
  • 网络educational ability;education ability
  1. 体育绘图课教学中如何培养学生的教育能力

    How to Develop Educational Ability of Students in Sport Drawing Teaching

  2. 培养学生的体育教育能力,是高师体育的重要任务。

    It is an important task to educate the students'P. E. educational ability .

  3. PBL教学方法训练护生健康教育能力探讨

    Training the Health Education Ability of Nursing Students with PBL Instruction Method in Nursing Rounds

  4. 高职教育能力考核体系的构建

    The construction of the capacity examination system of higher vocational education

  5. 培养自我教育能力是大学教师的首要职责

    Training Self - educated Ability Being Teacher Lecturers ' Principal Function

  6. 高师院校师范生心理教育能力培养探析

    An Exploration on Cultivation of Mental Education Ability in Normal University

  7. 试论职业教育能力课程模式及选择

    Discussing the Curriculum Patterns for Ability in Vocational Education and Their Choice

  8. 论培养自我教育能力的途径与措施

    On the Ways and Measures of Developing the Self-education Ability

  9. 健康教育能力是护理本科生重要的临床能力;

    Health education ability was thought as the important competence .

  10. 全英授课教师教育能力的调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis on Teacher 's Ability of Teaching with Immersion English

  11. 本科实习护生实施健康教育能力的调查

    A survey and evaluation on health education ability of college student nurses

  12. 教师教育能力现代化探析

    Probing into the Modernization of Teacher 's Teaching Ability

  13. 培养高等护理人才健康教育能力的研究与实践

    Research and practice of cultivating health education ability of college level nursing personnel

  14. 简论两课教师的教育能力

    Briefly on the Educational Capacity of Teachers of " the Two Courses "

  15. 心理教育能力的内涵与特征探析

    On the Connotation and Characteristics of Psychological Educational Ability

  16. 论高校辅导员心理教育能力的培养

    Discussion on training college assistants ' psychology education ability

  17. 提高体育教育能力推进素质教育

    Promoting capacity of PE and boosting quality education

  18. 更新观念、提升教育能力、转变教育行为是教师面临的几个首要任务。

    Renewing and upgrading educating ability , changing education acts are teachers face priority .

  19. 论医学院校青年教师创新教育能力的培养

    On Anti-frustration Education of the Young Teachers

  20. 强化教师在职培训,培养教师的创新教育能力。

    To strength the teachers ' training .

  21. 心理教育能力是教师素质结构中不可或缺的重要组成部分。

    The ability to give psychological education is an indispensable component of teachers ' quality structure .

  22. 本人作风塌实,开朗热情,具备较高的教育能力和较高的写作水平。

    Tashi my style , cheerfulness , a higher education and a higher level of writing .

  23. 浅谈教师创新教育能力的培养中学教师信息技术与课程整合能力的培养研究

    A Study on Cultivation Middle School Teachers ' Competence of the Integration of Information Technology into Curricula

  24. 离开了严格的家庭管教,爱不能自发地培养出具有自我教育能力、自我约束能力的孩子。

    Without strict family discipline , love can not spontaneously cultivate children 's ability of self-education and self-control .

  25. 并在宿州学院进行培训试点&以宿州学院辅导员为研究对象,设计宿州学院辅导员心理健康教育能力培训系统。

    Taking the counselors of Suzhou University as the research object , designed Suzhou University counselor psychology-health-education ability training system .

  26. 学员管理工作者的教育能力、管理能力、协调能力、科研能力是影响学员管理工作的主要因素。

    The main factors affecting administrative work are : the educational ability , administrative ability , coordinative ability and research ability .

  27. 高校行政效率作为学校教育能力的主要表现,是衡量高校教育工作状况的基本综合指标。

    As the main expression of school education ability , college executive efficiency is a basic synthetic target to measure college educational condition .

  28. 培养大学生心理健康自我教育能力是提高大学生心理健康水平的必要途径之一。

    Cultivating the university students ' ability of mental health self-education is one of the necessary ways of raising their mental health standard .

  29. 大学生是高校思想政治工作的主体。在思想政治工作中大学生具有较强自我教育能力。

    Students are the main body of the political ideological work in colleges , and in which students are capable of self - educating .

  30. 作为现代教师必备的职业能力之一,心理教育能力的培养已成为当务之急。

    As one of the essential professional abilities for modern teachers , the training of the psychological education ability is now an urgent matter .