
  • 网络the nature of the firm
  1. 论企业本质、公司治理与财务会计理论的契合:资本保全视角

    Merging the Nature of the Firm , Corporate Governance and Finance Accounting Theory into a Integral Whole : From the View of the Capital Maintenance

  2. 企业本质、企业绩效与会计分析的逻辑关系

    The Logical Relationship Among the Nature of the Firm , Corporate Performance and Accounting Analysis

  3. 因此,四条DNA中的任何一条或几条发生突变都导致企业本质的变化。

    Thus , any one or more mutation in four DNA will cause the change of corporate character .

  4. 企业本质:技术、权威、合约&以对企业家团队内部联接的理论分析为例

    The Nature of the Enterprise : Technology , Authority and Contract

  5. 企业本质、公司治理结构本质的探析

    A Probe into the Essence of Business and Corporation Governance Structure

  6. 对企业本质的中国本土化诠释

    Explanation on the Nature of Joint - Stock Company with Chinese Characteristics

  7. 企业本质理论中的企业扩张内涵概略

    Connotation of Business Expansion in the Theory of Business Essence

  8. 契约理论与企业本质的再思考

    Further Research on the Contract Theory and the Essence of the Firm

  9. 企业本质安全化模型研究

    Study on the Model of Essential Safety in Enterprise

  10. 无助于对家族企业本质的认识。

    Therefore it will not help in understanding the nature of business family .

  11. 契约观是理解企业本质的出发点和归宿点。

    The contract view is the starting and end - result of enterprises ' essence .

  12. 对企业本质的探析

    A Probe into the Essence of Business

  13. 基于能力理论的企业本质论

    Enterprise Essence Theory Based on Ability Theory

  14. 人力资本与企业本质及其他

    Human Capital & Nature of Enterprise

  15. 论人力资本视角下企业本质之把握与未来企业组织演进形式

    On Understanding of the Enterprise Nature from the Perspective of Human Resource Capital and its Developing Forms of Organization

  16. 因此要推进竞争优势理论发展,改变原有对企业本质和行为认识的分析就是其中的一个途径。

    Changing the understanding of enterprise essence and behavior is a method to advance the development of competition advantage theories .

  17. 实时企业本质上是事件驱动的,需要集成的信息系统的支持。

    Real time enterprise is by nature an " event-driven " firm , and require the supports of integrate information system .

  18. 因此,企业本质是一种包含有要素市场交易合约的特殊团队生产。

    Therefore , the essence of firm is a kind of special team production comprising of productive factor market transaction contract .

  19. 对企业本质和行为的认识差异构成了目前企业竞争优势理论演变的一个主题。

    The difference of understanding of enterprise 's essence and behavior has been formed a theme for the present advantage theories .

  20. 它将预测期的确定与企业本质特性、与外界环境因素联系起来,使得模型更接近现实、更具有效性。

    CAP has linked the firm 's characters and environmental factors to forecast period , which makes the model closer to reality .

  21. 企业本质界定为不完备要素使用权资本化交易契约履行过程。

    The nature of enterprise is defined as a process of fulfilling the incomplete contracts for the capitalization transaction about the usufruct of elements .

  22. 对企业本质的认识是微观经济学中的一个重要问题,其对中国的国企改革有着重要意义。

    The knowledge on nature of the firm is an important problem in microeconomic theory , and it would have a key sense for reforms of firm institution in China .

  23. 二是从保险公司企业本质派生出来的内部控制需求,应该在保险公司的各个组成要素的成本控制中发挥作用。

    The second is that the internal control which derived from the insurance company enterprise essence , should play the role of cost control in all the elements in the insurance company .

  24. 论文在此假设前提下,并以系统科学的最新研究成果&开放的复杂巨系统理论作为主要研究工具,对企业本质及其成长过程进行了系统研究。

    The dissertation uses the new research achievements of Open Complex Giant system scientific theory as the main research tool , and makes systematic research on enterprise 's innate characters and its development under that hypothesis .

  25. 服从于煤矿企业本质安全化的要求,基于本质安全文化建设的前提下,构建适合煤矿企业特点的本质安全管理模式。

    Subject to the intrinsic safety of coal mining enterprises of the requirements , the nature of safety culture based on the premise , to build the essential characteristics of coal mining enterprises for security management .

  26. 本论文以轻质碳酸镁的制备过程为研究对象,分析了化工过程本质安全化的相关问题,并给出了提高石化企业本质安全水平的建议。

    Taking the production process of light magnesium carbonate as a research objective , this thesis studies the inherently safe process of chemical process and provides some suggestions for improving of the inherent safe level for chemical industry .

  27. 逐步实现企业本质安全,以适应现代企业发展的需要。

    It was suggested that using modern scientific management to direct safety production in order to reduce and put an end to accidents , to realize essential safety gradually and adapt the need of the development of modern enterprises .

  28. 市场与企业本质上并无优劣之分,而阻碍制度变迁,使经济行为非经济化,才是对经济系统运行的最大威胁。

    There is no odds between the market and the enterprise essentially , but the behavior that hinders the system vicissitude , causes the economic activities to be " the non-economic " one is really the biggest threat to the economical system movement .

  29. 结合企业本质的界定,财务报告体系衍生的结果就是一系列底层因素的形成,它们构成了企业未来业务活动规划的基础,是企业预算管理的现实起点。

    Combined with the nature of enterprise , the derivative results of financial reporting system give rise to a series of bottom factors , which constitute the foundations of future plan for business activities in an enter-prise , being the realistic starting point of the budgeting management .

  30. 创新型企业的本质是持续创新。

    The essence of Innovative enterprises is sustainable innovation .