
  • 网络Information and Communication Technology
  1. 我们不得不怀疑,这份报告的唯一目的是妨碍竞争、阻止中国信息及通信技术企业进入美国市场,华为发言人斯科特赛克斯(ScottSykes)表示。

    We have to suspect that the only purpose of such a report is to impede competition and obstruct Chinese ICT companies from entering the US market , said Scott Sykes , Huawei spokesman .

  2. 研究人员在德国国际信息及通信技术博览会上展示了这一款应用。

    The researchers are presenting ShareKey in March at the CeBIT trade fair in Germany .

  3. 这份报告没有针对(信息及通信技术)行业所面临的挑战。

    This report does not address the challenges faced by the [ information and communications technology ] industry .

  4. 几乎每家信息及通信技术企业都在全球层面开展研发、软件编码和生产活动;它们共享相同的供应链,网络安全方面的挑战超出一家公司或一个国家的范畴。

    Almost every ICT firm is conducting R & D , software coding and production activities globally ; they share the same supply chain , and the challenges on network security is beyond a company or a country .

  5. 随着信息及通信技术的高速发展以及高校数字化、网络化教育的教育理念的更新,实现信息数字化、传输网络化已经成为提高办公效率,增强高校综合实力的重要手段。

    With the rapid development of information & communication technology and update of digitalization and networking in education concepts within universities , it is an important means to improve office business efficiency by information digitalization and networking transformation .

  6. 电子政务最重要的内涵是运用信息及通信技术打破行政机关的组织界限,构建一个电子化的虚拟机关,使得人们可以通过不同的渠道得到政府的信息及服务。

    The most important meaning of the electronical government affair is breaking the limitation of government organizations , and then trying to build a electronically fictitious government . People will be able to get information and service from the government in many ways .

  7. 自适应桁架中的测控技术涉及传感器、驱动器、信号信息处理单元及通信技术等多项关键技术。

    The measurement and control technology applied in self-adaptive truss structure is related to sensor , actuator and information processing technology and communication technology .