
gōu gǔ
  • gully;cleugh;cheuch
沟谷[gōu gǔ]
  1. 不对称V形沟谷填方路基病害分析

    Analysis of Defect in Backfill Subgrade in Asymmetric " V " Ditch

  2. 基于DEM的沟谷网络节点水流累积量研究

    Research of Water Accumulation of Channel Network Nodes Based on DEM

  3. 大别山区DEM的制作及其沟谷的提取

    DEM Production of Dabie Mountain and Extraction of Its Gullies

  4. 基于DEM自动提取泥石流沟谷边缘线算法的试验

    The Test of Auto Extract Debris Flow Channels ' Edge Arithmetic by DEM

  5. 利用DEM提取陕北黄土高原沟谷网络的汇流阈值研究

    Conflux Threshold of Extracting Stream Networks from DEMs in North Shaanxi Province of Loess Plateau

  6. 大部分桥梁的桥址处在V形沟谷地带,部分桥梁的墩高已经超过了50米。

    The locations of most bridges are in the valley , and some of these bridges have a high-pier more than 50 meters .

  7. 基于DEM的黄土高原丘陵沟壑区沟谷网络节点研究

    Research on Channel Network Nodes Based on DEM in Hill and Gully Area of the Loess Plateau

  8. 二维地表相邻多个半圆弧沟谷对SH波的散射

    Scattering of plane SH-waves by multiple circular-arc valleys at the two-dimensional surface of the earth

  9. 比较这两个因素,DEM网格尺寸对沟谷提取的精度影响更大。

    Comparing with the factors that the influence of DEM grid dimension is greater to the precision of gully-valley extraction .

  10. 泥石流(debrisflows,通常也叫mudslides)是一种能够在沟谷深壑中快速流动的滑坡体。

    Debris flows , also known as mudslides , are a common type of fast-moving landslide that tends to flow in channels .

  11. NW、NNE二组交叉节理制约着山文沟谷的伸展方向;

    The cross-joint of NW with NNE controls the stretching directions of the valleys and mountain ranges ;

  12. 通过对V形不对称沟谷填方路基、路面病害、排水的调查及路基面波波速测试,对路基失稳原因进行分析,提出处治方法与建议。

    Through investigation to " V " shape asymmetric ditch backfill subgrade , pavement defect and water drainage , etc. , this paper gives analyses to cause of subgrade instability and suggests counter measures .

  13. 该文对近20多a来基于栅格数字高程模型(DEM)提取沟谷系统的方法与技术进行了综述。

    In this paper , the methodology of channel network extraction from grid-based digital elevation model ( DEM ) of the past more than 20 years is reviewed .

  14. 本文采用转换矩阵法(Transitionmatrixmethod)研究二维地表任意形状的沟谷对稳态SH波的散射问题,包括地表同时存在二条沟谷时的多重散射问题。

    The transition matrix method is used for studying the scattering problem of harmonic SH waves by valleys or trenches of arbitrary shape at the surface of the earth , including the multiple scattering case in the presence of two valleys .

  15. 流经破裂带的一系列沟谷发生左旋同步扭曲,平均滑动速率为134~168mma,属AA级活动水平。

    A series of dongas and valleys cut by the rupture show isochronous sinistral strike slip , the slip rate is 13.4 ~ 16.8mm/a on an average that belongs to AA activity level .

  16. 长白山区沟谷沼泽湿地乌拉苔草(Carexmeyeriana)地上生物量与土壤有机质和氮素相关性分析

    Analysis of Correlation Between Biomass of Carex meyeriana and Soil Organic Matter and Soil Nitrogen in the Changbai Mountain Valley

  17. 本文介绍基于数学形态学的沟壑密度提取算法,从TM影像中提取沟谷线信息,从而有效地解决了土壤侵蚀评价中下垫面表征因子提取问题。

    An algorithm for extracting the ravine density based on mathematical morphology , which extracts the channels and vales from TM images , is introduced to solve the issue of the extraction of token factors in the evaluation of soil erosion .

  18. 泥石流沟长度均超过2km,沟床平均纵坡降130‰,地表松散物质的厚度都在65m以上,其来源有所不同,克西林沟泥石流的固体物质来源于沟谷两侧的也古、拉巴滑坡堆积物;

    The length of the debris flow gullies is more than 2 km , the average gully ratio is 130 ‰ and the thickness of surficial loose material is more than 6.5 m.

  19. 结果ZB区奥陶系风化壳侵蚀沟谷及顶面起伏形态的识别解释结果与地质综合研究成果基本吻合;开发井的预测结果与实际钻井结果符合程度高,并取得了良好的应用效果。

    Results The identified results of eroded channel-vale and reservoir top fluctuant configuration were consistent with the integrated geological research results in ZB block , and the forecasting results of exploitation wells were accorded with the actual drilling results very well and acquired better effect .

  20. 冲沟溯源侵蚀速度加快,如元谋地层上发育的冲沟,年均溯源侵蚀速度50cm左右最大达200cm,沟谷密度一般为3~5km/km~2;

    The speed of headward erosion of the gullies has been increased . The erosion speed of the gullies which are developed on the Yuanmou layer is about 50 cm / a , the maximum speed reached 200 cm / a.

  21. 基于谐波分析的黄土高原小流域沟谷分布规律研究

    Quantifying valley topographic distribution using harmonics analysis in the Loess Plateau

  22. 爆破挤淤法处理山区沟谷软基的试验研究

    In-situ test of blasting TOE-SHOOTING method applied in soft foundation treatment

  23. 砒砂岩&黄土沟谷土壤含水量的时空变化

    Spatiotemporal Variation of Soil Moisture Content in the Soft-rock Loess Gully

  24. 山区高速公路沟谷软基处理技术研究

    Study on Soft Ground Improvement for Highway in Mountain Area

  25. 顾及沟谷结构特征的数字地形模拟生成方法

    A Digital Terrain Simulation Method Considering the Structural Characteristic of the Valleys

  26. 斑岩体靠沟谷部位(负地形)等。

    The porphyry body close to a valley ( negative landform ), etc.

  27. 水泥土桩与土工格栅联合加固沟谷软基机理研究

    Study on geogrid - reinforced and pile-supported embankment over gulch weak subsoil

  28. 中国南方水土流失大致可分为两种,即散流侵蚀和沟谷侵蚀。

    Types of soil erosion in South China are divided into two .

  29. 区域和沟谷相结合的泥石流预报及其应用

    Debris Flow Forecast Combined Regions and Valleys and Its Application

  30. 黄土丘陵地区沟谷系统的平面结构及其对土壤侵蚀的影响

    On the Gully - Valley System in Loess Hilly - Gullied Region