
  1. 这本书是科学的入门读物。

    This book explains the ABC 's of science .

  2. 原子集市》是关于这个极令人不安的话题的一本优秀的入门读物

    The Atomic Bazaar is an excellent introduction to this most discomfiting topic .

  3. 约翰·基尔卡伦是出版入门读物《傻瓜丛书》的IDG全球书业的主席和总经理。

    John Kilcullen is the chairman and CEO of IDG Books Worldwide , which publishes the " Dummies " series of how-to books .

  4. 这本书是要用作文学入门读物的。

    This book is designed as an introduction to literature .

  5. 可以将这篇文章作为自动化管理员新手的入门读物,也可以供有经验的管理员作为参考指南,帮助实现更多复杂任务的自动化。

    The article will give you a starting point for new automation administrators and guidance to veteran administrators to help automate more complex tasks .

  6. 本文只是一个入门级读物,旨在让您体验了在Scheme等面向列表的语言中列表处理是何等简单。

    This article has been just a primer to provide a taste of how easy list manipulation is in list-oriented languages like Scheme .