
  • 网络Instrument
  1. 建立高校教学仪器设备维修体系的思考

    On Establishing Maintenance System of Teaching Instrument and Equipment in High Schools

  2. 探讨制定物理教学仪器标准应遵循的原则

    Principles of drafting technical standards for physics teaching instrument

  3. 研究结论对DCNS公司进入教学仪器市场有较好的实践价值,对同行企业也有一定借鉴意义。

    The conclusion provides better practical experience for DCNS into teaching equipment market and certain reference for peer companies .

  4. 创业型企业最缺乏的就是经验,因此,如何对教学仪器行业进行全方位的调研和分析,制定出切实有效的企业发展规划和市场营销战略,是DCNS公司亟待解决的重要问题。

    Entrepreneurial enterprises lack badly in experience , therefore , how to conduct a full range research and analysis of teaching equipment industry and develop effective marketing strategies and business development planning is the urgent issues to be solved for DCNS .

  5. 教学仪器设备质量问题探讨

    A Discussion about the Qualities of Teaching Instruments and Equipment

  6. 教学仪器设备网络化管理与建设的研究

    Study on the Network Management and Construction of Teaching Facilities

  7. 我们的教学仪器是精心设计的高质量产品。

    Our Educational Instruments are carefully designed high quality products .

  8. 鄂尔多斯市教学仪器设备管理系统建设研究

    Building of the Erdos Educational Instruments & Equipment Management System

  9. 我司为中国教学仪器设备行业协会会员单位。

    My department for china teaching apparatus equipment frade association member unit .

  10. 实验室测绘教学仪器的管理

    Management of Surveying and Mapping Instruments for Teaching in Laboratory

  11. 公司主要从事教学仪器、视听设备的生产和销售。

    Companies mainly engaged in teaching equipment , audio-visual equipment production and sales .

  12. 教学仪器研制中的形体与色彩探索

    Forms , Structures and Colors in Educational Equipment Research

  13. 多功能医用电子教学仪器的研制

    The Development of an AllPurpose Medical Electronic Teaching Instrument

  14. 图书资料、教学仪器设备及体育设施差;

    Poor quality of library materials , teaching equipment , and sports facilities ;

  15. 中学教学仪器装备与实验教学现状的分析与对策&微型实验在初中《科学》教学中的应用

    The Analysis on the Educational Equipment and Experimental Teaching in the Middle School

  16. 地方院校公共教学仪器设备物业化管理新模式

    A New Mode of Industrialized Management of Public Teaching Apparatus in Regional Universities

  17. 计算机技术在物理实验中的应用&教学仪器的智能化

    Application of Computer Techniques to Physical Experiment & Intelligent System for Teaching Instrument

  18. 钕铁硼磁性材料在现代教学仪器中的应用

    The application of Nd - Fe - B magnetic material in modern instrument

  19. 关于改善高校教学仪器设备管理环境的思考

    A study on improving the management environment of college for utilizing teaching equipments

  20. 实验教学仪器发展的新趋势-智能化网络实验台

    The new trend that experiment teaching instrument develop & the intellectualized network experiment set

  21. 电子类教学仪器的防振设计

    Anti - vibration Design of Electronic Teaching Instruments

  22. 电子教学仪器的电磁屏蔽设计

    Electromagnetic Shielding Design for Electronic Teaching Instrument

  23. 教学仪器设备管理经验谈

    Management Experiences on Teaching Instruments and Equipments

  24. 浅论高校教学仪器设备维修工作的现代化管理

    Discussion on the Modern Management of the Maintenance of Teaching Equipments in Colleges and University

  25. 由于学校在此次特大地震中受损严重,所有教学仪器设备均遭损坏。

    Secondly , all the teaching equipment and apparatus have been damaged in this serious earthquake .

  26. 教学仪器订购系统设计

    Design of Educational Instrument Ordering System

  27. 中国教学仪器设备公司简介

    China Educational Instrument & Equipment Corporation

  28. 本文介绍的就是利用新型磁性材料“钕铁硼”研制成功的一系列教学仪器。

    This article presents three devices with the successful application of new type Nd-Fe-B magnetic material .

  29. 道尔顿板是用来说明气体分子运动速率分布统计规律性的教学仪器。

    Dalton board is an instrument used to ex-plain statistics disciplinarian of velocity distribution of air molecule movement .

  30. 本公司是中国教学仪器行业协会会员,山东省教学仪器设备行业定点生产单位。

    China Educational Instrument Industry Association Members , Shandong Province , teaching instrument and equipment industry fixed-point units .