
  • 网络habitat;Animals in Their Habitats;Animal Habitats
  1. 动物栖息地片断化效应以及集合种群研究现状

    Effects of Habitat Fragmentation on Animals and Research Situation of Metapopulation

  2. 他希望他的研究发现对世界各地的动物栖息地保护管理人有帮助。

    He hopes his findings help guide habitat conservation managers around the world .

  3. 其中之一就是对野生动物栖息地的破坏。

    One of these is destruction of habitat .

  4. 野生动物栖息地的研究是动物学研究的一个基本而又重要的领域。

    Study of wildlife habitat selection is an important and basic part in zoology .

  5. 许许多多的野生动物栖息地也遭到了威胁。

    The deadly drought is threatening the habitats of large numbers of wild animals .

  6. 有些沼泽已列入保护,做为野生动物栖息地,有些还很危险。

    Some bogs have been saved for wildlife , but others are still in danger .

  7. 森林可以提供木材、动物栖息地和淡水,还能储备大量的碳。

    The forest provides lumber , habitat and freshwater and it sequesters vast amounts of carbon .

  8. 城市发展中动物栖息地的减少——为数并不太多。

    growing cities small habitat losses .

  9. 科学家和学生有无限的机会在这块动物栖息地进行各种各样的生物研究。

    Scientists and students have endless opportunities to study a variety of life in the habitat .

  10. 动物栖息地和植物生长地的毁灭致使千百万种动植物将在现在娃娃们的有生之年灭绝。

    The destruction of habitats spells extinction for millions of species within the life time of children .

  11. 我喜欢这个用麻疯树控制土壤侵蚀和增加野生动物栖息地的主意。

    I like the idea of controlling soil erosion and increasing the habitat for wild animals . ' '

  12. 被很多自然学家认为是美国最原始的沼泽动物栖息地之一。

    Considered by many naturalists to be one of the most pristine swampland habitats in the United States .

  13. 通过动物栖息地,解剖学和亲戚心理学家和人类学家研究,了解人类发展。

    By studying about the animal habitat , anatomy and relatives psychologists and anthropologists learn about human development .

  14. 的学生主要的想法是雨林供给动物栖息地。

    The dominant idea , raised by64 % of the pupils , was that rainforests provide animals with habitats .

  15. 课程包括土地使用管理,野生动物栖息地研究及管理,草原生态学,公共管理和环境法。

    Courses include the study of land use management , wildlife habitat and wildlife management , grassland ecology , public administration , and environmental law .

  16. 野生动物栖息地选择的研究是动物学研究的一个基本而又重要的领域,鸟类对栖息地的选择以植被类型为基础。

    Study of wildlife habitat selection is an important and basic part in zoology . For birds , habitat selection is on the basis of vegetation type .

  17. 研究人员上周四说,如果人类继续这样过渡捕鱼并且还持续破坏动物栖息地的话,到了2048年各类鱼和海鲜的数量会锐减,人们就要吃不到鱼了。

    The world 's fish and seafood populations will collapse by2048 if current trends in habitat destruction and overfishing continue , resulting in less food for humans , researchers said on Thursday .

  18. 为了腾出更多的土地给工业化农场和耕作粮食作为饲料给牲畜食用,森林不断被破坏,这导致土壤盐碱化,物种灭绝和动物栖息地丧失。

    Forests are being bulldozed to make more room for factory farms and feed crops to feed farmed animals , and this destruction causes soil erosion and contributes to species extinction and habitat loss .

  19. 其次,环保主义者集中关注边远地区开矿和伐木活动造成的破坏,这是合理的。因为这些项目不仅对动物栖息地造成直接破坏,还无法避免地要求修建新的公路。

    Second , conservationists have rightly focused on the damage caused by mines and logging in the backcountry not only because such projects directly destroy habitat , but also because they inevitably require new roads .

  20. 提出农用土地生态系统与天然林生态系统协同发展,维持或提高生态系统水土保持能力,维持或扩大野生动物栖息地的生态系统管理目标。

    The goals of management were determined as the coordinated development of both agricultural and natural forest ecosystems , the maintenance and increase of water conservation capacity of ecosystems , and the maintenance and extension of wildlife habitats .

  21. 作者赞赏美国公园管理机构提出的公园用户概念,并由此分析了以游客为中心的公园用户在100多年来如何影响公园区域内的地貌景观、植被景观和野生动物栖息地;

    By appreciating the " park user " concept proposed by park agencies in USA , the author analyzed how the landscapes were changed by park users over the past 100 years by the dimensions of landform , vegetation and wildlife habitats .

  22. 湿地是人类生存和发展的环境之一,它不仅可以作为水源被直接利用或补充地下水,还可以调节大气组成成分、调节水分、调节局部小气候和为动物栖息地提供场所。

    Wetland is one of human survival and development environments . As a water source it not only can direct used or supplement the groundwater , but also can adjust the atmospheric composition , water regulation , the local micro-climate , and provide the venue for the animal habitats .

  23. 引发人和大型兽类冲突的具体原因包括人口增长、野生动物栖息地丧失、土地利用方式的改变以及实施保护后野生动物种群的恢复,多数情况是多种因素共同作用的结果。

    The factors causing human and large mammals conf licts include the human population increases , wildlife habitat losses , change of land use pattern and wildlife population growth after effective implementation of conservation measures . Quite often several factors are involved in the human - large mammals conflicts .

  24. 具体体现在市民参与公园设计、筹集建设资金、雨水处理技术、恢复野生动物栖息地、采用环保的土壤和施工材料、强调铺地的渗透性等方面,同时考虑经济的可持续性发展。

    It is mainly manifested in the public participation in park design and fund-raising , the rainwater treatment technology , the restoration of wildlife habitats , use of environmentally friendly soil and construction materials , the focus on the permeability of pavement , and the consideration of the economic sustainability .

  25. 湿地是多种野生动物的栖息地。

    The wetlands are home to a large variety of wildlife .

  26. 乌干达美丽的高地是众多野生动物的栖息地。

    Uganda 's beautiful highlands are host to a wide range of wildlife .

  27. 这种一度茁壮成长的有袋类动物遭到栖息地丧失和疾病的伤害。

    The once-thriving marsupial1 has been ravaged2 by habitat loss and disease .

  28. 除了在电影行业名声大噪外,BourneWood也是一个重要的保护区——它是一些稀有动物的栖息地。

    Besides its prestige in the film industry , Bourne Wood is also an important area environmentally - it 's home to several rare animal species .

  29. Shannon-Wiener物种多样性指数(H')呈现从2001年到2005年总体下降的趋势,单纯度(C)上升,工程对底栖环境的干扰导致底上动物的栖息地破碎化,群落结构稳定性下降。

    Shannon-Wiener index slightly declined from 2001 to 2005 ( no survey in 2002 ) . The disturbance of the Yangshan engineering made the benthos habitat fragmentate and the stabilization of benthos community structure descended .

  30. 中国野生动物与栖息地保护现状及发展趋势

    The Status and Development Trends of Wildlife and Habitat Conservation in China