- congratulations;greetings;speech of congratulation

[speech of congratulation] 祝贺的词语
Speech of Congratulation of China Society for Higher Education
Hunt added his congratulations , saying ' Nigel has made a cracking job of it ' .
ANA will provide live music performances , and cabin attendants will read out congratulatory messages as if they were making normal in-flight announcements .
It is a Christmas message from the head of Sesame , an independent financial adviser .
New Year Message of Dr. Diane Menzies , President of IFLA , to the Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture and Journal of Chinese Landscape Architecture
' All the world is making a fuss , ' some passengers sang in an impromptu New Year 's message recorded at a party in a common room on board the Russian ship by a journalist from Britain 's Guardian newspaper .
The year for rat will be a momentous one for China .
Message from Prime Minister David Cameron to mark the Chinese New Year
Gifts and congratulations snowed in on his birthday .
Happy Chinese New OX Year ! Calligraphy by Master Yan Jue of Guangji Temple .
New Period , New Opportunities and New Zhuhai-speech of congratulation on the 92nd Canton Fair
Sir Edward Youde officiated at the grand opening of the new headquarters of the guides .
Bertha constantly received congratulations from the surrounding squires on the admirable way in which Edward managed .
Meeting local leaders start of the first message released , and then began his speech , Lu qing .
Leaders of international organizations and politicians across the globe have sent Lunar New Year greetings to the Chinese people .
Now that the congratulations have been made , I 'm obliged by tradition to give you some sagely advice .
My Blessing , congratulations and good wishes . I wish you the Best of everything for all the years ahead .
Li Yi kitchen network also made to the message , once again thank you for the support network Hunan chefs !
After all had been seated , toasts were made , thanks were given and returned , and then the feasting began .
Happy Christmas to all our readers ! ( eg as a notice in a newspaper , magazine , library , etc )
People purchase or make Christmas cards with Christmas greetings inside ; to send to their friends and relatives during the holiday season .
In a message read during the ceremony , Pope Benedict XVI said that food is a universal right for humankind , without distinction or discrimination .
In a message to the conference , UN secretary-general Kofi Annan urged industrialised countries to speed up the transfer of technologies and funding to developing nations .
RI President Carl-Wilhelm stenhammar , an enthusiastic youth exchange supporter , was unable to attend due to a concurrent RI Board meeting , but sent a written statement .
When Endgame passed Avatar in 2019 , Mr Cameron tweeted a picture of Avenger 's Iron Man on the fictional Avatar universe of Pandora along with a congratulatory note .
Michelle and I want to send our best wishes to everyone celebrating the Lunar New Year , including Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders , the president said in a prerecorded message .
The going - away car is often decorated by high - spirited friends with messages in lipstick and shaving foam , and tied about with balloons , tin cans , and old boots . The " old boot "
Congratulations came snowing in . a congratulatory telegram ; the usual congratulatory crowd was conspicuously absent ; a gratulatory address . When the natal day arrived , there was my letter or telegram . What a hit it made !
With the New Year just around the corner , President Obama said there will be difficult debates and tough fights ahead but that he 's hopeful the American people will come together to grow the economy and strengthen the middle class .