
  • 网络Analytical Sociology
  1. 他们像社会人类学家分析社会学案例一样,对科学史上诸案例进行考察,并试图找出那些所谓的正确或错误的知识背后的真正原因。

    They review many cases in the history of science in the same way as social anthropologists analyze the sociological cases , and try to find out those real reasons of so called true or false knowledge .

  2. 第二章主要分析了社会学解释方法的运用条件。

    The second chapter analyzes the conditions in using the sociological interpretation .

  3. 制度分析是社会学研究的传统之一,而对制度实践逻辑的关注也是社会学研究的主要切入点。

    And one of the research points is the practical logic of the institution .

  4. 这里选择了日本全国性报纸的《每日新闻》及《经济杂志·新闻学家》等,并以这些报纸的报道为中心,分析环境社会学。

    This paper analyses environmental sociology based on the reports of a number of newspapers .

  5. 会话分析是社会学的一个分支,它起源于上个世纪的60年代的美国。

    Conversation analysis , which originated from 1960s in America , is a branch of sociology .

  6. 本文主要运用了文本研究、比较研究、案例分析以及社会学研究等方法。

    This paper applied such text research , comparison , case analysis and sociological research as methods .

  7. 理论分析从社会学角度展开,以社会化理论和家庭理论就父母冲突对未成年人人格健康发展的不良影响进行理论解释。

    The former explains how parental conflicts influence minors ' personality health in view of socialization and family theories ;

  8. 应把经济学分析与社会学和行为科学分析结合起来,建立企业领导权威的跨学科理论解释模型。

    We should combine the economic analysis with sociology and behavior analysis , and establish a cross disciplinary explanation model about the firm leader authority .

  9. 本研究在对相关经济学分析和社会学、心理学分析理论的梳理的基础上,综合有相关学科的理论和方法,对保险的需求与消费规律进行探讨。

    On the basis of critique of related knowledge of economic , sociological , and psychological analysis , this article aims to discuss motivation of insurance demand and consumption mentality in the views of economic psychology .

  10. 计算机犯罪的多因素分析与犯罪社会学的发展

    A Multi-factors Analysis of Computer Crime and the Development of Crime Sociology

  11. 关于哈特和庞德法律思想的比较&兼议新分析法学和社会学法学的异同

    A Comparison Between the New Analytical Law and Sociological Law

  12. 学者们分别从心理学、精神分析学、社会学或者社会心理学的角度对群体无意识这种社会现象做出解释。

    Scholars have explained the phenomenon from such perspective as psychology , psychoanalysis , demotics and social psychology .

  13. 这方面的分析可以应用社会学研究中的生命历程典范。

    The life-course research , which is widely applied in recent decades , can be utilized in such analyses .

  14. 戈夫曼与舒茨的社会情景中个人及个人行动理论分析&现代社会学思想流派中的主观主义倾向

    Goffman and Schutz 's individual and individual 's action theory in Social Situation & the subjectivism tendency in modern sociology idea

  15. 他分析了知识社会学的出场位系,对知识社会学的性质、范围、前提、特征以及分析程序等做了较为明晰的界定。

    He analyzed the " constellation " of the sociology of knowledge and clearly defined its nature , range , premise , features and analysis procedures .

  16. 单因素分析结果提示社会学影响因素中,年龄、性别、婚姻状况、文化程度、最近诊所距离与两周患病有统计学意义;

    Mono-factor analysis showed : the sociology influence factors , such as age , sex , marriage , education , shortest distance from clinic , were significant different .

  17. 采用文献资料法、综合分析法从社会学角度探讨了排球运动的文化内涵、外交功能及时代特性。

    By means of documents and comprehensive analysis , this paper probes into volleyball , its cultural connotations , diplomatic functions and characteristics of the times from a sociological perspective .

  18. 为此,作者尝试用精神分析学和社会学的知识对儒家文化的反思之道,希翼加深对代表儒家文化的圣贤人格的理解。

    Therefore , this article tried to analyze narcissistic character in Chinese main Culture & Confucianism , hoping to get to know about moral idealizing personality in Confucianism more deeply .

  19. 课程社会学基础的研究,内容包括课程研究的社会学范式,课程的社会性分析,教育社会学流派对课程的透析等。

    The content of the basic study on course sociology includes the sociological pattern of course study , the sociological analysis of courses , and the dialysis of education sociology schools on courses .

  20. 本文采用历史分析方法、社会学法学分析方法和逻辑分析方法,以并列式的逻辑结构对私法理念进行研究。全文包括导论、正文和结语三个部分。

    The historical analytical method , the sociological jurisprudential analytical method , the logical analytical method and a coordinate logical structure have been adopted by the author in the research of the idea of private law .

  21. 本文运用个案法和文献研究的定性分析方法和社会学的多层面、多角度的视角试图对体现在当代中国人身上的观念意识与行为模式的背离现象进行探讨。

    Using qualitative analysis methods of case study and documentary study , this paper tries to explore the deviation phenomenon between behavior modes and ideology in national character from the sociological multi-level and multi-angle points of view .

  22. 中国教会教育史研究述评以中国大陆学术界为分析范围历史社会学视角中的美国大学教育学院研究评《教育学院之困境》

    An overview of the history of Chinese Christian education & Researches based on the mainland ; A Study on Ed Schools from a Perspective of Historical Sociology : A Commentary on " The Trouble with Ed Schools ";

  23. 本文基于哲学视角,依据组织学习的过程对组织学习主体进行了分析,基于社会学嵌入性理论对组织学习主体的社会-个人特征进行了分析。

    Firstly , this paper analyzes the principal part according to the process of the organizational learning based on the philosophical angle . And then it analyzes the society-individual characteristics of the principal part based on the embedded theory .

  24. 新分析法学和社会学法学是实证主义法学的两个主要派别,作为自然法学的对立面,二者既有一定的交融,又在某些理论问题上表现出原则的区别。

    The New Analytical Law and Sociological Law are two factions of the Testimonial Law . As the opposite of the Natural Law , to some extent , they are intermingled , but they have difference of principles on some theoretical problems .

  25. 本文从分析纯粹法社会学理论的研究对象和方法入手,梳理纯粹法社会学理论的主要渊源,归纳、提炼这一理论的中心内容,并探讨其科学的方法在法社会学研究中的得失。

    This paper will analyze the subject matter of pure sociological theory of law and its method , review its source , generalize its main idea and discuss the gains and losses of its scientific method in the sociological research of law .

  26. 第一章在分析语言学、社会学、哲学三个典型领域有关话语的描述和理解的基础上,对课程话语进行了界定,并分析将其引入课程研究的意义。

    Chapter ⅰ, based on the analysis of the description and comprehension of " curriculum discourse " in three typical fields & linguistics , sociology and philosophy , gives a definition of curriculum discourse , and analyzes the significance of introducing it into the field of curriculum research .

  27. 对比分析国内外体育社会学研究方法

    Contrastive Analysis of Social Sports Research 's Method Home and Abroad

  28. 分析科学学到科学社会学这一研究发展趋向。

    Analyze the trend from science of science to sociology of science develop .

  29. 后现代法学是继自然法学、分析实证法学、社会学法学三大流派之后的又一具有重大影响的法学思潮。

    Post-modern jurisprudence is the legal trend of important influence after natural jurisprudence , positivist jurisprudence , sociological jurisprudence .

  30. 本课程的目的,在于导引学生了解应用于人类学分析中重要的社会学理论与思辩。

    This course introduces students to some of the major social theories and debates that inspire and inform anthropological analysis .