
  1. 因此,在对票务收入进行分账时,同一条OD针对不同的换乘情况有不同的分账选择。

    Therefore , different splits are selected to split the ticket revenue with an O-D for different transfer modes .

  2. 比起好莱坞电影,此类电影的收入分账一般更高。去年IMAX在中国上映了28部电影,22部都是好莱坞电影。

    Revenue sharing arrangements for such movies are typically more generous than for Hollywood flicks , which accounted for 22 out 28 films screened by Imax in China last year .

  3. 我们首先尝试的是《教父》(TheGodfather),一开始我们很担心,因为如果我们自己开发一款游戏的话,我们完全可以自己赚钱,不必跟任何人分账。

    We started with The Godfather . In the beginning , we were really concerned because , if we made a game ourselves , we could make money and not have to share it with anybody .

  4. 我国个人账户分账式管理模式研究

    The Research on Chinese Individual Account 's Account-divided Management Model

  5. 分账制下个人账户基金投资策略

    On the Investment Tactics of Personal Account Fund in Social Endowment Insurance

  6. 该公司通过设备销售、收入分账协议及系统维护赚钱。

    The company makes money from equipment sales , revenue sharing agreements and systems maintenance .

  7. 分账制下基本养老保险个人账户基金投资研究

    The Investment with Individual Account of Basic Pension Funds Under the System of Independent Account

  8. 同时,意马工作室和发行方华纳兄弟在分账上产生了纠纷。

    Meanwhile , Imagi got into disputes with its distributor Warner Brothers about profit allocation .

  9. 现在他们请我来喝咖啡,然后又要让我分账。

    They invite me in for coffee . And then they ask me to split the bill .

  10. 因为我们是老朋友,所以只有五五分账的口头协议。

    Since we were old friends , we relied on a verbal agreement that we would own the business 50-50 .

  11. 在分配上,剧场与戏班之间形成了分账制、场租制、包场制等多种分配方式。

    On the distribution , the theater and the troupe formed split system , rental system , book system and other distribution systems .

  12. 分账制下,个人账户基金和社会统筹基金分开管理,个人账户实账运行。

    Under the system of independent account , the individual account fund is separated from social pool fund , and runs in the model of " full account " .

  13. 会计核算采用分账制,即平时对每一项业务,均按业务的计价货币填制凭证、登记账簿、编制报表。

    Accounting practice should adopt separate accounting system , i.e.the bank should make vouchers , keep accounting books and prepare financial statements according to the currency in which a transaction is priced .

  14. 应弥补会计中心工作模式缺陷,解决收支分账管理和会计中心功能不全的问题,搞好会计中心与财政部门之间的对接。

    The solutions to separate collection and payment and the functions of accounting center are the perfection of working modes of accounting center to promote the connection between accounting center and financial departments .

  15. 同时,应该采取韩国产业银行的经营模式,对其政策性业务和商业性金融业务进行混合经营,并成立不同的业务部门进行经营、分账管理。

    At the same time , China Development Bank should adopt the management mode of Korea Development Bank , and do the policy financial business and commercial financial business in different departments and accounts . 3 .

  16. 完善中国社会保险会计的根本对策是实行社会统筹与个人账户基金的分账管理和单独核算,并以此为基础按社会统筹和个人账户两种基金主体构建两套会计制度。

    To improve current situation , the effective countermeasure is to design two accounting systems for the different funds on the basis of the separate management and the calculation of social insurance funds and individual account funds .

  17. 该公司周四表示,2014年的应用程序销售额同比上涨50%,应用程序开发者的收入达到了150亿美元左右,公司从中分账45亿美元。

    The company said on Thursday that in 2014 , billings from app sales rose 50 percent from the previous year , which results in roughly $ 15 billion in revenue for app developers and a $ 4.5 billion cut for Apple .

  18. 国务院于2000年底决定进行完善城镇养老保险的试点,试点的主要内容是实行个人账户的实账运营和统筹账户与个人账户的分账管理。

    China state council has decided in the end of 2000 to make experiments in consummating the system of old-age pension in some urban areas . Its main point is located in conducting real account system for personal account and differing the overall account from the personal one .

  19. 国际保理业务中应收账款债权让与的法律分析国际保理是集应收账款催收、出口贸易融资、销售分户账管理、信用销售控制与坏帐担保于一体的综合性金融服务。

    International factoring is a comprehensive tool of international settlement and financing provided by factors to exporters , which involves collection of accounts receivables , export trade financing , sales ledger administration , credit control and full protection against bad debts .

  20. 结账包括将结账分录记入日记账和将结账分录过账两个过程。

    Closing the accounts includes two processes of journalizing and posting the closing entries .

  21. 总之,我认为二百七十五分之一的拆账应该算是很公平的了,不过,考虑到我生来就是一块挑得起重担的材料,如果出我二百分之一的话,我也不会感到惊奇。

    Upon the whole , I thought that the 275th lay would be about the fair thing , but would not have been surprised had I been offered the 200th , considering I was of a broad-shouldered make .