
  • 网络corporate power
  1. 这样宏观现状必然导致微观层面的企业权力结构同样出现松散与不平衡。

    This Macroeconomic situation will inevitably lead to micro level of corporate power structure loose and uneven .

  2. 通过对企业权力的来源的系统分析,构建O-SEA权力模型并将其应用于公司治理研究是一种有益的尝试。

    This paper puts forward an O-SEA power model and applies to corporate governance research on the basis of catching sources of enterprises power .

  3. 企业权力的来源和配置:批判与重建

    The Source and Allocation of Enterprise Power : Criticism and Reconstruction

  4. 技术创新网络中企业权力依赖关系的构面探索研究

    Exploration Research on Facets of Power-dependence between Enterprises in Technological Innovation Network

  5. 我国家族企业权力继任者选择指标体系研究

    The Index Sign System on Choosing the Power Successor in Chinese Family Firms

  6. 资本稀缺性与企业权力安排

    The Capital Scarcity and The Arrangement of Enterprise Power

  7. 论家族企业权力的代际传递

    The Power Transition between Generations in Family Com-pany

  8. 国有企业权力配置与国有企业效率&再论理顺国有企业改革思路

    Distribution of the Right of State owned Enterprise and Efficiency of State owned Enterprise

  9. 公共权力腐败及其治理企业权力争夺和企业治理

    The Fight Against the Corruptions in the Public Power Enterprise Power Contention and Enterprise Governance

  10. 从高管层变动看公私合营企业权力的转移

    Shift in Power in Joint State-Private Enterprises as Seen from Changes in Their Top Management

  11. 企业权力争夺和企业治理

    Enterprise Power Contention and Enterprise Governance

  12. 除了序言,本文的基本结构分为五章,每章的主要内容是:第一章是文献综述部分,阐述了国内外企业权力研究主要文献的来龙去脉。

    The major content of each chapter is about : Chapter one is the literature summary .

  13. 成员企业权力结构对联盟中控制权不对称分布影响的研究

    Effects of Member Enterprises ' Power Structures on Asymmetric Distribution of Control Power in the Alliance

  14. 人力资本与高新技术企业权力配置的动态分析&基于企业生命周期的视界

    Dynamic Analysis on Power Allocation of Human Capital of High-tech Enterprises & Based on the Perspective of Life Cycle

  15. 知识经济中的企业权力结构&会发生从资本雇佣劳动到劳动雇佣资本的变革吗

    Right Construction of Enterprise in Knowledge Economy : Can Fundamental Changes from Capital employment Labor to Labor employment Capital Take Place

  16. 经企业权力机构同意,清算委员会可以聘请工作人员办理清算的具体事务。

    With the approval of the organ of power of the enterprise , the liquidation committee may engage persons for handling daily routine .

  17. 在某些地域和文化中,女性登上家族企业权力之巅会更容易一些。

    In certain geographical areas and cultures it is easier for women to get to the top of the family firm than others .

  18. 第五部分是对家族企业权力传承创新的建议,分为子承父业和职业经理人两种模式的创新建议。

    The fifth part is the inheritance and innovation of family business authority recommended , to follow in his footsteps and occupation manager two modes of innovative proposals .

  19. 正是在这一背景下出现了一种新的企业权力转移论,认为知识型企业将出现劳动雇佣资本这种新的组织结构。

    Just under such background some scholars put forward a new opinion that the new organization construction of labor empolyment capital in high enterprises is coming into being .

  20. 企业权力交接阶段也是企业最脆弱的阶段,因此保持平稳传递和选择合适的传承时机对企业而言至关重要。

    Since the phase of passing the baton is also the fragile phase for all enterprises , it is very important to keep the succession smoothly and to select an optimal time .

  21. 主导电信企业权力与义务的不对称可能引发其对政府规制的挑战,挑战规制存在两种可能的结果,规制突破或者规制强化。

    The imbalance of the rights and duties of those leading industrial enterprises may arouse its challenge to the government regulation , which will result in either the breakthrough of regulation or its reinforcement .

  22. 第三部分介绍了家族企业权力传承的相关理论基础,包括家族企业传承的经济学解释:传承的资源论、委托&代理理论、契约理论和企业生命周期理论。

    The third part introduces the family enterprise power transmission theory , including the family business tradition in economics to explain : heritage resource theory , entrust-acting theory , contract theory and the enterprise life cycle theory .

  23. 本文则结合属于资本形式范畴的资本形态的裂变来考察企业权力来源呈现出多元化、多层次的复杂结构特征,即资本形态的裂变引起企业权力的泛化。

    Based on the disintegration of the capital shape belonging to capital form category , this paper investigates the pluralistic , multi-level complicated structure characteristics , that is , the fission of the capital shape causes weakening of the enterprise power .

  24. 通过实证研究我国民营企业权力传承时机与公司业绩的相互关系发现,传承时机将影响到公司未来的业绩表现,因此选择合适的传承时机显得非常重要。

    The empirical research on the relationship between the timing of passing the baton and business performance in private enterprises reveals that the timing issue will affect the post-succession business performance , so it is important to choose the appropriate transfer timing .

  25. 权力是影响权力战略选择的一个重要因素,但是现有研究集中于单边企业权力及其使用之间的关系,少有研究探讨双边权力与企业权力运用之间的关系。

    Power is an important factor that influences the choice of power strategies , most of extant literatures focus on the relationships between a firm 's power and its use of power , and ignore the relationship between bilateral power and its use .

  26. 俄罗斯国家总统弗拉基米尔普京(vladimirputin)也出人意料地加入了这场论战,在上周呼吁限制新国有企业的权力,以保证它们不会蚕食其它的企业。

    Vladimir Putin , Russian President , even weighed in unexpectedly to the debate , calling last week for limits on the power of new state corporations to make sure they did not encroach on other enterprises .

  27. 合作博弈框架下企业内部权力的分配

    Allocation of Power within a Firm : A Co-operative Game Model

  28. 合伙企业内部权力配置结构初探

    On the Individual-Central Structure of the Division of Powers in Partnership Enterprise

  29. 合资企业有权力出口自己生产的产品。

    A joint venture has the right to export its products on its own .

  30. 要加大地方的权力,特别是企业的权力。

    We should give more power to local authorities , and to enterprises in particular .