
  1. 此外,引起人们担忧的还有影子银行与正规银行体系业务交集的多个领域,特别是银行以收益率高于存款利率为卖点、大力销售的信托公司理财产品。

    Moreover , there is concern about areas where the shadow banking system meets the official banking system , particularly in the form of wealth management products from trust companies that banks have been marketing with higher rates than deposits .

  2. 银行信托贷款类理财产品法律问题研究

    An Analysis on the Legal Issues of Financial Products of Bank Trust and Loans

  3. 如今艺术品投资市场的火爆,与楼市、股市的冷淡形成了鲜明对比,且正逐步实现艺术金融产品的多样化,比如艺术品基金、艺术品信托、艺术理财产品等。

    Now compared with the stagnant housing market and the stock market , the art investment market is more popular far beyond them , and it is diversifying financial products gradually , such as art fund , art trust , art financial products and so on .

  4. 这种杠杆化赌博的资金,主要来自银行和信托公司出售的理财产品。

    The money for these leveraged bets comes mainly from wealth management products sold by banks and trust companies .

  5. 这些渠道包括伞形信托,即信托公司出售理财产品,然后将所得以贷款形式提供给对冲基金。

    These include umbrella trusts , in which trust companies sell wealth management products and channel the proceeds into loans to hedge funds .

  6. 随着信托理财市场日益兴旺,投资者对信托理财产品的认知度越来越高,它的高收益、安全稳定受到到了许多投资者的青睐。

    With the growing prosperity of the Trust financial markets , the awareness of investors about the Trust financial products is rising up until to a high security and stability yield .