
xìn hào jí lián fànɡ dà
  • signaling cascade
  1. 细胞内游离Ca2+升高,激活一些蛋白磷酸酶,使底物蛋白磷酸化,将外界信号级联放大,进入核内,影响DNA复制,导致细胞恶变及肿瘤细胞的增殖分化。

    The increasing of intracellular free Ca2 + active some protein phosphatase , thereby , affected cell DNA replication , leading to cell malignant transformation and tumor cell proliferation and differentiation .

  2. c-fos作为即刻早期基因的一种,编码的Fos蛋白组成了其他许多基因的转录调控因子,因而可将外界信号级联放大,造成细胞长期的生理功能改变。

    C fos , one of the immediate early genes , encodes Fos , which appears to modulate the express of more downstream genes and attribute to long term changes in cellular function .

  3. IFN诱导的过程实际上是一个信号传递和级联放大的过程。

    The inducing process of IFN is actually a signal transducing and propagating progress .