
  • 网络unconscious processes;subconscious process
  1. 学习与记忆中无意识过程的整合取向研究

    Unconscious Processes in Learning and Memory : An Integrated Approach

  2. 选择性注意中意识与无意识过程分离的实验研究

    Experimental study of the dissociations between conscious and unconscious processes in selective attention

  3. Reber(1967)首先提出内隐学习这个概念,内隐学习是一种产生抽象知识、平行于外显学习方式的无意识过程,或者说是对客体或者事物之间结构关系的无意识获得。

    Reber ( 1967 ) firstly advanced the conception of implicit learning . Implicit learning is an unconscious process in which abstract knowledge produces going with the explicit learning .

  4. 内隐理论在无意识过程中指导着教师的日常教学活动。

    Latent theory guides teachers ' daily teaching activity without their awareness .

  5. 在过去20年间,社会心理学(社会认知)研究经历了重大的范式转变,研究者更为重视个体社会认知加工中的无意识过程的作用。

    In the past 20 years , Social psychologists have witnessed an important shift .

  6. 在弗洛伊德心理分析中,凝缩这个术语被用来形容最基本的无意识过程之一。

    In Freudian psychoanalysis , condensation is a term used to describe one of the fundamental unconscious process ;

  7. 第三,从无意识机能的进化观角度,学习与记忆的无意识过程之间应该具有比对应意识过程之间更加密切、未分化的联系。

    Thirdly , an evolutional perspective of unconsciousness predicted a tight connection among unconscious processes in learning and memory , since these processes are relatively general and unspecified .

  8. 二语学习是无意识过程好还是有意识过程效率更高?长期以来这是一个备受争议的问题。

    In second language teaching methodology ," real-life " communicative use of language has long receivedmuch attention and conscious learning is thus more or less supposed to be irrelevant .

  9. 以汉语单字词为材料,通过颜色来区分目标和分心物,采用过程分离程序,直接探讨了目标激活与分心物抑制和意识、无意识过程之间的关系。

    Using Chinese single character words as materials , red as targets and green as distractors , with process dissociation procedure , the study examined directly the relationship between target activation / distractor inhibition and conscious / unconscious processes .

  10. 试图减少或降低本能欲望的一种无意识的过程。

    An unconscious process that tries to reduce the anxiety associated with instinctive desires .

  11. “这是一个无意识的过程,”老多米尼亚大学的心理学家汤姆。凯施说。

    " It 's a non-conscious process ," said Tom Cash , a psychologist at Old Dominion University .

  12. 经典的注意控制及其自动化加工理论认为,无意识加工过程是一个自动的、独立的、不需要注意等其他任何认知活动参与的过程。

    The classic theory of attention controlling and automated processing suggested that the unconscious process is an automated and independent process without any attention or other cognitive activities involved .

  13. 小说情节简单,吉尔曼以女性自然书写的方式真实生动地表现了父权制社会下女性所承受的沉重的心理压抑,以及女性想象力在无意识反叛过程中所起的重要作用。

    Gilman , in a truly natural way of a woman writer , presents a vivid picture of psychological repression suffered from the patriarchy , and demonstrates the vital role that the feminine imagination plays in the process of unconscious rebellion .

  14. 卡伦·尚顿(KarenShanton)曾在罗格斯大学(RutgersUnivesity)探索无意识的认知过程,并获得了哲学博士学位,但她目前就职于为议员提供超党派分析的全美州议会联合会(NationalConferenceofStateLegislatures)。

    Karen Shanton explored unconscious cognitive processes for her philosophy Ph.D. from Rutgers but works at the National Conference of State Legislatures , which provides legislators with nonpartisan analysis .

  15. 此外,为了改善这一方法,神经科学家正试图寻找意识的神经机制(neuralcorrelatesofconsciousness),即,人在从明显的意识知觉状态转变为明显无意识状态的过程中脑功能的改变。

    To improve on this method , neuroscientists are searching for what they call neural correlates of consciousness & changes in brain function as a person transitions from being apparently conscious to apparently unconscious .

  16. 此外,为了改善这一方法,神经科学家正试图寻找“意识的神经机制”(neuralcorrelatesofconsciousness),即,人在从明显的意识知觉状态转变为明显无意识状态的过程中脑功能的改变。

    To improve on this method , neuroscientists are searching for what they call neural correlates of consciousness - changes in brain function as a person transitions from being apparently conscious to apparently unconscious .

  17. 心智,意识感觉器官指挥和影响心理或生理行为的有意识和无意识的全过程。

    The collective conscious and unconscious processes in a sentient organism that direct and influence mental and physical behavior .

  18. 其基本观点是,外语学习是有意识学习与无意识习得的过程。

    According to Lozanov , foreign language learning is a process in which both conscious learning and unconscious acquisition are at work .

  19. 看看这个:科学家发现我们大脑中有个无意识的电流过程促使我们在做出有意识的决定之前就产生有意志的、自发性的动作。

    Consider this : Scientists have shown that unconscious electrical processes in the brain precede our conscious decisions to perform volitional , spontaneous acts .

  20. 同时,还探讨无意识在艺术创作过程中的重要作用。

    Meanwhile , it also discusses the important function of unconscious in art creation process .

  21. 不可以在,事物模型下,以及以唯物主义为主体的范式下考虑,意识和无意识的状态和过程。

    Conscious and non conscious mental states and processes cannot be conceived within the thing model and its paradigm of material bodies .

  22. 第一到三章论述了无意识工作的全过程,构成了本文主体。

    Chapter One to Chapter Three comprise the main body of the thesis , which is a complete procedure of the working of the unconscious .

  23. 艺术创作是意识与无意识相互作用的结果,无意识过程虽往往不易察觉,但它的作用却是不可忽视的。

    Artistic creation is the result of interaction of consciousness and unconsciousness . Although unconsciousness sometimes is not perceivable , its important role should not be sneezed at all .