
  • 网络enterprise organization mode
  1. 文章重点根据通信设计院项目管理的现状和业务发展要求,详细分析了设计院的业务特性以及与业务发展息息相关的重要干系人,同时给出了适合设计院业务特性发展要求的企业组织模式模型。

    Based on the current state of telecommunication design institutes and requirements of business development , the main part of this article is to develop the enterprise organization mode model , suitable to business features , after analyzing the important factors having interest with company business at detail .

  2. 针对B企业组织模式中存在的问题,对B企业组织进行优化和创新。

    As to problems in organizational model , organization of business enterprise B is optimized and innovated .

  3. 铁路企业组织模式及其财务管理问题探讨

    Study of Organizational Pattern and Financial Management in Railway Enterprise

  4. 虚拟企业组织模式及运行机制研究

    Study on the Virtual Enterprise Organizational Model and Operational Mechanism

  5. 关于高技术风险企业组织模式的探讨

    Research on Mode of Organization of Hi - Tec Venture

  6. 知识经济下国有企业组织模式的变革趋势

    Changing Trend of State-owned Enterprises ' Organizational Mode in Condition of Knowledge-based Economy

  7. 虚拟企业组织模式研究

    A Study on Structural Mode of Virtual Enterprise

  8. 本文是一项关于现代船舶制造企业组织模式的应用基础研究。

    This thesis is applied basic study of organization model of modern shipbuilding enterprise .

  9. 现代企业组织模式的选择

    Choice of Organizational Modes for Modern Enterprises

  10. 有色金属矿山企业组织模式再造

    Re-organizational model of non-ferrous metal mining enterprise

  11. 高技术企业组织模式研究

    The Organizational Model of High-technology Enterprises

  12. 创业企业组织模式对企业发展的影响民营企业发展的新阶段

    The Influence of Venture Enterprises Organizational Models on the Development of Enterprises ; The New Stage

  13. 基于产品设计研发项目管理的制造业企业组织模式的构建

    The construction of a new organization model based on the project-management of product R & D for manufacturing enterprises

  14. 同时,总部&生产基地分离的企业组织模式加大了税收征管的难度。

    Meanwhile , the enterprise organizational model of " headquarters-production base separation " has made tax collection more difficult .

  15. 第二章介绍了现代企业组织模式的发展对传统企业质量管理信息系统的挑战。

    The second chapter introduces the challenges the traditional Quality Management System will face with the development of some new enterprise organizations .

  16. 以网络为基础的知识经济的兴起,推动了企业组织模式与管理模式的变革。

    The development of the knowledge economy which is based on the network has spurred the innovation of the enterprise organization model and management model .

  17. 在市场环境变化及科学技术不断进步的背景下,以敏捷制造为特征的现代制造方式带来了企业组织模式的变革,虚拟企业作为一种新的企业组织模式改变了传统企业之间的关系。

    With the varying market and advancement of science and technology , the modern manufacturing way featured by " agile manufacturing " has brought about enterprise organizational transformation .

  18. 从传统的以层级组织理论到近十多年来的各种新型组织理论,都是为了探求如何建立起适应外界发展变化和自身特点的企业组织模式。

    From the traditional bureaucratic theory to current popular organizational theories , their aims are all to construct the suitable organizational models according to outside development and self-characters .

  19. 本文分析了传统企业组织模式,提出了供应链管理下企业组织创新的目标、特征、内容以及实施。

    Organization patterns of conventional enterprises have been analyzed in this paper . It presents the aims , features , contents and measures of business organizational innovation with supply chain .

  20. 另一方面,信息技术也为企业组织模式转变起到推波助澜的作用,促使企业组织向扁平化、网络化与弹性化方向发展。

    On the other hand , IT also plays a big role in causing enterprise organization pattern to change , causes enterprise organize to be fatten , network and flexible .

  21. 第三章为契约理论&交易费用论,在对交易费用论基本框架阐释的基础之上揭示了企业组织模式演进的内在逻辑;

    , and so on . Chapter three is about contract theory ( transaction-cost theory ), explaining the basic structure of transaction - cost theory and revealing the internal logic of the evolution of enterprise organization model .

  22. 本文研究的主线是企业组织模式的演进与未来发展,沿着这一主线从组织理论和交易费用论角度对之进行分析阐述,对与之相关的具体问题进行剖析。

    Based on the research and analysis of a great number of Chinese enterprises , the thesis explains the basis conception of the evolution and development of enterprise organization model , which directs the theoretical research and sample study .

  23. 第四章为企业组织模式的未来发展与模式构建,从传统组织设计原则的重新认识入手,结合企业组织模式的现实发展,对未来的企业组织模式进行研究并得出一般性的结论。

    Chapter four is about the future development of enterprise organization model . It formulates general theory about the enterprise organization theory by comprehending the conventional organization design principle and by combining with the contemporary development of enterprise organization model .

  24. 研究表明,传统的企业组织模式不能适应当今技术创新的发展,取而代之的将是组织集成模式,忽略了组织的集成正是导致技术创新失败的主要因素之一。

    Research indicated that conventional organization mode is not fit the development of technological innovation , the organization integration mode will be the substitute , neglect the organization integration is one of the major factor to lead failure of technological innovation .

  25. 并通过对汽车企业组织模式发展演变过程的分析和研究,说明战略网络是现代跨国企业组织结构的发展方向,构建了基于战略网络的跨国企业国际竞争力提升模型。

    Through analysis and research on develop and evolution process of automobile firm organizational structures , we conclude that strategic network is the direction of modern MNCs ' organizational structures and construct a MNCs international competitiveness promotion model based on strategic network .

  26. 多项目水电开发企业项目组织模式变革探索

    Exploring Project-based Organizational Structure Changes of Hydropower Development Companies for Multi-project

  27. 知识经济下企业组织结构模式探索

    The search for organizational structure based on knowledge - economy

  28. 模具市场结构及企业间组织模式

    The Analysis of Mould Market and the Selection of Organization

  29. 新经济时代企业组织管理模式的创新

    The Innovation of the Enterprise Organization Management Mode in the New Economic Era

  30. 国内成品油流通企业组织结构模式发展方向研究

    The Research on Organizational Structure Pattern of Finished Oil Circulating Enterprises in China