
sān fǎn yùn dòng
  • movement against three evils
三反运动[sān fǎn yùn dòng]
  1. 对三反运动的历史反思

    Historical Recognition of the Movement against the Three Evils

  2. 在三反运动中,这些弊端造成的贪污浪费现象暴露出来。

    The movement against " three evils " exposed the corruption and waste problem .

  3. 在一九五二年三反运动中,我们反对过贪污、浪费和官僚主义,而着重在反对贪污。

    During the movement against the " three evils " in 1952 , we fought against corruption , waste and bureaucracy , with the emphasis on combating corruption .

  4. 余论部分则尝试分析了上海三反运动中各种乱象的根源及其所产生的历史后果。

    On the part of the attempt to think about the historical consequences of Shanghai " three evils " movement in the root of all kinds of " chaos " and Shanghai " Sanfan " arising .

  5. 有些同志在三反五反运动中是犯过这个错误的。

    Some comrades made this mistake during the movements against the " three evils " and the " five evils " .

  6. 本文主要利用馆藏档案,对天津地委及其所辖县镇的“三反”运动进行探讨。

    This paper is to probe into the " Against Three-Evil Movement " conducted in Tianjin prefectural Party Committee and its governed towns mainly .

  7. 新婚姻法的宣传实施工作是与其它社会改革,如土地革命、禁烟禁毒运动、废娼运动、三反五反运动等同步开展的。

    Chinese people implemented the new marriage Law with other social reforms such as the agrarian revolution , the anti-smoking campaign , the abolitionist movement at the same time .

  8. 论江苏三反、五反运动

    The " Three Antis Movement " and " Five Antis Movement " in Jiangsu

  9. 1951年12月~1952年10月,在中央和华东局的领导下,江苏地区开展了三反、五反运动。

    From December , 1951 to October , 1952 , the " Three Antis Movement " and the " Five Antis Movement ", led by the Central Committee of CPC and East China Bureau , were launched in Jiangsu .