
  • 网络educational belief
  1. 一所民族地区农村学校教师教育信念的调查研究

    Research on Teachers ' Educational Beliefs in a Rural Minority School

  2. 以人为本,构建教师的教育信念

    Constructing Teachers ' Educational Beliefs Through Humanistic Approach

  3. 指导行动的纲领是冷冉的教育信念。

    The guiding principle is Leng Ran 's education belief .

  4. 中学教师的可持续发展教育信念调查研究

    The Study of Middle School Teachers ' Belief on Education for Sustainable Development

  5. 不言放弃:一位父亲教育信念的个案研究

    Don 't give up forever , case study of a father 's educational faith

  6. 教师的教育信念之演进与教师的专业发展密切相关。

    Shifts in teachers ' educational beliefs go together with the teachers ' professional development .

  7. 从教师自身的角度看:唤醒自身的职业态度和教育信念是内在保证。

    From the teachers , they should awake the professional attitude and education belief of themselves .

  8. 文章讨论了教师自我效能感形成与发展、影响教师教学效能感的因素、教师教学效能感对师范生教育信念、教育策略的影响。

    The author believes that the sense of teacher efficacy will affect the educational belief and strategy of student .

  9. 历年来教师专业发展结构的划分有不同的观点,本文结合新课改对教师专业发展的要求,将其定位为教师教育信念、专业知识等五个维度。

    In recent years , the structure of teachers ' professional development division has a different point of view .

  10. 教师教学效能感在教育信念中处于核心地位,与学生的成绩成正相关。

    Teachers ' efficiency sense plays a key role in education , which is directly related to students ' performance .

  11. 通过访谈和问卷调查从整体上把握当前教师的可持续发展教育信念现状。

    Through interviews and questionnaires from teachers to seize the whole of the teachers ' Education for Sustainable Development belief .

  12. 当然,我们究竟以何种教育信念面对现实和未来,这需要更为深入的思考。

    However , what kind of educational belief we should have to face reality and the future requires much further thought .

  13. 个人因素包括家庭结构及家庭成员对教师工作的态度、教师个体的教育信念、知识结构、能力素养、从业动机与态度以及自我专业发展的意识与需要等。

    The individual factors mainly include family , educational belief , knowledge , teaching expertise , occupation motive and need on professional etc.

  14. 教师对各种教育信念的隐喻表述也反映了教师不同的学生观、教师观、教学观和数学观。

    Teachers ' educational beliefs expressed through different metaphors reveal teachers ' different ideas and concepts about students , teachers , instruction and math .

  15. 教育信念是人们对教育理想、教育观念、教育理论及基本教育主张的确认和坚信。

    Teacher 's belief is people 's confirming and believing on educating ideal , educating view , educating theory and the basic educating stand .

  16. 在此基础上,作者从社会、学校、教师自身三个角度提出了完善教师教育信念的策略。

    Then on that basis I put forward some strategies to improve teachers ' educational beliefs from the aspects of the community , schools , teachers .

  17. 关注教师的教育信念,对我们清楚认识教师的行为和看法,加强教师专业发展有着重要作用。

    Concern about teachers ' educational beliefs plays an important role in teachers ' professional development and helps us to understand teachers ' behaviors and views .

  18. 其中,个人环境因素包括家庭、教育信念等因素;组织环境因素包括学校环境和家长信任环境。

    Among them , the personal environmental factors , including family , education beliefs , the organizational environmental factors , including the school environment and parents environment .

  19. 高中思想政治课是中学一门特殊而重要的课程,对高中思想政治课教师的学科教育信念的研究具有较强的理论意义和现实意义。

    Ideology and Politics course is a special and important course in high school , bearing theoretical and realistic importance to the research of subject educational belief .

  20. 表现出较强的离职倾向,部分教师教育信念缺失,挫折感、无意义感增强。

    Loyalty to reduce the teaching profession . Showed strong service orientation , some teachers lack of education and faith , frustration , enhance the sense of meaningless .

  21. 幼儿教师的教学成效受着各种主客观因素的影响,其中教师教育信念是影响其教学效果的重要因素之一。

    Teachers ' teaching effect is influenced by the subjective factors and objective factors , teachers ' education belief as one of important factors will influence the teaching effects .

  22. 当前我国正在大力推进教师专业化建设,教育信念是影响教师专业发展最重要的因素,也是教师素质的核心要素。

    Now , we are energetically promoting the construction of teachers ' professionalism , in which teachers ' beliefs are the core elements and play the most important role .

  23. 已有研究表明,教师的教育信念在教师专业结构中位于较高层次,它统摄着教师专业结构的其他方面。

    Some researches have proved that teachers ' belief is situated at a higher level in teachers ' professional organization , which controls other parts in teachers ' professional organization .

  24. 如果初任教师在学校领导的关心、同事的帮助下,能顺利度过这一时期,形成正确的教育信念和教学方式,会使他们对教育教学工作充满信心,实现专业的迅速成长。

    If they can go through this period under leaderships ' care and co-workers ' helpin their school , they will be full of confidence in teaching practice and grow rapidly .

  25. 教育信念决定着教师在课程改革的实际参与和行动,是教育改革成败的关键。

    To a great extent , teachers ' practice and participation in the curriculum reform depends on teachers ' belief , which is the crucial factor of the success of educational reform .

  26. 教师实践知识与教师自身的经验和教学实践息息相关,反映着教师的教育信念和教学理念,指导着教师的日常教学。

    Teachers ' practical knowledge is closely related to teachers ' experience and teaching practice , which reflects teachers ' educational belief and teaching ideas as well as guides their daily teaching practice .

  27. 树立正确教育信念,积极投入工作;做好教学反思,树立终身学习理念;提高自身素质,增强自我效能感。

    Establish a correct educational beliefs , actively involved in work ; make good teaching reflection , the concept of lifelong learning ; improve their own quality , and enhance self-efficacy . 3 .

  28. 现实的教师研究活动是对生命意义的叩问及行动中的体验创生,是对教育信念的追寻、确认的过程。

    In practice , teacher research activities usually become a process of pursuing and confirming their educational belief as a result of the emphasis on the significance of life and the innovative behavioral experience .

  29. 幼儿园教师品性是指幼儿园教师应该具备的,受其内在心理特征、教育信念和价值体系所驱动,在教育教学活动中所表现出来的情感态度和道德品质。

    The disposition of kindergarten teachers refers to emotional attitude and moral quality which should be possessed by those teachers in teaching activities and driven by the inner psychological characteristics , education belief and value system .

  30. 本文旨在探讨知识与智慧这对概念和范畴的基础上,向读者传达笔者的一种教育信念:即教育是通过知识引导人的智慧成长的艺术。

    The thesis attempts to inquire the relationship between knowledge and wisdom so as to convey an educational belief , that is , education is the art that enables the wisdom growth in a man by passing on knowledge .