
yuē shù lì
  • binding force;restraint
  1. 当事人非经法定异议程序,必须遵守DAB裁决,具有约束力;

    Except raising objection through legal objection program , the involved parties must comply with DAB ruling which has binding force .

  2. 合同没有签署因而没有约束力。

    The contract was not signed and has no binding force .

  3. 那份合同在法律上没有约束力。

    The contract has no legal standing .

  4. 这在有法律约束力的、构成条约之一部分的附件中有说明。

    It is set out in a legally binding protocol which forms part of the treaty .

  5. 条约现在失去了绝对的约束力。

    The treaty is now void of absolute commitments .

  6. 本联合声明及其附件具有同等约束力。

    This joint declaration and its annexes shall be equally binding .

  7. 这是一个没有多大约束力的文件,根本没有用。

    It 's a weak document , not anywhere good enough .

  8. 这声明是正式的,对双方都具有约束力。

    This statement is official and binding on both sides .

  9. 仲裁人的裁决有约束力,这种惯例在美国常被使用。

    The award of the arbitrator is binding and the practice is frequently used in the us .

  10. 对紧张的申请者来说,提前录取似乎是一个很好的选择,即当你申请一所学校时,录取是有约束力的。

    Early decision — you apply to one school , and admission is binding — seems like a great choice for nervous applicants .

  11. 因为提前录取是有约束力的,所以学校可以招收合格的学生,招生委员会也可以选择对学校有特殊需求的学生,并能确保这些学生会到校。

    Early decision , since it 's binding , allows schools to fill their classes with qualified students ; it allows admissions committees to select the students that are in particular demand for their college and know those students will come .

  12. 双方都赞同仲裁具有约束力。

    Both sides have agreed that the arbitration will be binding .

  13. 性格外向的人缺乏自我约束力,而性格内向的人则缺乏勇气。

    Extroverts tend to lack self-discipline while introverts lack courage .

  14. 该法律文件具有法律约束力。

    This document is legally binding .

  15. 这些规则对wto成员应当有一定的约束力。

    The members of WTO should be bound by these rules to some extent .

  16. 运用复合刚度方法对Z型构件支撑屋面系统的侧向约束力分析

    Lateral Restraint Forces in Z-Section Roof Systems Using the Component Stiffness Method

  17. 我国已正式成为世界贸易组织的成员国,TRIPS对我国已产生法律约束力。

    With our entry into WTO , the TRIPS have taken effect on China .

  18. WTO基本规则作为国际公法,对各成员国的政府管理有着明确的要求和普遍的约束力。

    As the international public laws , the basic rules of WTO have clear demand and common sanction to the government administration of each member country .

  19. 第一章是对GATS法律约束力的初步分析。

    Chapter 1 presents a general analysis of the legal binding effect of GATS .

  20. 然而,只有在各国现在就做出严肃努力、以达成有约束力的后续协议来取代《京都议定书》(kyotoprotocol)的情况下,这种推迟才是值得的。

    This postponement will only be worthwhile , however , if countries now put serious effort into agreeing a binding successor to the Kyoto protocol .

  21. 《SCM协议》是WTO《补贴与反补贴措施协议》的简称,它反对和限制专向性补贴,对全体WTO成员具有约束力。

    SCM Agreement , the abbreviated form of Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures , fights and restricts the specialized subsidies , it has binding forces on all members of WTO .

  22. 如果事先没有取得ABC书面同意,客户全部或部分转让或移交本合同,将不对ABC有约束力。

    No assignment or transfer , in whole or in part , of this Agreement by Customer shall be binding upon ABC without its prior written consent .

  23. 我曾在布拉格(Prague)表示,规则必须有约束力,违者必罚,言必有信。

    As I said in Prague , rules must be binding , violations must be punished , and words must mean something .

  24. 德国昨日坚持表示,其欧洲伙伴国必须同意进行政治上棘手的修订欧盟(eu)条约的过程,或接受有约束力的新的欧元区协定,以稳定欧元,恢复投资者的信心。

    Germany yesterday insisted that its European partners must undertake the politically fraught process of changing European Union treaties , or accept a binding new eurozone accord , to stabilise the single currency and restore the confidence of investors .

  25. 除C7(约束力)和C10(情绪稳定性)外,其余9项胜任特征评价项目均与部队工作表现呈显著性相关(P<0.05);

    Except for discipline and emotional stability , nine items of the competency model were correlated with the job performance ( P < 0.05 ) .

  26. 公约是一个具有法律约束力的协定,而IPPC制定和通过的标准不具法律约束力。

    The Convention is a legally binding agreement , but standards developed and adopted by the IPPC are not legally binding .

  27. 目前,CHMP的建议已被提交至欧洲委员会,以便作为一种具有法律约束力的决定而被采用。

    The CHMP 's recommendation has now been forwarded to the European Commission for the adoption of a legally binding decision .

  28. 世界贸易组织(WTO)协定的本质是一套国际法律规则,其基本原则对其各成员国均具有约束力,这其中包括在国际经济交往中日益广泛应用的国民待遇原则。

    The nature of the WTO agreements is a set of international laws . Its fundamental principles are a sanction to all members of the WTO . The national treatment principles , which are used more and more in the international activities , are a part of the agreements .

  29. 答:国际卫生条例(IHR)是一个国际法律工具,对全球194个国家具有约束力,包括世卫组织所有会员国。

    A : The International Health Regulations ( IHR ) are an international legal instrument that is binding on194 countries across the globe , including all the Member States of WHO .

  30. 诚信全称诚实信用,是具有约束力的商业道德和行为规范,以信义(Fides)为要素,是对欺诈(fraudation)的否定。

    Good faith is combination of honesty and credit and is regarded as binding business ethics and conduct code . It takes fides ( Bona fides ) as essence and defies fraud .