
  • 网络Internet Publishing;online publishing
  1. 我国近年互联网出版业的发展

    The Development of Internet Publishing in China Recently

  2. 强调健全法规、完善政策、强力发展是推进我国互联网出版产业健康发展的必由之路,也与未来图书馆事业的发展息息相关。

    It emphasis to strengthen the laws and regulation , improve policy , forceful advance are the only way to push on the healthy development on Internet publishing in our country .

  3. 上周,中国政府吊销了新浪公司(SinaCo.,SINA)的《互联网出版许可证》和《信息网络传播视听节目许可证》,导致其股价在两天内下跌10%。

    Last week , Beijing stripped portal site Sina Corp. of some publishing licenses over pornographic material , sending shares down 10 % over two days .

  4. 中国官方媒体周四报道,中国政府决定吊销新浪公司(SinaCorp.)有关互联网出版和网络传播视听节目的两份许可证。目前中国政府对互联网采取了更大力度的“扫黄打非”行动。

    The Chinese government stripped popular Internet portal Sina Corp. of two online-publication and distribution licenses , official media said on Thursday , as a government crackdown on Internet pornography intensified .

  5. 年内,两份英文日报和6份中文日报分别透过互联网出版。

    Two English and six Chinese dailies are published on the Internet .

  6. 北京市互联网出版发展状况调查

    The Development Of Beijing Internet Publication Industry Survey

  7. 试论互联网出版

    The discussion on internet publish

  8. 除此而外,公司拥有的特许经营权还包括:电子读物出版发行权和互联网出版发行权。

    Apart from that , the franchise rights of the Company include : the right to publish e-books and right to publish on the Internet .

  9. 本文意在从互联网出版这一角度来探讨网络环境下的版权问题。主要就互联网出版及其网络作品、版权和相关权利、版权限制等方面作一讨论,从中谈了一些自己的思考。

    This article is intended to research copyright issues of Internet environment from the Internet Publishing , mainly about publishing on the Internet and its network works , copyright and related rights , copyright restrictions .

  10. 互联网个人出版模式初探

    Explore the Modes of Self-publishing on the Internet

  11. 互联网个人出版初论

    On Self - Publishing on Internet

  12. 但是,有一个学生向我推荐了未来出版的一种模式:书籍将首先在互联网上出版,然后只有在绝对必要的前提下,才会印刷到纸张上。

    However , one student suggested this may become a model for future publishing : books will be published on the Web first , and only if sufficient interest warrants it will the book be put on paper .

  13. 通过总结和分析中国大陆期刊业出版网络版期刊的现状,客观地归纳了现阶段期刊应用数字化技术和网络平台,在互联网上出版的文件格式和运行模式;

    Summary and analysis of the Chinese mainland through the Internet version of journals published in the periodical industry status , objective summary of the current stage of digital technology and network application platform journals , published on the Internet file format and operating mode ;

  14. 有太多的出版单位无一例外地享受着其院内选择自由严重受限的读者群、严重缺乏运用互联网来加速出版的竞争动力。

    Too many operate without one , enjoying a captive audience at their home institutions and lacking any competitive spur to bring themselves up to speed on Internet publishing .

  15. 数字技术以及互联网技术在出版领域的应用,使数字式多媒体信息的存储、复制与传播变得非常方便,因而,数字出版行业顺势成长起来,成为了人们生活不可或缺的一部分。

    Digital technology and network technology application in the field of publishing , digital multimedia information storage , replication and spread very easily , so that the publishing industry there is a new trend that e-Publish .

  16. 近年来,互联网已成为出版业强大的竞争对手。它在接近终点时,冲下了山坡,驾驶员费了好大劲才把车停下来。

    Of recent years , Internet has become a great rival to the publishing industry . It sped downhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lot of trouble trying to stop it .

  17. 作者、出版者、发行者、电信运营者都在努力寻找基于互联网的新的出版形态,但是缺乏集成电子图书产业链的中坚力量,有效供给不足成为电子图书发展面临的最大问题。

    The lack of supply of electronic-book is the most problem in electronic-book development .

  18. 计算机和网络技术与传统产业相结合,产生了很多新鲜事物,诸如电子商务、网上社区。计算机和互联网技术与图书出版相结合,出现了电子书。

    Many new things appear , such as E-business and Internet Community for the combination between computer , Internet technology and traditional industry , E-book for the combination between computer , Internet technology and book-publishing .