
  • 网络No litigation;no lawsuit
  1. 从法律价值由“无讼”到正义。

    The transition of legal value from " no lawsuit " to justice .

  2. 解析中国古代无讼理念的成因

    Cause Analysis on the Concept of no Suit in Ancient China

  3. 论孔子无讼思想的美学基础

    On the Aesthetic Foundation of Confucius ' Idea of No Suing

  4. 无讼思想对当下法律实践的启示

    The Enlightenment on Current Law Practice of the Thoughts of Non-litigation

  5. 无讼及调解:对我国传统法律文化的反思

    Non-Litigation and Mediation : the Reflections of Chinese Traditional Legal Culture

  6. 解读中国传统法律文化中的无讼思想

    Explanation of the " Non-Litigation " Thought in Chinese Traditional Legal Culture

  7. 传统中国法律思想一个重要的特征就是无讼。

    One of the important features of Chinese traditional law is non-litigation .

  8. 无讼文化探析

    An Analysis on the Formation Reasons of Non-litigation Legal Culture

  9. 我国古代无讼论再认识

    Re-recognition of " No Lawsuits " Theory in Ancient Times

  10. 试论中国传统无讼思想与现今程序正义的联系

    On Association of the No Litigation Thought and the Current Process of Justice

  11. 试论儒家无讼传统观的当代裂变与释放

    On the Fission of Confucian No Litigation in Modern Times and the Discharge

  12. 一方面无讼意识阻碍了法制现代化事业的推进。

    But the consciousness of no suit still exists and blocks this process .

  13. 法行为的根本价值取向为无讼。

    The basic value orientation of law behavior is " no lawsuits " .

  14. 无讼理想及其对现代法律的影响

    No-lawsuit ideal and the affection to modern law

  15. 其思想渊源就在于儒家以“无讼”为主要内容的和谐观。

    Its ideological origin lies in the main content of the Confucianism non-litigation & harmonization .

  16. 无讼与中国法律文化

    No Litigating and Chinese Legal Culture

  17. 自中国启动法制现代化事业以来,中国人的权利观念主体意识得到了极大的增强,但无讼意识仍然存在于人们的脑海里,挥之不去,与法制现代化事业形成了一种张力。

    Chinese 's subjective consciousness of right has improved greatly with the starting of jural modernization .

  18. 无讼仍然是当代中国农民诉讼观的主流。

    Not bringing a case to courtis still the mainstream of contemporary Chinese peasants ' lawsuit view .

  19. 论犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的供述和辩解为当代中国农民的诉讼观辩解&农民无讼观根源的重新解读

    Allegation for Contemporary Chinese Peasants ' Lawsuit View & Fresh explanation for Chinese peasants ' lack of lawsuit awareness

  20. 试论中国人的无讼意识及其影响&一个个案的法社会学分析解析中国古代无讼理念的成因

    On Chinese Consciousness of No Suit and Its Influence Cause Analysis on the Concept of no Suit in Ancient China

  21. 作为中国传统法律文化的基本价值取向,传统无讼思想对中国法治的发展产生了深远的影响。

    As the basic value orientation of Chinese traditional law culture , the traditional non-litigation deeply influences the development of Chinese law .

  22. 不仅如此,无讼中所蕴含的智慧和精神追求在现代社会中仍然具有意义和价值,即价值合理性。

    Moreover , the intelligence and spirit pursuit contained in it is still meaningful and valuable among modern society , namely valuable rationality .

  23. 无讼是中华民族在法律文化上的最高追求,是历代统治者与儒生们所追求的目标。

    No-lawsuit is the highest pursue of Chinese law , and also is the objective governors of past dynasties and Confucian scholars seeking .

  24. 不管是长期占据正统的儒家,还是对中国传统文化有较大影响的法家和道家,都追求一种无讼的理想境界。

    Both the controlling Confucian school and Legalists and the Taoist school that influence Chinese traditional culture a lot pursued an ideal of non-litigation .

  25. 刑事和解虽然是舶来品,但它与中国五千年传统的儒家无讼、息诉思想一脉相承。

    Victim-offender mediation is " exotic ", but it is the same thought with " non-litigation " of the 5000 years of Chinese Confucian .

  26. 通过文学与法律的跨学科研究,发掘并阐释了一种富有特色的中国现代文学现象&无讼。

    Through the research between literature and law , I have excavated and explained one kind of rich characteristic Chinese modern literature phenomenon – Non-lawsuit .

  27. 调解产生于古代无讼的法律文化之中,寄托着古代统治者对建立和谐社会的美好理想。

    Originating from the ancient Chinese legal culture without litigation , the mediation system reflects the ideal of ancient Chinese rulers of setting up a harmonious society .

  28. 本文就其无讼、告奸、容隐、越诉等诉讼文化遗产的现代价值进行剖析。

    This article focuses on the analysis of the modern value of the lawsuit cultural heritage about non-litigation , accusing evils , tolerating concealing , overstepping indictment , etc.

  29. 传统无讼思想作为我国传统法律文化的基本价值取向,对当代中国的法制现代化建设和民众的法律意识都产生了非常深远的影响。

    Being the fundamental value orientation of Chinese traditional legal culture , it has greatly influenced the modernization of legal system of contemporary China and Populace 's law sense .

  30. 第四部分论述分析以德治国方略对中国传统文化的汲取和贡献。文章开始分析中国古代法律传统,即:中国古代的法律传统的基础是重刑轻民,目标是无讼,特点是准礼入法。

    In the fourth part , the author emphatically analyzes that " Running the country with morality " general plan derives from and contributes to the china traditional cultures .