
  • 网络Information overload;information overloading;information overloaded
  1. 这个说法的主要用户群体为计算机专家和好奇心强的专业人员,他们为了缓解信息过载的状况同时提升工作效率,想出来一些除了编写程序以外的工作方式。

    The term was primarily used by computer experts who suffer from information overload or those with a playful curiosity in the ways they can accelerate their workflow in ways other than programming .

  2. 信息过载和信息迷失已经成为制约人们高效使用Internet上信息的瓶颈。

    Information overload and information loss have become the bottlenecks for people to make effective use of the information on internet .

  3. 个性化推荐是一种已经被公认的能够有效解决internet信息过载的方法。

    Personalized Recommendation Services has been considered as a typical method to deal with the problem of internet mass information .

  4. 智能代理能自动执行用户委托的任务,能解决Internet信息过载问题。

    Intelligent agent can execute the tasks entrusted by consumers , and can solve the problem of information overload in Internet .

  5. 随着网上Web服务资源的日益膨胀,使得用户逐渐陷入了信息过载的困境中。

    With the increasing prosperity of the online Web service resources , users slide into the plight of " information overload " .

  6. 广义地讲Agent是具有自主性、交互性和反应特征的计算机软、硬件系统。Agent的出现为解决信息过载、信息干扰、资源迷向和信息拥塞等问题开辟了新的途径。

    With emergence of Agent , some problems including information overloading , information interfering and information block can be resolved .

  7. 随着Internet的飞速发展,知识管理面临信息过载、非结构化以及隐性知识的三大难题。

    Following the rapid development of Internet , knowledge management is confronted three problems , which are information overload , non-structure information and implicit knowledge .

  8. 随着Internet的不断发展,信息过载和资源迷向己经成为制约人们高效使用Internet信息的瓶颈。

    Along with the constant development of the Internet , information overload fans to their own resources and people on the efficient use of the Internet has become the information bottleneck .

  9. 信息过载问题随着web信息资源的迅速膨胀变得越来越严重,而搜索引擎是解决这一问题的基本工具。

    With the rapid expansion of the web information resources , the " information overload " problem is getting worse , and the search engine is the basic tool to solve this problem .

  10. 随着Weblog的普及,信息过载越来越严重。

    With the popularization of weblogging , information overload is worse than ever .

  11. 随着面向服务技术的普及,服务的整合技术也日趋成熟,但山于用户难以直接执行Web服务和进行服务组合,目前的服务组合定制性并不高,通常还会使用户陷入信息过载的困境。

    Service oriented technique is now popular and service integration is more mature . However it is difficult for ordinary user to execute web service or compose web services directly . The process of service composition is not customizable .

  12. 研究Web信息过载的问题,提出一种新的基于基因算法的信息免疫模型(IIM)。

    Deals with the problem of information overload on the Web , and proposes a new information immune model ( IIM ) based on gene algorithm .

  13. 为了减少这种类型的服务器信息过载,WebSpherePortal现在支持一种客户端的编程模型,这种模型允许portlet状态在客户端更有效率地执行。

    To reduce this type of server traffic , WebSphere Portal now supports a client-side programming model in which portlet state changes can be performed more efficiently on the client side .

  14. 例如,如何通过更加智能和个性化的Internet系统,解决信息过载和资源迷向的问题,让人们能够更充分地使用Internet上的信息资源。

    For example , how to resolve the problem of " information overload " and " resource lost ", and help the people to make the best of the information and resource of Internet , by developing more intelligent and personalized Internet systems .

  15. 随着WWW的迅猛发展和广泛使用,信息过载的问题日趋严重,信息过滤日益重要。

    With the rapid development and extensive use of WWW , it is important for information filtering against the more and more serious problem of Information overload .

  16. 最后,本文提出了对于此种方案的改进方法,消除不可信移动设备的影响,在一定程度上缓解了M2M和3GPP网络融合过程中的信息过载问题。

    In closing , we propose a possible improvement on the scheme , which eliminate the impact of untrusted devices and alleviate the information overloading problem .

  17. 同时,却又面临着信息过载的困扰。

    Meanwhile , are also confronting the problem of overload obsession .

  18. 信息过载、文献保障和小型高校图书馆

    Information Overload , Resource Support and the Small-size College Libraries

  19. 事项法会计信息过载问题研究

    Study on the Problem of Information Overload of ' Events ' Accounting

  20. 与此同时,信息过载也成为了困扰用户的新问题。

    At the same time , information overload becomes a new problem .

  21. 信息过载与作战指挥员/最终报告

    Information Overload and the Operational Commander ; Final rept

  22. 为了在一定程度上解决商品信息过载的问题,人们提出了推荐算法。

    To solve the problem of information overload , recommendation algorithms are proposed .

  23. 博客订阅如何处理信息过载?

    How does Bloglines cure information overload ?

  24. 信息过载和信息迷失已严重制约了人们对网络信息的使用。

    Information overload and information lost have severely restricted the use of network information for people .

  25. 信息过载问题及其研究

    Information Overload and Its Studies

  26. 随着互联网的迅猛发展,信息过载已经成为一个亟待解决的问题。

    With the explosion of World Wide Web , " Information Overload " has become a serious problem .

  27. 信息过载问题是指,人们无法从海量的信息中快速准确的定位到自己所需要的信息。

    The information overload problem refers that people can not quickly and accurately locate the information they need .

  28. 数据泛滥“、”信息过载“而”知识贫乏的矛盾日益突显。

    Data is flush "," information overload " and " knowledge is poor contradictory increasingly dash forward show .

  29. 当然,电子纪录并非万应良药,而且还有可能导致信息过载。

    Electronic records aren 't a panacea , of course , and can even lead to information overload .

  30. 信息过载是指用户面对太多的信息难以及时地消化、吸收;

    Information overload means that it is difficult for people to absorb and understand information when facing so much data .