
  • 网络credit;credit rating;credibility;credit score
  1. Apriori算法在参保人信用度评价中的应用

    Application of Apriori algorithm in appraising credit degree of joined persons

  2. 在客户关系管理(CRM)软件中,客户的满意度、忠诚度、信用度的衡量方法有很多。

    There are many methods to measure the customer 's satisfaction , loyalty and credit in CRM softwares .

  3. 尽管其文化影响力无以伦比,可是美国无此政治意愿、无此经济杠杆,也无此外交信用度和其他收购的国家相竞争。

    Notwithstanding its unrivalled cultural influence , america has neither the political will , economic leverage nor diplomatic credibility to compete with what else is on offer .

  4. 定义了新的性能尺度:信用度和担保度,并建模一个集成QoS:综合效用率(AggregateUtilityRatio);

    The first , the performance scales that covered trust degree and assuredness degree were defined , and modeled the integrate QoS : Aggregate Utility Ratio ;

  5. 满意度最高的五类分别是A级信用度纳税人、年纳税额大于50万元的纳税人、B级信用度纳税人以及增值税一般纳税人。

    The highest satisfaction level five are A credit taxpayers , the annual tax amount is greater than 50 million taxpayers , B-level value-added tax credit the taxpayer and the general taxpayer .

  6. 事实上,CDS往往用于交易,理论上CDS的价格基于借款人的信用度上涨或下跌。

    Instead they are traded , in theory rising and falling based on the credit worthiness of borrower or borrowers .

  7. 规则可能是这样的:如果借款者的收入大于X,债务小于Y,并且信用度为Z,那么他就符合特定额度的贷款条件。

    The rules might be of the form : If borrower has income above X , debt less than Y , and a credit score above Z , the borrower qualifies for a given loan amount .

  8. 安全模型通过节点信用度和贡献度的增减来反映P2P流媒体服务中的安全事件,并依据节点对邻居节点信用度和贡献度积累记录值,决定节点的加入,数据下载和上传等行为方式。

    Through the node and the contribution of credit to respond to changes in P2P streaming media service security incidents , and based on nodes in the neighborhood node and the contribution of credit accumulation records , the decision nodes such as data download and upload behavior .

  9. 而华尔街的主要交易集团也希望TALF可以对小型评级机构开放,以恢复证券化的信用度。

    Keen to restore securitisation 's credibility , Wall Street 's main trade groups , too , want the TALF opened up to smaller rating agencies .

  10. 采用动态逆方法设计了系统的基本控制律,利用信用度分配机制和模糊思想来提高小脑模型控制器(CMAC)神经网络的收敛性以补偿动态逆建模误差。

    The basic control law of system was developed by nonlinear dynamic inversion , and inversion errors due to uncertain model were compensated by an improved cerebellar model articulation control ( CMAC ) neural network based on credit assignment principle and fuzzy rules .

  11. 通过分析品牌信用度的性质得出其与厂商生产效率之间的关系,即BCCP模型。

    Through analyzing the properties of the brand credit degree , we get its relationship with the production efficiency , which is BCCP model .

  12. 目前大多数主要市场都已实行了这项ISDA协议。由于它为复杂金融产品交易设定了根本标准,因此中国采用该协议也就提高了中国新生的金融产品市场的信用度。

    For the ISDA protocol , which has been implemented in most leading markets , essentially sets out standards for trading with complex financial products – thus making nascent Chinese markets in these instruments more credible .

  13. 次级按揭提供者通常依靠信用度来借出款项。

    Subprime lenders often depend on credit to make the loans .

  14. 基于遗传算法的电信客户初始信用度分配算法

    An Allocating Algorithm of Initial User 's Credit Based on Genetic Algorithms

  15. 基于免疫算法的移动通信用户信用度评估研究

    Credit evaluation for mobile telephone customers based on immune algorithm

  16. 如果你关闭账户,你就失去了信用度。

    If you close an account , you lose its credit line .

  17. 这首歌收听的人很多。(美)商业信用度;

    The song has been getting a very good ratings .

  18. 无线传感网络中基于信用度的分布式目标监测算法

    A Distributed Target Detection Algorithm Based on Credit-Degree in Wireless Sensor Network

  19. 移动通信用户信用度的预测评估

    An Approach to the Forecast and Evaluation of the Credits for Mobile Clients

  20. 从缴费行为分析电力客户信用度

    Analysis of clients ' credit from their paying behaviors

  21. 赊销客户信用度分析的神经网络模型

    Neural Network Model for Credit Analysis of Tally Clients

  22. 例句:他们现在又采取额外措施来核实客户的信用度。

    Ex : They now take extra steps to verify the creditworthiness of customers .

  23. 并且研究投诉问题和卖家的信用度、所在地等是否有必然的相关。

    And find out whether the location and credit of the sellers is necessarily related .

  24. 信用度高,社会运作成本就会低。

    When credit is high , the operating cost of the society will be low .

  25. 这些高收益的贷款发放给信用度低的购买者,然后出售给投资者。

    These highly profitable loans were marketed to risky buyers and then sold to investors .

  26. 萨尔提略市的企业抱怨最多的就是银行太少,而且信用度低。

    Top of the list of Saltillo businesses'complaints is the scarcity and cost of credit .

  27. 收入、债务和信用度等因素都扮演重要角色。

    Factors such as income , debt , and credit score would all play a role .

  28. 不久,我就可以毁坏他的信用度,取空他的银行帐户。

    Before long , I could be ruining his credit rating , draining his bank accounts .

  29. 信用度更好的借贷者和更优质的地产显然最有机会挺过这场再融资海啸。

    The better borrowers and properties clearly have the best chance of surviving the refinancing tsunami .

  30. 通过本文研究,品牌信用度是提高厂商转化效率的重要因素。

    Through this study , brand credit is improved an important factor to the conversion efficiency .