
  1. 基于此依据,本文从产品的整体设计与开发流程出发,构建了基于用户体验及SOA的互联网产品模型。

    According to what states above , the thesis constructs an Internet product model based on user experience and SOA from the perspective of the overall design and development process .

  2. 企业信息化过程中的多种应用程序都架设在Web平台之上,社交网站、微博等一系列新型互联网产品的诞生也使得基于Web的互联网应用涉及的领域越来越广泛。

    Most applications in the process of enterprise informatization are hosted on the Web platform , the birth of a series of new Internet products such as social network sites and micro-blogging expands the field where Web-based applications can be used .

  3. NestLabs是硅谷炙手可热的新创企业,融合了苹果的设计风格和互联网产品理念,而且还低碳。

    Fortune & nest labs is on of the hottest companies in Silicon Valley , combining the internet-of-things with Apple-style design and an ability to reduce carbon consumption .

  4. Web2.0时代的到来,使用户对互联网产品的界面设计与交互设计都有了新的认识,Web产品的交互设计也已经逐渐成为了评价互联网产品优劣的重要标准。

    With the advent of the Web 2.0 era , users have a new understanding about the user interface design and interaction design of internet products . The interaction design has gradually become an important criterion for evaluating the merits of Internet products .

  5. 该公司发言人TiffanyVazquez在接受Quartz采访时说道,近年来其中一款最火的互联网产品是几年前的Vine,用户发布一个六秒的视频,内容可以讲故事,也能娱乐自己。

    GIPHY spokesperson Tiffany Vazquez told Quartz : " One of the biggest things to come out in recent years is Vine . People were telling stories and entertaining themselves in six seconds .

  6. 互联网产品;隐喻;人机交互;设计方法;分类;

    Internet product Metaphor Human computer interaction Design method Classify ;

  7. 互联网产品整合对使用传递行为的影响研究

    Research on the Influence of Online Product Integration on Usage Transfer Behavior

  8. 移动互联网产品的开发,必须具备准确、快速、灵敏的特点,这些特点的实现,将有赖于一套完整的项目风险管理框架体系的保障。

    These characteristic will depend on a mobile internet product risk management to ensure their implement .

  9. 以探寻游戏化与互联网产品交互设计的结合的可行之路。

    This paper aimed at practical way of combination between Gamification and interaction design about mobile internet products .

  10. 新浪微博无疑是这几年最成功的互联网产品之一。

    Absolutely , Sina Weibo is one of the most successful products in the Chinese Internet for these years .

  11. 过去十年中,三款互联网产品极大地改变了我们的生活,微博客就是其中之一。

    During the past decade , three Internet products has greatly changed our life , micro-blogging is one of them .

  12. 凭借强大的媒体价值和社交价值,微博迅速走红,成为目前最流行的互联网产品。

    With the strong media value and social value , the microblog quickly became very popular and been the most popular internet product .

  13. 6月份,腾讯推出了“路宝盒子”,它能够与车载互联网产品相连接,并提供维护,安全等信息。

    And in June , Tencent launched the Lubao Box , which plugs into a car 's internal electronics to offer maintenance and safety information .

  14. 互联网产品可以分为用户产品和商业产品,目前国内的用户研究领域的相关理论和方法主要针对用户产品。

    Internet products can be divided into consumer products and commercial products . At present , domestic related theories and methods of user research focused on consumer products .

  15. 中国的传统设计具有很浓厚的本土文化特色,而互联网产品的设计目前还是以模仿美国和日韩为主,缺少自己的特色。

    The traditional design of China has strong local features , but the internet product design is currently dominated by imitating the United States and Japan and South Korea , without our own characteristics .

  16. 大多数互联网产品或服务都可以被定义为是“体验产品”:顾客需要使用一段时间才能看到它的价值。

    Most Internet products or services fall into the definition of an Experience Good : a product that needs a period of use before the customer can determine the value they can derive from it .

  17. 展望和探索服务设计在电子商务网站用户体验这一领域的发展及延伸,也为互联网产品用户体验的研究提供更多的方法和途径。

    Service design and exploration prospects in the e-commerce website development and extension of the user experience in this field , but also provide more ways and means for the study of Internet products user experience .

  18. 在设计部分,遵循一般互联网产品的设计流程,从用户角色分析到原型设计,再到交互设计,最后是表现层结构设计和行为层结构设计。

    In the design part , following the normal production design process , the thesis described from user role analysis to prototype design , then to interactive design , the last was the struction design of presentation layer and behavior layer .

  19. 随着近几年网络社交的走红,在线上进行社交活动、管理人脉已经成为越来越多人生活的一部分,社交互动也成为了互联网产品中不可缺少的元素之一。

    As in recent years , the social networking is more and more popular . The activities that people manage their contacts and do social activities online have become one part of their life . A lot of Internet products also have social elements .

  20. 上周六,中国建设银行(ChinaConstructionBankCorp.)也对向互联网理财产品转账设定了额度,成为最近一家采取此类措施的大型银行。

    On Saturday , China Construction Bank Corp. became the latest of the major banks to impose limits on transfers to mobile products .

  21. 随着Internet技术的成熟和计算机应用的广泛深入,越来越多的企业选择通过互联网进行产品的宣传和介绍。

    Along with the application of computer technology and with the maturity of Internet technology , more and more enterprises publish and introduce their product via Internet .

  22. 在Alexa的服务是第一个互联网软件产品,学习的人。

    The Alexa service is the first Internet software product that learns from people .

  23. 互联网上产品数据的交换和共享

    Product Data Exchange and Share on Internet / Intranet

  24. 我们首先会为互联网创造产品。

    We create things first for online .

  25. 她说,大学生十分依赖网络,因此他们更易接受互联网金融产品。

    She says college students rely heavily on the Internet , therefore they can easily accept online financing products .

  26. 他认为,中国消费者在收入和品位方面尚不够成熟,暂不需要革命性的互联网新产品。

    He believes that Chinese consumers are not yet mature enough in terms of income and tastes to need revolutionary new internet products .

  27. 该部门称,对腾讯互联网理财产品的额度为每笔人民币1万元,每月不超过5万元。

    For Tencent 's online product , the limit is 10000 yuan per transfer and 50000 yuan a month , the department said .

  28. 它的创建,打印和通过电子邮件提交订单的所有工具,并支持通过互联网更新产品信息。

    It has all the tools for creating , printing , and submitting an order by email and supports updating product information via the Internet .

  29. 许多年轻人用银行存款账户资金购买了互联网理财产品,这些产品获得的成功在中国国有企业主导、受到严格监管的金融行业引发了震动。

    The success has sent ripples through China 's state-dominated and heavily regulated financial industry , as many younger Chinese have transferred their savings from the banks into the online products .

  30. 另外,中国央行还暗示,可能要求互联网理财产品像银行存款那样留存准备金。

    The bank also has suggested that online investment products could be forced to hold reserves on the funds that they attract -- much like banks must do on their deposits .