
  • 网络isa;IS audit;IS auditing;information system auditing;system audit
  1. 主要论证了在我国开展信息系统审计的必要性与可行性。

    It mainly demonstrates the necessity and feasibility of ISA development in China .

  2. 第二章信息系统审计的必要性与可行性。

    Chapter Two : The necessity and feasibility of ISA .

  3. 信息系统审计(ISA)是专业审计人员根据审计标准,针对信息系统的安全性、可靠性和有效性实施独立审计并发表意见,向IS对象的最高领导层提出一系列建议的管理活动。

    Information System Audit is the management that professional auditors carry out independent audit and comment on safety , security and validity of information system , and give a series of advice to top leaders .

  4. 目前信息系统审计与控制协会(ISACA)早已颁发了信息系统审计的执业标准。

    Now information system auditing and control association ( ISACA ) had promulgate auditing standard .

  5. 信息系统审计与控制框架初探

    On the Audit of Information System and the Structure of Control

  6. 信息系统审计&备份与灾难恢复方案

    Strategy of information system audit and control & backup and restore planning

  7. 从企业信息化的进程看信息系统审计的发展

    The Development of Information System Audit in the Process of Enterprises Informatization

  8. 我国电子政务信息系统审计探析

    IT Audit to the E - Government in Our Country

  9. 信息系统审计及其相关问题分析

    Information System Audit and Its Analysis of Related Problems

  10. 略论金融操作风险与金融机构信息系统审计体系之构建

    Construction of Financial Operational Risk and Audit System of Financial Institution Information System

  11. 信息系统审计在商业银行审计中的应用研究

    Application Study on Information System Audit in the Audit of the Commercial Bank

  12. 第二章,主要是对信息系统审计风险进行界定。

    In chapter two , we definite the risk of Information system auditing .

  13. 第三章分析信息系统审计风险的要素和新特点。第四章、第五章是本文的核心。

    In chapter three we analysis the factors and characteristics of the risk .

  14. 我国信息化建设中信息系统审计问题研究

    Research for the Problems of Information System Audit in Information-based Construction of China

  15. 中观经济主体信息系统审计的理论分析及实施路径探索

    Exploring the Theoretic and Applicable Route on Information System Audit of Meso-Economic Entities

  16. 信息系统审计&医疗业务影响分析与持续计划建立

    Medical business impact analysis and continuity plan developing

  17. 信息系统审计在美国、日本、加拿大、英国等国发展都非常迅速。

    Information system auditing develop rapidly in America , Japan , Canada and Britain .

  18. 因此,商业银行信息系统审计应运而生。

    Therefore , the commercial banks information systems audit emerge as the times require .

  19. 信息系统审计&一种新的热门职业

    Information system audit-a new and hot job

  20. 角色认同差异、责任推脱行为与政府信息系统审计定位

    Difference of Role-Identity , Behavior of Shifting Responsibilities and Reorientation of Government Information System Audit

  21. 信息系统审计探析

    The Essence of Information System Audit

  22. 联网环境下信息系统审计的体系架构

    Online Information System Audit Architecture

  23. 最后,比较了会计信息系统审计与IT环境下财务报表审计的不同之处。

    Finally , we introduce the difference between the accounting information system audit and the traditional audit under IT environment .

  24. 这些原则是合理评价审计风险的先决条件。(5)以信息系统审计风险的概念为基础,建立信息系统审计风险模型。

    All these principles are the precondition . Fifthly , set up a model of the risk of Information system auditing .

  25. 然后文章介绍了信息系统审计的基本概念,提出了基于应用行为过程的信息审计思想,并抽象出一个信息审计的应用模式。

    Secondly the fundamental concept of Information System Audit is introduced , and the thinking of Information Audit based on Application Process is proposed .

  26. 信息系统审计的理论架构&论其学科归属与基于风险审计理论的操作流程

    The Frame of Information System Audit Theory : A Discussion on the Subject ISA Attributed to and the Operation Flow Based on Risk-Audit Theory

  27. 为降低审计风险,审计软件的使用会成为信息系统审计的主要手段。

    In order to reduce the auditing risk , the use of the auditing software will become the primary mean of information systems audit .

  28. 随着信息化与工业化的快速发展,信息系统审计方法也应与时俱进。

    As the rapid development of information technology and industrialization , the approach of information systems audit should also be advancing with the times .

  29. 数据审计作为信息系统审计的重要组成部分,对信息系统的安全与稳定具有十分重要的意义。

    Data audit is one of the most important parts in information system audit , it has important significance to maintain the security and stability of information system .

  30. 为保证风险控制的有效顺利实施,信息系统审计起着重要的作用,对审计如何参与此过程进行了探讨。

    To ensure effective implementation of risk management , information systems audit played an important role in the process , and how to participate in this process were discussed .