
  • 网络accounting environment
  1. 根据会计环境和实际情况,目前我国政府会计只能选择模式X。

    According to the accounting environment and the actual situation , Chinese government accounting can only choose Model X at present .

  2. 会计环境的好坏直接影响到会计职业道德水平的高低。

    The accounting environment has direct influence on accountants'professional ethics .

  3. 加入WTO与经济全球化,使我国的会计环境发生了重大变化。

    Entrance WTO and economy globalization enable accountant surroundings to change greatly in our country .

  4. 加入WTO后,我国的会计环境将发生很大的变化,会计业面临规范体系不完善、处理风险加大、核算内容增加等挑战。

    The WTO affiliation has brought about great changes in Chinese accounting conditions , especially the challenges to in terms of regulation system , operational risks and financial proctice , etc.

  5. 本文立足于加入WTO以后我国会计环境产生的巨变,在研究了会计准则和会计环境关系的基础上,分析了我国会计准则建设当前面临的挑战,并提出了相应的对策。

    The paper puts forward a series of countermeasures after analyzing on the great change of accounting circumstances after China 's WTO entry , the relationship between accounting circumstances and accounting principles and the challenges faced by China 's Accounting Principles Reformation .

  6. 问卷调查的研究结论不仅检验了会计环境的影响,为实证研究结果提供了有力的解释;更说明片面跟进IFRS的变化可能在增加财务报告编报成本的同时,并不能提高决策有用性。

    Findings of the questionnaire study not only verify the influence of external environments on accounting and offer powerful explanations to empirical study results , but also suggest that adoption of the change in IFRS does not necessarily improve usefulness of financial reports to decision making .

  7. 关于当前会计环境及会计改革中的问题

    About the Problems of Accounting Environments and Accounting Reforms at Present

  8. 论会计环境变化对会计教学的影响

    On the Influence of the Changing Accounting Circumstance on Accounting Teaching

  9. 我国会计环境对会计信息质量的总体影响

    The General Influence on Accounting Information Equality of China Accounting Environment

  10. 会计环境;会计目标;综合收益列报格式;

    Accounting environment Accounting objective Presentation format of comprehensive income ;

  11. 民航企业会计环境的研究

    A Study of the Accounting Environment in Civil Aviation Enterprises

  12. 就我国会计环境论计量基础的选择

    On Selection of Measurement Basis by Accounting Environment of China

  13. 政府会计环境与政府会计改革研究:回顾和展望

    Governmental Accounting Circumstance and Governmental Accounting Reform Research : Expectation and Review

  14. 会计环境变迁与会计职业判断

    The Changing of Accounting Environments and Accountants ' Professional Judgment

  15. 浅议电算会计环境下会计内部控制制度设计

    Talking about the Design of Accounting Internal Control System in Computerized Accounting Environment

  16. 会计环境的变革对邮电资费的影响

    Effects of changing environment of accounting on telecom tariffs

  17. 会计环境决定了会计的发展和变化。

    The development and transform of accounting are determined by the accounting environment .

  18. 会计环境对会计发展的影响

    A Preliminary Study on the Influence of Environment on the Development of Accounting

  19. 会计环境与我国会计目标

    Accounting Environment and Our Country 's Accounting Target

  20. 但是,随着高等学校面临的会计环境的变化,现行的《高校会计制度》在会计核算和监督方面存在很大的局限性。

    As the accounting environment changes , it is limited in accounting and surveillance .

  21. 会计环境与会计学的基本假设&对会计学基本假设研究的检讨

    Accounting Environment and the Basic Hypothesis in Accounting

  22. 只有结合本国的政府会计环境,才能使得收益最大化。

    By combining with the national accounting environment can we make the maximum benefit .

  23. 第四章,中美会计环境的比较与分析。

    Part four , Comparison and analysis about accounting circumstance between American and Chinese .

  24. 基于会计环境的会计理论和实务势必发生变革。

    Traditional accounting theory and practice based on the accounting environment will definitely be changed .

  25. 德国会计环境与模式对中国会计变革的启示

    Germany 's Accounting Environment and Accounting Model : the Enlightenment to China 's Accounting Reform

  26. 关于我国的会计环境分析

    Analysis on the Accounting Circumstances of China

  27. 知识经济的到来,将使会计环境发生一系列变化。

    With the advent of knowledge economy , accounting environment will be undergoing great changes .

  28. 论网络时代的会计环境

    On the Accounting Environment in Network Era

  29. 论会计环境与会计发展

    On the Environment and Development of Accounting

  30. 在概括会计环境因素的基础上重点分析中国的会计环境;

    Analyze the accounting environment of China especially on the basis of summarizing accountingenvironmental factor .