
  • 网络internet access;accessing internet;cable modem
  1. 知情人士称,思科公司(CiscoSystems)正与一些美国服务提供商开发超高速互联网接入系统。

    Cisco Systems is developing an ultra-high-speed system for internet access with a number of US service providers , according to people close to the company .

  2. 新版列车上的Wi-Fi接入已经升级,可以为乘客提供更好的互联网接入服务。

    Wi-Fi access on the new train has been upgraded to provide passengers with better Internet access .

  3. 移动adhoc网络的安全路由与移动互联网接入

    Secure Routing and Mobile Internet Connectivity of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

  4. 随着Internet技术和无线数据通信技术的不断发展,无线互联网接入成为新的热点。

    With the development of Internet and wireless data communication technologies , wireless Internet access becomes a new hot spot .

  5. 无线接入技术和移动互联网接入技术使移动终端用户可以无线上网,从GIS工作者研究的MobileGIS获得空间信息服务。

    With the wireless technology and mobile Internet , the mobile terminal users could go surfing on the Web wireless , obtain spatial information server from Mobile GIS researched by GIS experts .

  6. 无线局域网(WLAN)作为一种方便快捷的互联网接入方式,其传输速率也实现了质的飞跃。

    Wireless LAN ( WLAN ) is one of convenient manners in Internet access , whose transmission rate has been made a great progress .

  7. 随着数据无线宽带技术的飞越发展,运营商通过WLAN、WCDMA技术为用户提供互联网接入服务。

    With the rapid development of wireless broadband technology , operators through the WLAN and WCDMA technology provide Internet access services for users .

  8. 以一个实验室局域网的互联网接入为例,提出了一个在Linux环境下利用代理服务器技术的局域网Internet接入方案.该方案解决了局域网IP地址耗尽问题,降低了Internet接入费用。

    A LAN Internet access method based on proxy server in Linux environment is presented which can be used to expand the IP address space and has been implemented in a lab of our university .

  9. 为了满足用户日益增长的网络需求,该产品实现了Wi-Fi等移动互联网接入功能。

    In order to meet growing customer demand for Network , the product implemented Wi-Fi and other mobile Internet access .

  10. 例如,亚马逊(amazon)提供的服务需要普及互联网接入、信用卡、真实地址和可靠的邮政系统。

    Amazon , for instance , offers a service that requires widespread access to the Internet , credit cards , physical addresses and a trustworthy post office .

  11. 而无人驾驶汽车、无人机送货服务,以及互联网接入气球项目所属的GoogleX也将单独管理,并由布林负责经营。

    Google X , which includes projects like self-driving cars , a drone delivery service and an attempt to make Internet-connected balloons , will also be managed separately and be run by Mr. Brin .

  12. 一个巨人是AOL时代华纳公司,势力范围包括媒体、互联网接入和有线电视。

    There 's AOL Time Warner ( AOL ) spanning media , Internet access , and cable television .

  13. 扎克伯格还大力推行他的“FreeBasics”计划,这计划旨在为服务欠发达的国家如赞比亚、坦桑尼亚和肯尼亚等的手机用户提供免费互联网接入。

    Zuckerberg has also put his weight behind a program called " Free Basics , " which provides free internet access to cellphone users in under-served countries , including Zambia , Tanzania and Kenya .

  14. 谷歌(Google)正在美国推出自己的移动网络,有可能成为电信集团的强大竞争对手,除非后者迅速采取行动,支持谷歌改善全球互联网接入的宏伟计划。

    Google is launching its own mobile network in the US , threatening to become a powerful competitor for telecoms groups unless they move quickly to support its ambitious efforts to improve internet access globally .

  15. 介绍了ADSL宽带互联网接入技术,对ADSL上网与其他上网方式进行了比较,介绍了如何申请和安装ADSL。

    This paper discussed the features of ADSL ; it 's advantages compared with other Internet connection modes ; how to application and install ADSL .

  16. 而且,4G网络系统可以提供超宽带互联网接入服务。2008年,4G服务的峰值速度要求被设置为100兆位/秒。

    And , it provides ultra-broadband Internet access . In 2008 , peak speed requirements for 4G service was set at 100 megabits per second .

  17. 在使用AT&T的2.5G移动网络时,iPhone的互联网接入速度相当缓慢,但连接到Wi-Fi网络时,其速度很快。

    Internet access is rather slow while using AT & T 's 2.5G cellular network but fast when the iPhone is connected to a Wi-Fi network .

  18. VOIP的一个优势是,用户无需在互联网接入服务费用之外无需再支付其它费用,就象用户发送电子邮件无需再支付其它费用那样。

    One advantage is that the VOIP users without Internet access services in addition to the need to pay other costs , such as E-mail users no longer have to pay other costs as .

  19. 其重量为800克,比EeePC和Mini-Note更小更轻,可能更适于移动互联网接入。

    At 800g , it is smaller and lighter than the Eee PC and the Mini-Note , and may be ideally suited to mobile internet access .

  20. 最近电力线通信受到人们的普遍关注,PLC用电力线网络作为高速数据的传输媒介,向用户提供互联网接入等服务创造出巨大的经济效益和社会效益。

    PowerLine Communication technology is catching our attention greatly now , which uses the power line as a communication media to create a high speed data channel and supply services such as high speed Internet access , and create great economic and social profit .

  21. 研究机构ABI预计,到2016年,拥有互联网接入能力的汽车数量将超过2亿台&它意味着大量的传感器、应用程序和处理器。

    Researcher ABI estimates that by 2016 , over 200 million cars will have Internet access & and that means loads of sensors , apps , and processors .

  22. 目前全球80%以上的人口都在蜂窝网络覆盖之下,移动宽带开始成为各国运营商的主流业务,3G网络逐渐成为互联网接入的主要手段。

    At present , more than 80 % of the global population both in cellular network coverage , mobile broadband began to become the carrier of mainstream business , 3G network has gradually become the main means of Internet access .

  23. 李青在中国中央电视台(CCTV)的新闻节目中称:在互联网接入这个市场上,中国电信和中国联通合在一起占有三分之二以上的市场份额。

    In the market for internet access , China Telecom and China Unicom combined account for more than two-thirds of the market , Ms Li said on a news programme on China Central Television , the national broadcaster .

  24. 这家公司不久将接受UMTS手机订单,并计划对其提供的几乎没有限制的无线互联网接入、可视电话、以及传统的语音呼叫收取固定价格的费用。

    The company will shortly be taking orders for UMTS handsets , and intends to offer fixed-price tariffs for virtually unlimited wireless Internet access , video conferencing and conventional voice calls .

  25. 谷歌本周重组的目的之一,是想向投资者证明,花在实验性初创项目上的钱没有他们所担心的多,比如向偏远地区提供互联网接入服务的ProjectLoon高空气球计划。

    One of the purposes of this week 's reshuffle is to prove to investors that not as much as they fear is being spent on experimental start-up projects , such as Project Loon 's high-altitude balloons providing internet access to remote areas .

  26. 同时,数字电视系统的飞速发展和固有的优点,成为提供互联网接入业务的有力竞争者,特别是我国的有线电视网(CATV)拥有巨大的网络资源。

    Owing to its fast development and innate broadband nature , digital TV systems , especially HFC / CATV networks , are competitive candidates for broadband access networks , which meet the bandwidth requirements of convergence of video , voice and Internet data services .

  27. SUSANTELTSCHER:“如果我们可以使用手机上网,那么我们就能在改善发展中国家的互联网接入方面取得明显成效。”

    SUSAN TELTSCHER : " If we can bring Internet over the mobile phones , then we can really make a difference in terms of improving Internet access also in developing countries . "

  28. 企业最大的优势是网络资源丰富,固网、互联网接入能力强,固话与移动、宽带业务优势互补,WCDMA产业链成熟;劣势是移动网络能力不足,企业品牌塑造不够。

    The biggest advantage of the enterprise network resources , fixed network , the ability of Internet , fixed-line and mobile broadband services complementary mature WCDMA industry chain ; disadvantage is the lack of mobile network capacity , corporate branding is not enough .

  29. 佩奇在8月公布了他的分拆计划,将谷歌纳入控股公司Alphabet旗下,后者将把对“登月”计划的投资延伸到新的风险项目上,比如发射高空气球向贫穷国家及偏远地区提供互联网接入服务。

    Mr Page unveiled his unbundling in August by placing Google under Alphabet , a holding company that will take " moonshot " bets on new ventures such as high-altitude balloons to spread internet access to poor countries and remote areas .

  30. 在研究红外信道特性的基础上,给出了一种用于提高红外无线互联网接入速率的HHH(1,13)码的编解码方案。

    At last , it gives out a coding and decoding scheme of HHH ( 1,13 ) code , which can advance the connection speed of infrared wireless internet .