
  • 网络communicative rationality;communicative ration;communication reason;communicative reason;communicative reason or rationality
  1. 行政程序制度具有独特的理性价值,这是由其所具有的工具理性和沟通理性决定的。

    The administrative procedure system has particular rational values which are determined by its instrumental rationality and communicating rationality .

  2. 赛博空间包涵着丰富的人类理性的精神内涵,亦具有工具理性、操作理性、沟通理性和价值理性等层次。

    The cyber space includes enriched spiritual content of mankind rational , the levels of consist of means rational , value rational , rational of manipulate , rational of linkup etc.

  3. 利用相关的文化理论与行动理论对精神控制进行考察,得出其本质是阻碍沟通理性与争夺文化霸权。

    Inspect the mind control by using the relative cultural theory and behavioral theory , and come to know that its nature is to stop communication rationally and struggle for hegemony .

  4. 通过多种公众参与的程序,不同的利益主体需求得到通畅表达,不同的意见、观念得以公开呈现,这样平等的沟通和理性的协商才得以进行。

    Procedures for public participation through a variety of different stakeholders needs are clear expression of different views , ideas to be presented publicly , so that equality of rational communication and consultation can be carried out before .

  5. 风险沟通与公众理性

    Risk Communication and Public Rationality

  6. 并指出在三者良性沟通的过程中,必须坚持信任沟通、理性沟通和制度化沟通,同时要学习和借鉴西方国家的成功经验。

    And that the process of communication in the three healthy , we must uphold the trust of communication , rational communication and institutional communication , while learning their successful experience from many western countries .

  7. 同时,通过SARS事件,着重分析了风险沟通的性质、特点,以及风险沟通对公众理性干预的可能途径和条件;

    Taking SARS as an example , this article also analysis the nature and characteristics of risk communization , and the possible ways and related conditions for risk communication to influence public rationality .