
  • 网络information flow;flow of information
  1. 研究粒子群优化算法(PSO)的拓扑结构和信息流动,以提高算法性能是PSO的一个有意义的研究方向。

    It makes sense to search on the PSO from its topology and information flow in order to improve its performance .

  2. 针对反求工程中复杂曲面CAD建模专用软件(RE-SOFT)与其他商用CAD/CAM系统间进行信息流动的问题,提出一种面向IGES标准输出的复合三角Beizer曲面重构四边NURBS曲面技术;

    Aim at the problem of information flow between the reverse engineering software ( RE-SOFT ) on complicated surface modeling and others commercial CAD / CAM system , a composite triangular Beizer surface reconstructing the quadrilateral NURBS technique based on IGES standard is presented .

  3. 执行《亚太经合组织跨境隐私规则体系》(APECCrossBorderPrivacyRulesSystem),以减少信息流动障碍,加强消费者隐私保护,促进整个地区数据隐私保护体系的互通性;

    Implement the APEC Cross Border Privacy Rules System to reduce barriers to information flows , enhance consumer privacy , and promote interoperability across regional data privacy regimes ;

  4. 基于COPULA的A、B股信息流动和相关结构分析

    Analysis on Information Flows and Related Structure between A-share Market and B-share Market Based on Copula

  5. 随着Internet技术的发展,各类基于B/S架构的企业级应用系统在优化企业管理,加速企业信息流动等应用上扮演着重要角色。

    With the development of Internet technology , various types of enterprise-class applications , which based on B / S structure , are playing important roles in optimizing the management of the enterprise and accelerating the flow of information .

  6. 为了确切地描述产品开发过程中大量行为、现象、特点及其信息流动,并实现对产品开发过程的仿真分析和优化,提出了基于层次时间有色Petri网的产品开发过程建模方法。

    Hierarchical Timed Colored Petri Nets ( HTCPN ) based process modeling method is introduced so as to exactly and fully describe a great deal of actions , phenomena , characteristics and information in product development , simulate and optimize the process mode .

  7. 为了准确描述从1E子网流入非1E级子网的核电站网络的信息流动,本文给出了一个基于核电站网络安全的新的信息流模型。

    In order to precisely describe the information flow from 1E degree to non 1E degree subsets of the network in the Nuclear Power Plant network , a new security information flow mathematics model based on this network is given in this paper .

  8. 主位的选择表明说话者对信息流动的控制。

    The choice of Theme indicates control the flow of information .

  9. 论科学研究与开发中的信息流动

    On the Information Flowing in the Scientific Research and Experimental Development

  10. 很多相关的数据都证明了这种信息流动的存在。

    There are charts which show all these movements of information .

  11. 三维框架下信息流动变化的螺旋模型

    The Spiral Model of Information Flowing Changes in the Three-Dimensional Framework

  12. 艺术传播方式,是艺术信息流动的方式。

    Means of artistic propagation is how the artistic message flows .

  13. 从信息流动的角度谈生物宏观进化和微观进化的统一性

    Discussion about the Unity of Biological Macroevolution and Microevolution from Information Mobility

  14. 证券市场信息流动及其市场分割检验

    Information Flow between Securities Markets and Test of Market Segmentation

  15. 中国货币市场与股票市场的信息流动关系研究

    Research on Information Flow Relationship between Monetary Market and Stock Market in China

  16. 集群合作中的信息流动对集群本身形成和企业的创新有很重要的意义。

    Information flow in cluster cooperation is important for cluster formation and innovation .

  17. 略论国家创新体系中的信息流动

    On the Information Flowing in the National Innovation System

  18. 客户必须判断这些信息流动中哪些更有价值。

    The client has to decide which of those flows is worth more .

  19. 我认为信息流动越是自由,社会就会变得越强大。

    I think the more freely information flows , the stronger society becomes .

  20. 现代企业依靠信息流动实现快速决策和有效管理。

    Modern enterprises make prompt decisions and realize valid management through information flow .

  21. 集群合作下的企业信息流动分析

    Analysis on Enterprise Information Flow under Cluster Cooperation

  22. 一些有关信息流动和如何对待电子产品的方案正在讨论中。

    Additional proposals on information flows and treatment of digital products are under discussion .

  23. A、B股之间的信息流动与波动溢出

    Information Flows and Volatility Spillover across A Share and B share Market in China

  24. 教学中的信息流动原理

    On the Information - Flowing Principle in Teaching

  25. 关于一种新的群排序方法&信息流动法的改进与完善

    A New Method of Group Ordering & Development and Perfection of the Information Flowed Method

  26. 物料流动中,物料的数量、物理位置和品种的变化是按照实际加工需要来进行的。信息流动过程中,信息的采集、处理和传输则服务于管理的需要。

    The collection , disposal and transmission of information obey management needs in information flowing .

  27. 一个运转正常、具备适当风险共但和信息流动的金融市场应具有积极作用。

    A properly functioning financial market with proper risk-sharing and information flows should be positive .

  28. 坏消息商务信函的翻译&从主语、情态动词、信息流动的角度分析

    Translation of Business Bad News Letters-from Perspectives of the Subject , Modal Verbs and Information Flow

  29. 信息流动与物化机制研究

    Mechanisms of Information Flows and Materialization

  30. 生产物流过程实际上是物料流动加信息流动的过程。

    The process of production logistics actually is the process of material flowing and information flowing .