
  • 网络Complementary goods;complements;Complement Goods
  1. 对于发送速率与存活时间这两种完美互补商品,每一个节点都有代表其偏好的比例系数。

    Each node has its own proportion of the two perfect complements , namely throughput and survival time .

  2. 互补商品的需求的交叉弹性为负数。

    Complementary goods have a negative cross elasticity of demand .

  3. 本文认为,在西部开发中应注重建立和扩大东西部的市场互补关系,改善商品和收入流转状况,才能缩小东西部的发展差距。

    Developing the West should pay attention to establishing and widening the complementary relationship of the Western and Eastern markets and improve the condition of merchandises and income exchange in order to narrow the development gap of the West and East .