
shù jù jí
  • data set
  1. 在右边,选择状态数据集然后选择STATE列。

    On the right side , select the state data set and then select the STATE column .

  2. 我们将此模型和传统的P中值问题模型应用于European150数据集,并将结果罗列出来。

    Results of this problem and traditional P-median location problem applied to European 150 data set are presented .

  3. “巨型面”的创建者说,它是目前最大的公共人脸识别数据集了。

    MegaFace 's creators say it 's the largest publicly available facial-recognition dataset out there .

  4. 例如,多学科数据库德律阿得斯是最受欢迎的数据集之一,它与全球木材密度有关。

    For   example ,   one   of   the   most   popular   data   sets   on multidisciplinary   repository   Dryad   is   about   wood   density   around   the   world .

  5. 我们的研究将使用来自一个大医疗公司的大型企业数据集来检验科技是如何延长我们的工作时间,从而干扰了必要的认知恢复,导致了巨额的医疗费用和企业营业成本。

    Our study will use a large corporate dataset from a major medical company to examine how technology extends our working hours and thus interferes with necessary cognitive recovery , resulting in huge health care costs and turnover costs for employers .

  6. 哈佛大学和伯克利分校机会均等项目的一个新数据集显示,如果我们关注整体的向上流动性,那么我们就过分夸大了贫富差距的危险性。

    For all the new attention devoted to the 1 percent , a new dataset from the Equality of Opportunity Project at Harvard and Berkeley suggests that , if we care about upward mobility overall , we 're vastly exaggerating the dangers of the rich-poor gap .

  7. 下面的Java程序可以删除这些中间数据集。

    The following java program can delete those intermediate datasets .

  8. 从DataExplorer视图将数据集拖拉到报表编辑器中。

    Drag the data set from the Data Explorer view to the report editor .

  9. NET数据集实现数据管理。

    NET datasets realized its data management .

  10. 点击OK以保存并关闭数据集。

    Click OK to save and close the data set .

  11. 而实际应用中k的值多数是未知的,一般从数据集对其进行估计。

    However k is not known for most cases , and is estimated from trained sets .

  12. 创建一个用于在报告中显示表的Tables数据集

    Create a Tables data set that is used to display tables in the report

  13. 在Selectcolumns之下,选择列以显示数据集的输出。

    Under Select columns , select the columns to show in the output of the data set .

  14. DesignStudio仅显示通过显式地执行Add操作进行更改的虚拟数据集元素。

    The only elements for virtual cubes that Design Studio displays are the ones that were explicitly changed by performing Add operations .

  15. 基于格网划分的大数据集DEM三维可视化

    D Visualization of Large DEM Data Set Based on Grid Division

  16. 然后我们可以将Links数据集拖拉到报表之中,而联系表格会得到创建。

    Then we can drag the Links data set to the report , and the links table is created .

  17. 对同一个虚拟数据集查询层次结构的City级别将返回来自两个数据集的结果,因为两个数据集都有一个称为City的级别。

    A query against the City level of the hierarchy of the same virtual cube returns results from both cubes , because both cubes have a level called City .

  18. 为了估计一个工作项目的状态,我们需要创建一个Iteration数据集。

    To calculate a work item 's status , we need to create an Iteration data set .

  19. 将该算法应用于两个公开的基因表达数据集,并用一种新的评价方法Normalizedcut将聚类结果与其他聚类方法的结果进行了比较。

    Two public gene expression datasets were analyzed , with the results evaluated using a new method named Normalized Cut .

  20. 最后,在使用Visualc++语言编程实现算法的基础上,采用三组数据集进行实验测试,并对测试结果进行了分析。

    Finally , using Visual C + + programming language based on the algorithm , using three data sets tested , the test results are analyzed .


    The PROJECT_AREA_ITEMID parameter is required for a data set created from the ENUMERATIONS table .

  22. 好处是比较简单,但需要有一种适当的机制来通过web服务发送大数据集。

    The advantage is that it is simple to expose the data , whereas you need to have a proper mechanism for sending large sets of data over web services .

  23. 生成SAS数据集的几种方法

    Some Methods for Generating SAS Data Set

  24. 多维数据集:测量、维度和维度级别的逻辑分组称为多维数据集(cube)。

    Cube : The logical grouping of measures , dimensions , and dimension levels is called a cube .

  25. 为了能够更新TM1数据集,两个服务都应当处于Started状态。

    To be able to update the TM1 cube , both services should have the status of Started .

  26. 然后利用OLAP服务完成对汽车销售的多维数据集进行分析和展示。

    Then use OLAP service to build of multi-dimension data analysis and display about car sales .

  27. 本文介绍如何将Delphi的数据集DATASET的数据传送至MicrosoftOffice的Word文档或Excel工作薄,形成新的工作表。

    This paper introduces how send datas of Delphi dataset to word document or Excel Sheet of Microsoft Office , creat new sheet .

  28. Internet研究领域里存在很多网络数据库,它们向研究者提供用来研究网络动态、流量特征和网络发展模式的各类流量数据集。

    A wide variety of network traffic archives exist in the Internet research community . They provide researchers with traffic traces to study network dynamics , usage characteristics , and growth patterns .

  29. LinkingOpenData云是一个社区项目,它在网络上发布开放数据集并使用RDF将来自不同数据集的数据链接在一起。

    The Linking Open Data cloud is a community project for publishing open datasets on the web and linking the data from different datasets together using RDF .

  30. 在本文的模型示例中,从所有三个维度向QueryStudio添加项目,然后返回一个缩减了很多的数据集。

    Using the sample model in this document , adding items in Query Studio from all three dimensions returns a much reduced record set .