
hù lián
  • interconnection;interconnect
互联[hù lián]
  1. 基于Web的电信网管子系统互联关键技术

    Interconnection Techniques of Telecommunication Network Management Subsystem Based on Web

  2. 分组无线网与Internet互联的研究

    Research on the Interconnection between Packet Radio Network and Internet

  3. 我在互联网上查过此事。

    I looked it up on the Internet .

  4. 所有的研究都认为,到2020年,将有近250亿个设备、物品和传感器互联,顺便说一下,在这一年,千禧一代预计会占据我们总劳动的75%,并且完全互联的家庭会成为全世界大多数人所面临的现实。

    All researches agree that close to 25 billion devices , things and sensors will be connected by 2020 which incidentally is also the moment that Millennials are expected to make up 75 percent of our overall workforce , and the fully connected home will become a reality for large numbers of people worldwide .

  5. 岛上还设有3000个鸟舍,供鸟类在迁徙中歇脚。ZeroTariff|零关税从自贸区建设到互联互通,是否有一天APEC区域内真会实现“零关税”这个理想化的目标?

    One day there may be no tariff between APEC economies with the development of the free trade area and regional connectivity .

  6. 期间还将举行加强互联互通伙伴关系对话会,APEC工商领导人峰会,APEC领导人与工商咨询理事会代表对话会等工商界活动和领导人配偶活动等。Leaders|领导人

    The meetings include minister-level meetings , leaders ' informal meetings , a dialogue on strengthening connectivity partnership , APEC CEO Summit , and APEC Business Advisory Council Dialogue with Leaders .

  7. 一体化大市场、金融大流通、互联互通以及人文大交流

    market inter-linkages , financial integration connectivity as well as people-to-people contacts

  8. 武汉大学计算机学院助理教授赵小刚表示,鸿蒙创造出了“超级终端”,使多设备互联更加简化、高效。

    Zhao called HarmonyOS a " mega-terminal " that enables more streamlined and efficient cross-device connectivity .

  9. 如何在后国际金融危机时期谋求新的增长动力?如何解决互联互通建设面临的融资瓶颈?我们应该深入推进区域经济一体化,打造有利于长远发展的开放格局。

    We should strive for deeper regional economic integration , and create an open structure that is beneficial for long-term development .

  10. 实现国际国内互联互通、全国主要城市立体畅达、县级节点有效覆盖。

    The transport network should feature higher domestic and international connectivity , multi-channel access to major cities , and effective coverage of county-level regions .

  11. 香奈儿认为,华为的商标设计与自家两个水平互联的半圆标识相似,其商标用于香奈儿的香水、化妆品、饰品、皮革以及服装等产品。

    Chanel said that the design was similar to its registered French logo of two horizontal interlocking semi-circles used for its perfumes , cosmetics , costume jewellery , leather goods and clothing .

  12. 路透社:欧洲法院裁定,香奈儿在与华为的商标纠纷中败诉这起纠纷始于2017年,当时华为曾向欧盟知识产权局申请,为其计算机硬件注册商标,图案为两个在垂直方向互联的半椭圆。

    The dispute dated to 2017 when Huawei sought approval from the EU Intellectual Property Office ( EUIPO ) , a trademark body , to register its computer hardware trademark which has two vertical interlocking semi-circles .

  13. 鸿蒙操作系统有什么特点?鸿蒙系统是新一代智能终端操作系统,为不同设备的智能化、互联与协同提供统一的语言。鸿蒙更便捷、更流畅、更安全。

    As a next-generation operating system for smart devices , HarmonyOS provides a common language for different kinds of devices to connect and collaborate , providing users with a more convenient , smooth , and secure experience .

  14. 他强调,要深化亚太命运共同体意识,持续推进区域经济一体化,加快创新发展步伐,促进区域互联互通,实现包容和可持续发展。

    In the keynote speech delivered at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation CEO Dialogues via video link in Beijing , he said the region need to accelerate innovation-driven growth , enhance regional connectivity , and realize inclusive and sustainable development .

  15. 我们应该将亚太经合组织打造成推动一体化的制度平台,加强经验交流的政策平台,反对贸易保护主义的开放平台,深化经济技术合作的发展平台,推进互联互通的联接平台。

    The APEC can be an institutional platform to promote integration , a policy platform to strengthen experience exchanges , an open platform to fight against trade protectionism , a development platform to deepen economic and technological cooperation and a connection platform to promote connectivity .

  16. JAVA的数据库互联技术及实现

    JAVA DataBase Connection ( JDBC ) Technique and Its Realization

  17. 窄带广播信道实现IP网络互联的组网协议设计

    Design of Narrowband Broadcast Channel Network Protocol for IP Network

  18. 如何应用Linux实现网络互联

    How to Apply Linux to Implement Networking Connection

  19. 用户可以通过Internet上的其它互联应用程序或商务Web服务器使用Web服务。

    The hosts can make use of web services through other mutual-related application procedure or the commercial business web servers on Internet .

  20. 基于GA的多区域互联电力系统的经济调度

    Economical dispatch of network power system within many regions based on GA

  21. PKI信任体系互联互通问题及桥CA技术研究

    The Study of PKI Interoperability Framework and Bridge-CA Technology

  22. IP计费的标准化是保证多服务提供商环境下计费系统互联互通的关键。

    The standardization of IP billing technologies is critical to interconnection of IP billing systems in the multi-provider environment .

  23. ATM网络上实现IP互联和传统LAN仿真

    An Approach to Implementation of both IP Interconnection and Conventional LAN Simulation on ATM Networks

  24. Novell局域网与Internet网互联技术

    The Research of Internetworking Novell Lan With Internet

  25. 微机Netware网络与SUN工作站的互联

    The Interconnection between Microcomputer Netware Network and SUN Working Station

  26. 康柏从PC转向互联&访康柏公司大中华区公司总裁俞新昌

    Compaq : Shifting from PC to Internet An Interview with Yu Xinchang , CEO of Compaq Co. , China Mega-area

  27. 用无线方式实现ATM网络的互联

    Interconnection of ATM Networks through Wireless Links

  28. 远程智能I/O及与DCS系统的互联通讯技术探讨

    Technical Probe of the Remote Intelligence I / O and Its Interconnecting Communication With the DCS

  29. 随着目前无线互联技术的飞速发展,无线USB(WirelessUSB)的相关技术标准也在相关厂商的推动下积极发展。

    With the rapid development of wireless interconnection , specification of Wireless USB is being promoted actively by correlative companies .

  30. 现代HFC网与校园网互联

    Interconnection of Modernistic HFC Network and Campus - Wide Information System