
shù lǐ huà
  • mathematics, physics, and chemistry
  1. 继续推进这项工作,真正形成数理化、英语基础教学特色。

    We are trying to continue advancing the job of form real mathematics , physics , chemistry and English basic teaching characteristic .

  2. 参加研究的大多数老师声称,他们期望男生能在数理化方面胜于女生。

    Most teachers taking part in the study of the difference between boys and girls said that they expect their boy students to do better at mathematics and science subjects than their girl students .

  3. 分析了Matlab软件的特点及其应用于数理化教学的优越性。

    The article analyzes the features of Matlab software and its advantages in the application of teaching maths , physics and chemistry .

  4. 和平队教育志愿人员与地方学校一道努力,制定英语外语教学(TEFL)、数理化和其他科目的创新教材和课程大纲。

    Peace Corps education volunteers work with local schools to develop innovative materials and curriculums to teach English as a foreign language ( TEFL ), math , science and other subjects .

  5. 其次,贯穿数理化分析思想,选择了模糊层次分析(FAHP)的方法进行定性和定量相结合的分析,对风险因素的重要程度进行了排序。

    Secondly , this paper uses science analysis thought , selects the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process ( FAHP ) method for qualitative and quantitative analysis , and ranks the importance of risk factors .

  6. 论经济学数理化&经济思想与算符的统一

    On the Mathematicalization of Economics the Integration of Economic Thoughts and Mathematical Symbols

  7. 数理化家们极少女性,也是一种明证。

    Physics and chemistry are very few women at home , is a proof .

  8. 基于灰色关联分析法和数理化理论的煤与瓦斯突出预测

    Forecast of Coal and Gas Outburst Based on Gray Connection Analytic Method and Math Theory

  9. 而国内的高考,数理化都需要不断地做练习题,没有时间绝对不行。

    In our exam , we have to spend a lot of time doing Lizong exercises .

  10. 这次期末考试我的数理化三科总分是360分。

    My total score of math , physics and chemistry at the end-term examination is 360 .

  11. 像中国或韩国这样的市场,他们的数理化教育做得很好,仅凭单方面的力量是否可以产出这种成果?

    Are markets like Korea or China , are they able to produce those science and math education results alone ?

  12. 文章采用调查法、实验法和数理化分析的方法,探讨在高校体育教学中,应用美育的手段与途径,激发学生的兴趣的实验研究。

    The article analyzes the experimental research of the construction and inspiration by means of investigation , experiments and mathematical analysis .

  13. 人类习惯将事物数理化,自然界内不论物质或非物质都会被量度和计算,随以单位命名;

    Humans have always attempted to apply mathematical logic to quantify the structure of material and immaterial substance with units of measurement .

  14. 数理化语文英语全很好,音乐体育计算机都零分,连开机都不会,我还是一个优等生。

    Good English language all science , music , sports computer are zero even boot is not , I am a top student .

  15. 在数理化、生物、语文、地理等各学科的课程标准中,都强调了观察对学生学习的重要性。

    The curriculum standards have stressed the importance of observation for students in learning languages , physics , chemistry , biology , geography and other disciplines .

  16. 研究者还运用主成分分析、相关分析、判别分析和数理化理论等描述有蹄类对栖息地的选择。

    Principal Components Analysis , Analysis of covariance , Discriminant Analysis and Quantitative Theory are also applied to explore the importance among the different plots used .

  17. 投资组合理论的产生使得数理化方法真正进入到投资领域,使得数理金融学作为金融学的一个独立的分支迅速发展起来。

    The emergence of portfolio theory really makes mathematical methods enter the investment field . Thus , mathematical finance as an independent branch of the finance theory develops quickly .

  18. 自1992年以来,新疆许多地区开展了双语教学实验,实验的核心是通过教学语言的改革来提高数理化教学质量。

    Many schools has developed the bilingual teaching experiment in Xinjiang , the core of the experiment is to improve the teaching quality through the reform of the teaching language .

  19. 风格从词转变为量的过程,每一步都有数理化的方法作依托,分析合理有效,具有一定的实际应用价值。

    Style from the " word " to " quantity " of the process , every single step the number of physical and chemical methods for relying on analysis of rational and effective , to possess some practical value .

  20. 要学政治、学军事、学技术,还要学点数理化,学点工农业知识,学点外语。在军事上他的渊博知识和工作能力大家是承认的。

    In addition to studying politics , technical skills and military affairs , they should receive some instruction in mathematics , physics , chemistry , industry , agriculture and foreign languages . In military matters his thorough knowledge and competence were recognized .

  21. 传统资产证券化风险研究模式基于古典经济学理性经济人假设之上,以微观化、个体化研究为主,具有假定条件多样化和分析工具数理化的特点。

    The traditional risk investigation of asset securitization is based on the supposition of rational economic man in Classical Economics and on the study of microcosm and individuation primarily , has the characteristic of diversified hypothesis condition and the analysis with more mathematical tool .

  22. 将前几章节研究得到的服装款式风格要素与三大风格影响因子进行数最化Ⅰ类分析,建立相应的数理化模型,定量化服装款式造型与其风格之间的关系。

    It can describe in first few chapters of the research clothing style elements and three essential factors affecting the number of variant type I analysis , setting-up the appropriate variant mathematical model , and relationship between quantitative modeling and their clothing design . 5 .

  23. 科学院要把科技大学办好,选数理化好的高中毕业生入学,不照顾干部子弟。

    The Chinese Academy of Sciences should run the Chinese University of Science and Technology well . They should enrol senior middle school graduates with good academic records in mathematics , physics and chemistry and no special treatment should be given to cadres ' children .

  24. 二十多年来,中小学数理化教学改革往往侧重于从师生关系这一视角入手去树立学生的主体地位,效果也并不见佳。

    In those twenty years , we had paid more attention to the relationship between teacher and student in the education of math , chemistry and physics , So as to make the student the main body of the teaching process , But , it is not effective .

  25. 概率论与数理统计立体化教学模式研究与实践

    Research and Practice on Three-dimensional Teaching Mode of Probability and Statistics

  26. 论希尔伯特对数理经济学公理化进程的一个贡献

    Hilbert 's contribution to the formulation process of mathematical economics

  27. 整个逻辑学的课程体系由论证逻辑(非形式逻辑)和数理(形式化)逻辑构成;

    Whole course system is composed of logic of argument ( informal logic ) and mathematical ( formalized ) logic ;

  28. 如何使经典数理逻辑柔性化,以包容各种不确定性和演化,是逻辑学研究面临的新挑战。

    How to make classical mathematical logic more flexible to contain various uncertainties and evolution is a new challenge that logic s faces .