复方精油熏蒸法,对营养琼脂平板表面上细菌具有一定杀灭作用。

    Conclusion : The plant compound essential oil fumigation has certain killing effect on the bacteria on nutrient agar plate .

  17. 结论气雾熏蒸法消毒灭菌效果可靠,具有节约开支、使用方便、有利于吸痰管的保存与放置等优点。

    Conclusion Fog-fumigating for sterilization of absorbing-sputum tubes is economic , convenient , and is easy to deposit and save in comparing to dipping sterilization .

  18. 仓内施药与仓外施药环流熏蒸法对比试验中药注射剂实施药物警戒的对策研究

    Application and Stored in the Warehouse , Circulation Fumigation Application of Comparative Test ; The Countermeasures Research for Enforcing Pharmacovigilance of Traditional Chinese Medicine Injection

  19. 为比较2种消毒剂对内镜模拟现场消毒效果,采用人工染菌试验方法对雾化熏蒸法和冲洗法消毒内镜的效果进行了观察。

    In order to compare the efficacy of two disinfectants in simulated on-the-spot disinfection of endoscopes , artificial contamination test method was used to observe the efficacy of aerosol fumigation method and irrigation method in disinfection of endoscopes .

  20. 本试验得到主要结果如下:采用三角瓶密闭熏蒸法测定了荔枝蝽臭腺提取物对害虫的熏蒸作用,结果表明:荔枝蝽雌、雄成虫臭腺提取物对供试害虫具有明显的熏蒸作用。

    The research results were as follows : The fumigation action of the scent gland extracts was tested by flask sealed fumigation . The scent gland extracts of female and male adults have significant fumigation effect on the tested pests .

  21. 结果江西省各级医疗机构手术室空气消毒主要使用消毒液熏蒸法、消毒液喷雾法、紫外线照射法、循环风紫外线空气消毒机、静电吸附式空气消毒机等方法。

    Results The methods of disinfection of operating room air in medical institutions of different levels in ( Jiangxi ) Province were mainly disinfection solution fumigation , disinfection solution spray , ultraviolet irradiation , circulating wind ultraviolet air disinfector , electrostatic adsorption-type air disinfector .

  22. 结论平板法的抗菌剂用量大,适于测最小抑菌浓度,牛津杯法适于抗菌剂的量较少时的抑菌试验,熏蒸法适于挥发性溶剂提取抑菌物质的抑菌试验。

    CONCLUSION Plating method needs more antimicrobial agent , it is suitable for detecting Minimal Inhibitory Concentration , the Oxford Cup method is suitable for using less antimicrobial agent in antimicrobial test , the fumigation method is suitable for testing antimicrobial activity using the antimicrobial agent extracted by volatile solvent .

  23. 熏蒸直接提取法测定土壤MB-S中几个因素的研究

    Some factors in fumigation direct extraction procedures in the measurement of soil MB-S

  24. 结论:风动式甲醛熏蒸灭菌较普通法所需时间短,灭菌效果完全。

    Conclusion : Sterilization by wind formaldehyde fumigation can shorten the time ard improve the effect of sterilization compared with ordinary fumigation .