
ɡōnɡ nénɡ yǔ yán xué pài
  • functional linguistics
  1. 为了解决这两个方面的问题,我们设想运用功能语言学派的主位&述位理论。

    In order to solve these problems , we propose to use the Theme-rheme theory of systematic functional linguistics .

  2. 指出新兴被x格式的生成过程,首先是将现实世界的事件通过认知的加工处理映射到被动态的语言结构中,再经由系统功能语言学派下的人际情态语法隐喻得以生成。

    Firstly the real events are mapped into the passive language structures by means of process of cognition ; secondly interpersonal modulated grammatical metaphor generates it by systematic-functional grammar .

  3. 主位-述位理论始于布拉格学派的交际动力学说,经过以Halliday为代表的系统功能语言学派的发展,已经成为语篇分析的重要方法之一。

    The Theme-Rheme theory originated from the Communicative Dynamism of Prague School and was developed by linguists of Systemic Functional Grammar , with Halliday as their representative .

  4. 布拉格学派亦称功能语言学派,鼎盛于20世纪30年代。

    The Prague School , flourished in 1930 's , is also called Functional Linguistic School .

  5. 作为本文的理论基础,功能语言学派的主要代表人物韩礼德把语域定义为根据用途来区分的语言变体,并强调语言随语境而变化,情景因素影响语言功能。

    As the theoretical basis of the thesis , the major representative of functional linguistic school , Halliday defines register as a variety of language distinguished according to use . This theory emphasizes language variation in relation to context and the effects of three major situational factors on functions .