
  1. 由Rogers和Santosh等(2002)提出的哥伦比亚超大陆,是约从1.9~1.5Ga由Nena,Ur和Atlantic等3个大陆块体群,通过逐步汇聚而形成的一个超级大陆。

    The Columbia Supercontinent proposed by Rogers and Santosh ( 2002 ) was composed of the Nena , Ur and Atlantic continents from 1.9 Ga to 1.5 Ga.

  2. 选择有利于从菜单栏中,然后约从下拉式列表中。

    Select Help from the menu bar , and then About from the drop-down list .

  3. 高句丽中期墓室壁画呈现出丰富多彩的文化,其年代约从五世纪中叶至六世纪中叶。

    Koguryo tomb murals of the medium-term showing a rich and varied culture , from about the middle of the fifth century to the mid-sixth century .

  4. 添加Na3PO4、Na3H2IO6、CuCl2.2H2O、Na2SiO3.9H2O等稳定剂,特别是同时添加CuCl2.2H2O、Na2SiO3.9H2O和Na3H2IO6等稳定剂,能大幅提高高铁酸钾的产率及稳定性:产率约从73%提高到88%;

    The yields and stability of K_2FeO_4 can be greatly improved by adding stabilizers , especially the combination of CuCl_2 · 2H_2O , Na_2SiO_3 · 9H_2O and Na_3H_2IO_6.The yield is raised from about 73 % to about 88 % .

  5. 我们还认为网易是购买服务器,价值约RMB250M从当地供应商,这可能是用于运行魔兽世界。

    We also believe NTES is purchasing servers worth about RMB250M from local vendors , which may be used to run WoW .

  6. 另外,企业今年通过发行债券筹集的资金约为从银行获得贷款总额的三分之一,而去年同期为四分之一。

    Moreover , the funds that companies have raised through bonds this year equate to about a third of the total that they have borrowed from banks , versus a quarter last year .

  7. 甘肃地处我国北方,气候类型复杂,天气多变,温差较大,影响中国的冷空气约95%从甘肃省经过。

    Gansu province is located in the northern China ? where climate type complex , the changeable weather , large temperature difference . 95 % of cold air , which affect china , go through Gansu .

  8. 波岑认为,除非你将飞行线路计划得十分周密,否则从地球到太阳表面需要的能量,约为从地球到轨道的10倍。

    Pontzen reckons that , unless you plan the mission very carefully , you 'd need about 10 times more energy for the trip between Earth and the Sun 's surface than you 'd already spent getting into orbit .

  9. 现有2g客户仅约60%能从其当前的供应商那获得3g服务。

    Only about 60 % of existing 2G customers will be able to get 3G from their existing provider .

  10. 在第一次开放日活动的周末,共有约十万人从巴黎赶往波兰参观雪树伏特加(Belvedere)的工厂,去年的参观人数达12万,第三次活动计划2015年举办。

    From Paris to Poland , where Belvedere vodka is based , some 100,000 people attended the first open-atelier weekend . Last year , the total was 120,000 , and a third weekend is planned for 2015 .

  11. 北部金矿带受北部控矿剪切带控制,长度大于1km,厚度约70cm,从地表延伸至1120m标高,未见尖灭趋势。

    The North gold ore zone , with a length of more than 1 km and a thickness about 70 cm , is controlled by North ore-controlling ductile shear zone , and nip-out tendency is not found from the surface to ( 1 120 ) m level .

  12. 介绍了天津乙烯装置改扩建后,甲烷气富裕量约1.5t/h,从燃料系统放掉,损失很大,经过技术改造,增加了甲烷外送,使装置节能降耗。

    The article introduces that the overplus methane in Tianjin 's ethylene plant is about 1.5t/h after revamping , it was great loss if the methane being vent to flare . After innovation , the energy and raw material consumption is reduced by increasing methane exportation .

  13. 安东在约3点钟从外地,一个'我问他怎么回事。

    Anton come in from the field about three o'clock , an'I asked him what was the matter .

  14. 约个时间从星期一到星期五在10:00到4:00之间

    What don 't you make an appointment to come in between 10:00 and 4:00 , Monday through Friday .

  15. 每天只有约150人从这三个国家来到美国,其中94%在这五座机场降落。

    Only about 150 people a day come to the United States from the three countries , and the five airports receive about 94 percent of them .

  16. 国开行今年1月开始着手准备以约100亿美元从德国安联保险集团(Allianz)手中收购德累斯顿银行约50%股权的方案。

    CDB began working in January on an offer to buy a controlling stake of roughly 50 per cent in Dresdner for about $ 10bn from Allianz , the German insurer .

  17. C-mos是一种单拷贝、无内元的核基因,全长约1kb,便于从基因组中扩增并测序,可度量中等分类阶元的亲缘关系,目前主要应用于爬行类和鸟类的系统发生研究中。

    We introduced here a nuclear gene c-mos . This is a kind of single copy nuclear gene with no introns , totally 1 kb or so . It is now mainly applied in the phylogenetic studies of reptiles and avians .

  18. 如何约三个星期从现在开始,就说,星期二?

    How about three weeks from now , on say , Tuesday ?

  19. 约五30我从自己不能作什么;

    Jn . 5:30 I can do nothing from Myself ;

  20. 约4000名水兵从航母上转移到关岛美国海军基地。

    About 4000 sailors were removed from the ship to U.S. Navy facilities in Guam .

  21. 成年雪豹重约60-120磅,从鼻子到尾巴,共约39-51英尺长。

    Adults weigh between 60 and 120 pounds and measure 39-51 inches from nose to tail .

  22. 约壹二19他们从我们中间出去,却不是属我们的;

    Jn . 2:19 They went out from us , but they were not of us ;

  23. 科学研究和统计表明,人类从外界获得的信息约有75%是从视觉中得到的。

    Scientific research and statistics show that nearly 75 % information that human from outside is gained from the vision .

  24. 这家公司持有大笔现金,最近刚以约4%的利率从银行借款80亿美元。

    It has plenty of cash , having recently borrowed $ 8 billion from banks at an interest rate of roughly 4 % .

  25. 约二一14耶稣从死人中复活以后,向门徒显现,这是第三次。

    Jn . 21:14 This was now the third time that Jesus was manifested to the disciples after He had been raised from the dead .

  26. 上图在火星北半球,绵延约一公里,从右向左的海拔落差超过一公里。

    The above image spans about one kilometer near the north of Mars , and the elevation drop from right to left is over a kilometer .

  27. 所以我从约但地,从黑门岭,从米萨山,记念你。

    My soul is downcast within me ; therefore I will remember you from the land of the Jordan , the heights of Hermon-from Mount Mizar .

  28. 越南方面,有报道称约18万人从沿海地区撤离至学校及公共建筑内,以应对台风“百合”来袭。

    In Vietnam , reports over 180000 people are being evacuated from coastal areas to schools and public buildings as Typhoon Nari bears down on the country .

  29. 结果是,1999年至2000年度银行整体信贷增长约8%,但从那以后到现在的年均复合增长率达到17%左右。

    As a result , total credit growth accelerated from roughly 8 per cent in 1999-2000 to a compound annual rate of about 17 per cent since then .

  30. 在中国,网约车已迅速从一个小众领域发展为一个大规模产业,智能手机的普及转变为每日数百万次出行。

    Car-hailing has quickly grown from a niche sector to a large industry in China , where the ubiquity of smartphones has translated into millions of rides a day .