
  • 网络triglyceride;MCT
  1. 如果这还不足以让你信服,还有下面这一点:如不能及时燃烧掉三酸甘油脂,它便会长期积聚在你的臀部或腹部。

    And if that doesn 't convince you , maybe this will get you going : Fail to burn triglycerides and they can end up in long term storage on your hips or stomach .

  2. 三酸甘油脂大部份摄取自食物,主要为生理能源的储蓄资源。

    Triglyceride is mainly absorbed from our diet and serves as energy store .

  3. 相反,运动可减低三酸甘油脂的浓度。

    In contrast , aerobic exercise can reduce the concentration of triglyceride in blood .

  4. 过多的三酸甘油脂会于肝脏合成为低密度脂蛋白(坏的胆固醇)或导致胰脏发炎。

    Formation of Low-density Lipoprotein LDL ( Bad Lipid ) or even pancreatitis may result from over production of triglyceride in liver .

  5. 结果发现被介入的一组,无论是低密度胆固醇、总胆固醇和三酸甘油脂的水平均有显著改善。

    It was found that levels of low density lipoprotein cholesterol ldl-c , total cholesterol and triglyceride substantially improved in the intervention group .

  6. 即在他自己拍摄的影片中他所塑造的主人公的形象:三酸甘油脂大部份摄取自食物,主要为生理能源的储蓄资源。

    And devised the protagonist he played in every film he made , Triglyceride is mainly absorbed from our diet and serves as energy store .