
  • 网络information intensity
  1. 当Web股市信息强度变化较大时,股价变动常常也较大,股市相对波动。

    And when the stock information intensity on Web changes drastically , the stock prices are also greatly .

  2. 文中通过挖掘Web股市信息强度,发现当Web股市信息强度变化较小时,股价变动也常常较小,股市相对平静;

    Mining on stock information intensity finds that when the stock information intensity on Web changes little , the stock prices are also placid relatively ;

  3. 文中提出了基于自适应标准差的Web股市信息强度变化挖掘方法,并使用股市数据进行了验证。

    An adaptive mean-std method for judging the change of stock information intensity , is presented and it is validated by using the market data .

  4. 阈强度变化不明显。运营模式与信息强度

    Threshold intensity had no significant difference . Operation Pattern and Information Intensity

  5. 正是系统的静态柔性决定了企业的信息强度阈,而静态柔性是运营模式的一种内在属性。

    It is the " static flexibility ", the inherent attribute of the operation pattern of the enterprise , that decides the threshold of information intensity of the enterprise .

  6. 前者如费用效益分析标准、费用效果分析标准等,后者则涉及环境政策的监督与执行、信息强度要求、灵活性及政治上可接受性等一系列维度。

    The dimension include : the criteria of cost-benefit analysis , the criteria of cost-effective analysis , ease of monitoring and enforcement , information intensity , flexibility in the face of economic change , and political considerations etc.

  7. 黄土地层的古气候信息强度与分辨率成反比,是全球信号和区域信号的叠加。黄土高原各地厚度或沉积速率的差别主要是1.7Ma以来形成的。

    Evident difference in thickness or depositional rate of loess appeared mainly since about 1.7 Ma B. P. The intensity of paleoclimatic information from the loess strata is inversely proportional to the resolution of paleoclimate over the plateau .

  8. 提出了在IPv6报文认证中,一种用于构建MAC的安全散列算法。该算法散列码长度采用160bit,大大提高了信息安全强度。

    This paper presents a secure hash algorithm which can be used to design MAC for message authentication based on IPv6 . The algorithm allows a hash value of 160 bits , so it greatly increases the strength of information security .

  9. 最后基于信息素强度蚁群算法和简化的网格模型,提出了一种蚁群双序列比对算法,仿真实验结果证实了该算法的有效性和可行性,其性能高于ACA算法。

    Then , an ant Pairwise Alignment was proposed based on the proposed OPACO and Simplified Grid . Simulated experiments for the sequence alignment show the validity and the feasibility of the proposed algorithm , and that the algorithm performs better than the ant colony system ( ACS ) .

  10. 该算法主要包括全局搜索、局部搜索和信息素强度更新规则。

    The new algorithm is composed of global searching , local searching and pheromone updating rule .

  11. 在全局搜索过程中,利用信息素强度和启发式函数确定蚂蚁移动方向。

    Using pheromone and heuristic function , an ant moving direction can be determined during global searching .

  12. 背景维度信息的强度会影响前景维度信息作用的发挥。

    At last , in some cases , the background dimension information might decrease the effect of the foregrounding dimension information .

  13. 蚁群选路博弈模型中,使用蚁群算法中信息素强度来定义博弈模型中参与者收益函数。

    In the ant routing game model , we use the pheromone trails left by previous ants to define the payoffs of game players .

  14. 实验4通过增强背景维度信息的强度来探讨前景维度信息和背景维度信息之间的关系。

    Through raising the strength of background dimension information , experiment 4 intended to discover the relations between the foregrounding and the background dimension information .

  15. 该算法检测性能具有只受秘密信息嵌入强度影响而与嵌入容量无关的特点。

    In this algorithm , the correct detection rate is determined by the strength of the secret message and has nothing to do with the capacity .

  16. 信息耦合强度的大小重点体现在协同计划上,因此模型重点在协同计划角度度量信息耦合的强度。

    Degree of information coupling is focus on the cooperation plan , so the model emphasizes plan integration . This paper sets up integrated supply chain information coupling measuring model .

  17. 本文主要针对宿主图像本身的特性进行研究,通过引入分形的概念来说明不同的图像区域嵌入信息量强度的大小是不同的。

    In this paper , the image for the host to study the characteristics of their own , different amount of information embedded in the image area , the size of intensity could be different .

  18. 该算法在选择路径的时候只考虑信息素强度,而在信息素强度初始化和信息素强度更新的时候考虑了路径长度这一因素,同时也给出一种动态的信息素更新方式。

    In order to simulate the real ant better , this paper proposed a new ant colony algorithm based on the intensity of pheromone , which only depended on the intensity of pheromone when selecting the path .

  19. 实验从大脑信息跃迁强度的视角揭示了知识创造本质,表明了记忆过程中的知识跃迁是一种云块转换的知识创造过程。

    The experiment reveals the nature of creation knowledge from the perspective of the brain transition intensities , which shows that knowledge transition in the memory in the process of knowledge creation process is a conversion of the clouds .

  20. 一种基于小波相位信息的低强度X射线影像系统的图像去噪方法

    A Way of The Imaging Filter with Wavelet Phase Based on Low Intense X-ray Image System

  21. 结论胫骨超声速率(SOS)能够提供代谢性骨病的信息及骨强度的改变,对诊断代谢性骨病、骨质疏松症以及治疗前后骨密度的改变有一定的临床意义。

    Conclusion The tibia values of SOS provides a meaningful diagnostic criteria of bone density and bone quality .

  22. 针对不均匀光照的问题,引入了HSI颜色空间模型,解除了彩色信息和光强度的关系。

    In this paper , in view of problems such as uneven illumination , we have introduced the HSI color space model , which lift the relationship between color information and light intensity .

  23. 利用对数似然度、卡平方和互信息作为关联强度测度,从PennTreebank语料库中自动获取搭配候选,以比较3种测度的不同特性。

    Automatic extraction of bi-grams as candidate collocations is studied on Penn Treebank using the criteria of log likelihood , chi square and mutual information as association measure .

  24. 信息安全的强度,能否与投入的资金成正比?

    Can the intensity of information security be direct ratio to the funds that has been invested .

  25. 说明观察任务的一致性环境影响了反应任务中信息传递的强度。

    That indicates that the congruency context in the observation task affects the strength of information transfer in the response task .

  26. 同时在新方法中使用新的邻域搜索参考模型,增强了方法在搜索过程中对邻域信息的参考强度,使得分类结果的全局性得到了进一步加强。

    In the meanwhile , new neighborhood-search reference model is added into the new method to enhance ulteriorly overall situation of classification results .

  27. 同时,通过培训和加强当地社区和居民,增加了信息传播的强度和范围。

    Additionally , by training and empowering local communities and individuals , the message is made more powerful and its reach further extended .

  28. 其次,试图寻找公用企业信息公开的强度要求。

    Secondly , this paper will try to find the intensity for public enterprises to determine the scope of the disclosure of information .

  29. 根据目标、背景和干扰物的红外多光谱特征信息(辐射强度、光谱分布)构造出目标场景的红外多光谱特征矩阵;

    According to infrared multispectral characteristic information ( such as radiation intensity and spectral distribution ) of targets , background and decoys , an infrared multispectral eigenmatrix of scenario is constructed .

  30. 该系统利用斜线光纤光栅将光纤光栅应变传感的波长编码信息转换为强度,并且用信号强度与参考光强度的比值作为应变的度量值。

    In the system , the wavelength code of strain is converted into the signal intensity , and the ratio of the signal intensity and the referent light intensity is used as the measuring value of strain .