
kuài jì yuán
  • accountant;bookkeeper
  1. 外资企业任初级会计员之职

    To serve as enterprise with foreign investment as a junior accountant

  2. 会计员会替你审查这些数字。

    The accountant will to into these figures for you .

  3. Xero的收入中,有相当一部分来自那些给地球另一端的公司做账的会计员。

    A substantial amount of Xero 's revenue comes from accountants who make a living by doing the books of companies in countries on the other side of the world .

  4. 会计员、财务分析员和财务干事第二级职等标准

    Tier II grade-level standards for accountants , financial analysts and finance of

  5. 会计员携款潜逃了。

    The accountant skipped off with the money .

  6. 他是会计员。我帮了他一个星期。

    He is an accountant . I have been helping him for a week .

  7. 我是一个优秀的会计员,并且精通英语。

    I am a good accountant and have a thorough knowledge of the English language .

  8. 有,有我们的会计员那里。

    Yes , our accountant keeps it .

  9. 我是一个公司的会计员。

    I 'm an accountant company .

  10. 他们是会计员还是出纳员?

    Are they accountants or cashiers ?

  11. 我们过着仅能糊口的生活,因为我父亲只是个薪水很低的会计员。

    We live from hand to mouth because my father is an accountant with a low salary .

  12. 当他的会计员发现钱不见的时候他就把责任归咎给我们并且继续这样的举动。

    And when his accountant mentioned to him that money was missing he blamed us and continued his behavior .

  13. 当决定要投资的时候,投资者应该请教投资者自己的律师,会计员,投资顾问和其他的专业顾问。

    Investor should consult investor 's own attorneys , accountants , investment advisers and other professional advisers when considering an investment .

  14. 专业操守奖励计划〔廉政公署〕申请补助金和奖学金者请把信寄给大学会计员。

    Ethical Award Scheme [ Independent Commission Against Corruption ] Inquiries about grants or scholarships should be to the College Bursar .

  15. 在公司忠实地服务了十年的会计员,拐走了至少十万英磅。

    The accountant , after serving the company faithfully for ten years , absconded with at least a hundred thousand pounds .

  16. 指责别人向他要财务报告时,那位会计员不该生气的,没有人攻击他的诚实。

    impugn The treasurer should not have been offended when asked for a financial report . No one was impugning his honesty .

  17. 杰西·艾森伯格饰演一位神经紧张的会计员,在他被一群骑自行车的人暴揍以后变得更加神经质。

    Jesse Eisenberg stars as a nervous accountant who gets even more nervous after he is beaten up by a gang of bikers .

  18. 资深会计员必须在快速发展的环境下得以提高并且在任何时候具有团队精神。

    The senior accountant must be able to thrive in a fast-paced , innovative environment and be a team player at all times .

  19. 上个月月底,27岁的陈晓琳(音译)辞掉自己在上海一家公关公司的会计员工作。

    Chen Xiaolin , 27 , quit her job as an accountant in a PR company in Shanghai at the end of last month .

  20. 人们可能认为在财务部工作只是简单地意味着当一个会计员,但是,在P&G不是这样的。

    People may think working in Finance and Accounting Department simply means to be an accountant , which is not true in P & G.

  21. (工商企业的)成本会计员本地工商界多成立工商组织,代表他们的利益。

    Cost accountant [ clerk ] The local business community has a strong and well-established culture in forming trade and industrial associations to represent their interests .

  22. 德伦:嗯,财务部一名会计员被发现篡改帐簿,据说他侵占公司约一万元。

    Derren : Well one of the accountants in the finance office was caught fiddling the books . Apparently he had defrauded the company of around $ 10,000 .

  23. 器材厂的会计部并没有太多人,设有一个财务部长,一个出纳,两个会计员,而教导我的是老会计霞姐。

    The Department of Accounting plant equipment and not many people , a Minister of Finance , a cashier , the two accountants , and I teach the old accounting Xia Jie .