
wú dǎng pài rén shì
  • Independents;a public figure without party affiliation;nonparty personage;patriots without party affiliation
无党派人士[wú dǎng pài rén shì]
  1. 新中国成立以来无党派人士工作的历史进程与创新发展

    Historical Process and Innovation Development of Nonparty Personage Work Since the Founding of PRC

  2. 关于做好新时期无党派人士工作的思考

    Improving the Work Related to Party Affiliation in the New Era

  3. 在年轻的投票者和无党派人士中,总统的支持率降幅最大。

    The biggest declines were among young voters and independents .

  4. 而大量无党派人士为什么在1944年要入盟问政?

    Why did so many nonparty individuals join the League to politick in 1944 ?

  5. 他们来自各个地区和国家,世界级不同党派或者无党派人士。

    They come from various regions and countries , different political parties or independents .

  6. 皮尤中心的迈克尔·迪米克斯表示,民主党人和无党派人士对两项事宜均坚定支持,但是共和党人的意见则出现分歧。

    Pew 's Michael Dimics says their solid support for both from among Democrats and Independents , but Republicans are divided .

  7. 不管怎样,无党派人士对于罗姆尼的负面看法在过去几个月内一直在增加。

    At any rate , negative views of Mr Romney have been on the increase for several months now among independents .

  8. 他计划任命一名无党派人士掌管财政部税收部门,任期将超过选举周期。

    He plans to appoint a non-political boss to the finance ministry tax department on a contract that would outlast the electoral cycle .

  9. 劳埃德。卡特勒则说没有什么可担心的,因为非斯克显然是无党派人士,不可能被人取代。

    Lloyd Cutler said there was nothing to worry about because Fiske was clearly independent and there was no way he would be replaced .

  10. 我们能理解我知道你们也能理解因为你们都是哈佛学子无论是党派人士或无党派人士都认为

    And we understand , I know you do , because you all went to Harvard , that people from both parties and no party .

  11. 这个终极蓝色状态正在变红,部分是因为在一些过去支持民主党的无党派人士和保守派人士都在重新考虑。

    This ultimate blue state is seeing red in part because some Independents and Conservatives who supported Democrats in the past are having second thoughts .

  12. 但是,有无党派人士分析认为,对于反政府武装的清除还为时过早,因为他们仍旧留有衷心的拥护者和武器装备而卷土重来。

    However , independent analysts said it is too early to count the rebels out , as they still reserve hardcore fighters and weapons to fight back .

  13. 该市市长雷·马龙,一位备受争义的警察局长现在已经成为了地方官员,他很早就表现出对零容忍方式的兴趣并作为无党派人士当选。

    Its mayor is Ray Mallon , a controversial police chief turned local official who showed an early interest in zero-tolerance measures and was elected as an independent .

  14. 他就这个问题和党内大多数人产生分歧,虽然很多无党派人士会支持他的计划。

    Immigration is a genuine problem : he is seriously at odds with the bulk of his party on the issue , though many independents would go with his plan .

  15. 各级政治协商会议由各党派、人民团体和无党派人士等组成,其成员具有广泛的代表性。

    The people 's political consultative conferences at different levels consist of members of all political parties and people 's organizations , and non-party personages , with a widespread representation .

  16. 无党派人士运用他们的社会影响,运用他们手中尖锐的笔,向腐恶势力大势讨伐,表现出了勇敢无畏的献身精神。

    The non-party personage utilizes their social impact , utilizes in their hand the sharp pen , to the spoiled evil force situation punitive expedition , displayed the brave dauntless devotion .

  17. 要协调好各个派系,更不用说那些选票很重要的无党派人士和中立的自由派,共和党首先要锻炼自己的宽容。

    To get along with each other , never mind with the independents and uncommitted liberals whose votes the party needs , Republicans first need to develop their capacity for tolerance .

  18. 根据民调,过去一年内,随着奥巴马的政策将国民一分为二,把无党派人士推向了共和党阵营,其支持率已大幅下降。

    According to polls , support for the president has fallen a lot over the past year , as his policies have divided the country and sent independents to the Republican camp .

  19. 他最新一次更换党派是在上周,他退出了共和党,成为“无党派人士”,许多人认为,此举是他以独立候选人身份参选美国总统的第一步。

    His latest switch came this week , when he ditched the Republican Party to become " unaffiliated " , a move that many believe was his first step toward a bid for the US presidency as an independent candidate .

  20. 利伯曼参议员曾经是2000年总统大选中民主党副总统候选人,现在是无党派人士。利伯曼说,他支持麦凯恩,因为“国家比政党更重要”。

    Senator Joe Lieberman , now an Independent who was the Democratic vice presidential nominee in the 2000 presidential race , said he was appearing in support of McCain because , as he put it , " country matters more than party . "