
  1. 很难说是因为雇主能够看到推荐信和期中考试成绩可能拥有比研究人员多得多的信息。

    It 's hard to say , because employers – with access to references and interim test results – may have much more information than researchers do .

  2. 厦门信隆城二期高层商住楼结构设计

    Structural Design for a Highrise Commercial-residential Building in Xiamen City

  3. 它利用了智能型远动GR90RTU设备实时遥测、遥信桥头电厂五期、六期电度量信息资源,并通过GR90RTU将数据传输至青海电网调度自动化系统。

    It remote measures and communicates information source of the electricity quantity , and transfers the data to Qinghai power net dispatching automatic system .

  4. 他们北上旅行的日期已经迫近,只剩下两个星期了,不料这时候嘉丁纳太太却寄来了一封信,使行期耽搁下来,旅行范围也得缩小。

    The time fixed for the beginning of their Northern tour was now fast approaching ; and a fortnight only was wanting of it , when a letter arrived from Mrs. Gardiner , which at once delayed its commencement and curtailed its extent .