
dòng wù xìng dàn bái
  • animal protein
动物性蛋白[dòng wù xìng dàn bái]
  1. 探讨中国林蛙(RanatemporariachensinensisDavid)蝌蚪不同生长阶段对饲料中总蛋白及动物性蛋白含量的营养要求。

    This paper deals with the requirements of total protein and animal protein content in tadpole period of Rana temporaria chensinensis David .

  2. 阶段Ⅰ,总蛋白及动物性蛋白含量的影响均不明显;

    In stage ⅰ, the affection of total protein and animal protein content are obvious .

  3. 在发情和育雏期间应适当增加动物性蛋白饲料;

    Food with properly increased animal protein should be provided to those at oestrus or with nesting birds ;

  4. 饲粮中动物性蛋白对早期断奶仔猪的生长效应随断奶后时间延长减小。

    Effect of animal protein respond in formula feed on the growth of early-weaning piglets decreased with increasing time postweaning .

  5. 这是多年来人们何以认为动物性蛋白比植物性蛋白具有较高生物学价值的原因。

    This is why animal proteins have been recognized for years to have a higher biological value than most plant proteins .

  6. 血液是一种营养价值很高的动物性蛋白资源,可广泛应用于食品工业中,来源十分丰富。

    Blood is an animal protein with high nutritive value and extensive resource , which can be widely applied in the food industry .

  7. 阶段Ⅲ,动物性蛋白占总蛋白的42%时,最有利于蝌蚪的变态。

    In stage ⅲ, when total protein contain 42 % of animal protein , the feed is in favor of the tadpoles metamorphoses .

  8. 血红蛋白粉是一种粗蛋白含量达91%的动物性蛋白源,且含有丰富的血红素铁。含有高的赖氨酸,但异亮氨酸缺乏。

    Hemoglobin powder is a kind of animal quality protein feed , containing 91 % of CP , plentiful hemochrome iron , high lysine but low isoleucine .

  9. 黎族学生的蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物的热量构成比例(%),分别为10.75,22.47,66.78,以及动物性蛋白占总蛋白质的40.37%。

    The Li national students provided 10.75 % of protein , 22.47 % of fat and 66.78 % of carbohydrate of total e - nergy intake ; and 40.37 % of protein originates from animal sources .

  10. 动物源性蛋白在配合饲料中的开发利用研究

    Development and Utilization of Animal-brone Protein in Compound Feed

  11. 花生蛋白作为一种重要的食用蛋白资源,被应用于多种食品中来取代动物源性蛋白。

    Peanut protein , which could provide a substantial amount of protein for human consumption , has been used in a variety of food products as a replacement for animal source proteins .