
  1. 学生提出议题,认为电影之所以成为文化沟通的首要形式,主要是因为电影制作技术的大量繁衍。

    Student raises issue of film as a primary form of cultural communication , particularly with the proliferation of affordable technology for making films .

  2. 同时,它也是公众参与社会公共事务的重要途径,政府与公众沟通的重要形式,并为国家开展外交活动提供了必要的舆论支持。

    It is also the public participation in an important way of public affairs , government and the public an important form of communication , and diplomatic activities for the countries to provide the necessary public support .

  3. 作为时代生活的精神基础&祖先崇拜成为了死者和生者得以沟通的宗教形式,帝王的灵魂以太庙神主的形式永远存在并且影响着整个国家的精神世界。

    As the spirit of the time life foundation , Ancestor worship became the dead and the living to communication religious form , The soul of the imperial emperor in the form of gods always there and affecting the whole state of the spirit world .

  4. 他积极提倡改良最易与民众沟通的戏剧艺术形式,提出新的理论以宣传反清思想,从而鼓动民众进行社会革命。

    Energetically he called for amending the drama form which was the easiest way to communicate with the masses . Moreover , he advanced new theory and publicized anti-Qing Idea so as to encourage the people to fight .

  5. 国际权威调查机构(IDC、Gartner)的统计显示,文档已成为企业内外部沟通交流最主要的形式,其质量与成本对企业的运营具有重要的影响。

    Results of an investigation carried out by credible international institutions ( such as IDC , Gartner ) indicate that document has become the most important way of both internal and external communications . The quality and cost of the document have important impacts on business operations .

  6. 根据您的站点性质以及当前与您的客户的沟通方式,通知的形式也会有所不同。

    The form of notification also varies depending on the nature of your site and how you currently communicate with your users .

  7. 在全球信息技术、网络技术不断发展和广泛应用的推动下,电子渠道已成为电信运营商与客户进行信息沟通和交易的重要形式。

    Promoted by global information technology , network technology development and wide application , electronics channel has become an important form of communication and transactions between Telecom operators and customers .

  8. 本政策规定原则如下,以建立对外沟通的统一标准及内部沟通协调任务的几种形式。

    The guidelines that follow are designed to establish uniform standards for external communications and coordinate responsibility for the several forms of internal communications .

  9. 有效的管理沟通是现代企业降低管理成本、提高管理效率的关键,企业应当提高沟通效率,充分运用沟通的各种形式,来提升管理效率和水平。

    Efficient communication is the key to reducing management cost and boosting management efficiency , enterprises should utilize various communication method of improving communication efficiency so as to promote the efficiency and level of management .