
jiào cān
  • teacher's guidebooks
  1. 详细的教参,还是在2012年作为学区资料发放的,这套教参为K-12的全方位性教育给出了最低程度的建议,但是是否遵从全凭学校自愿。

    Detailed guidelines , released in 2012 as a resource for school districts , recommend minimum standards for comprehensive K-12 sex ed , but compliance is voluntary .

  2. 电子教参系统服务著作权技术保护措施调查研究

    Investigation on Copyright Technology Protection Measures in Electronic Reserve System Service

  3. 越来越多的图书馆开始筹建教参数据库。

    More and more libraries begin to develop their teaching reference book database .

  4. 试析课程改革后中小学教材教参的分类

    On the classification of teaching materials of high and primary schools after course reform

  5. 中学语文教参编写研究

    A Study on the Compilation of the Chinese Teaching Reference Books in Middle Schools

  6. 而在现代网络环境条件下,教参服务的内容和形式都将发生根本的变化。

    In the modern network environment conditions , teaching resources , services , content and form are fundamental changes .

  7. 我们反对填鸭式教学,反对以教参和标准答案来衡量阅读效果的功利式教学。

    We oppose " Duck-stuffing " type of teaching and Utilitarian type teaching measuring the reading effect by textbooks and standard answers .

  8. 网络环境下大学图书馆教参信息服务模式探索&清华大学图书馆教参信息系统的研究与开发

    Study on the Academic Library Reserves Service Model in the Network Environment - Research and Development of the Reserves System in Tsinghua University

  9. 从物理教材教参中的印刷错误对学生不同时期、不同程度的影响等几个角度作归类分析,提出减少物理教材教参印刷错误的建议。

    Firsly , this article was introduced the analyses according to several aspects that the typographical mistakes influence on students in different periods , different degrees .

  10. 教学参考信息系统是一个跨平台的分布式应用,由教参中心系统和参建馆本地子系统两部分组成。

    Instruction reference and information system is a distributed application and works on different platforms . It has two parts : central sub system and local sub system .

  11. 阐述了高校图书馆电子教参信息服务的特点,探讨了电子教参信息服务的运作模式、存在的问题及对策。

    This paper has elaborated on the characteristics of electronic teaching and consultation information service in university libraries , and discussed the operation models , existing problems and countermeasure .

  12. 第一步,对教材内容进行使用前评价,涉及两本教材的篇章、语法、词汇、技能、教参的对比分析。

    The first step is the pre-use evaluation of the two coursebooks , including comparative analysis of discourse , grammar , vocabulary , language skills and teachers ' books .

  13. 除此之外,我还给初中的学生当家教,因此有机会广泛接触各种教材和教参。我想这对我从事教育方面的编辑工作很有帮助。

    Furthermore , my experience tutoring junior high school students gave me exposure to textbooks and teachers'material , a background that I feel would be helpful in working for an educational publisher .

  14. 分析发现,备课时照搬教参和对教材缺乏研究和挖掘直接影响到了初中历史课堂教学的效果。

    Analysis found that the copy when preparing lessons and teaching reference materials on the lack of research and digging a direct impact on the junior high school history teaching in the classroom .

  15. 由于大学英语精读配套的光盘软件和各种教参辅导书的大量出现,大学英语教学正受到了前所未有的挑战。

    The rise in the multimedia system and the number of teaching reference books poses a great challenge to the traditional teaching method and compels us to adapt it to the new environment .

  16. 附录从五个方面对《大学英语》的教参译文作了批评,以此示范如何实行比较与批评的原则。

    In the appendix , the author makes comments on the translations of the texts of College English Intensive Reading from five perspectives to demonstrate how to practice the principle of comparison and criticism .

  17. 本文对4套海外华语教材的教参的内容体系进行分析比较,总结出了华语教材中教师参考书需要包含的一些基本内容和编写教师参考书的理论依据和原则。

    This thesis compares the contents of 4 sets of Chinese teacher 's handbook , suggests some basic rules for editing Chinese teacher 's handbook and gives out some view points about the basic content .

  18. 当前,中学语文特别是高中阅读教学唯教参(或教师)权威论的倾向忽略了文学的本质,压制了学生个性的良性发展。

    At present , Chinese language teaching , especially tendentiousness in high school reading teaching to authoritative referent books ( or a certain person of authority ), neglects the nature of literature suppresses the development of students ' individuality .

  19. 文章分析电子教参系统所面临的版权风险,探讨如何在现有的法律框架下,合理合法地建设电子教参系统并提供服务。

    In this paper , the authors firstly analyze these two typical copyright problems and then investigate how to build an E-reserves system and provide the service reasonably and legally under the present copyright law frame in the academic libraries .

  20. 另一方面,虽然教师让学生在课堂上讨论发表意见,但是教师依旧是按照教参上的框架给学生做限制,从而限制了学生的思维能力。

    On the other hand , although the teacher let students discuss in class for comment , but the teacher is still on the framework of teaching reference according to give students do limit , limiting the students ' thinking ability .

  21. 教学1&3年为模仿阶段:这个阶段的特征是模仿,注重吸收别人成功的经验,比较依赖于前人做法、他人经验、教参和固定的教学程序;

    The teaching during first to three years is considered as the period of Imitation : characteristic by imitation , emphasis upon absorbing other teacher 's successful experiences , more reply on the predecessor 's experiences and references and fixed teaching procedure .

  22. 教师应该注重自身专业发展,仔细研读新课标,吃透教材和教参,在教学中注重综合技能的训练,为学生提供学习策略的指导,并拓展书本以外的教学资源。

    Teachers should enhance their professional development constantly , study the NECS carefully , understand new textbooks and teaching reference thoroughly , increase complex integration of language skills properly , provide guidance for students in learning strategies elaborately in teaching and expand teaching resources beyond textbooks .