
  • 网络Horace;Horatius;quintus horatius flaccus
  1. 就三星(Samsung)GalaxyS4对苹果(Apple)造成的影响,瑞士报纸《时报》(LeTemps)财经版副主编阿诺和?赛德塔基采访了美国数据调查机构Asymco的贺拉斯?德迪乌,而且问了一个似乎非常合理的问题:

    In an interview about the impact of Samsung 's Galaxy S4 on Apple ( AAPL ) , Anouch Seydtaghi , deputy economics editor for the Swiss newspaper Le Temps , asked Asymco 's Horace Dediu what seemed like a perfectly reasonable question :

  2. 2010年11月,Asymco的贺拉斯o德迪乌惊讶的发现,两者的移动电话销量数据差额高达7700万台,而德迪乌著名的图表正是基于该数据绘制。

    In November 2010 Asymco 's Horace Dediu was aghast to discover a 77 million unit discrepancy in their mobile phone data - data he depends on to draw his famous charts and graphs .

  3. '绝对要有特色',如果苹果真要造汽车,很可能是纯电动车而且可能是无人驾驶汽车,要做到这两点需要强大的技术实力,还得跨越监管方面的障碍。“关注移动产业的Asymco博主、知名苹果分析师贺拉斯?

    A lot needs to be occur for anyone ( including Apple ) to know whether that will indeed transpire , particularly since Apple 's historical " feature absolutism " points to an Apple car that would very likely be all-electric and likely autonomous , both of which require significant technology and regulatory hurdles to be scaled .

  4. 这一切在贺拉斯和索福克勒斯的著作得到了充分地表现。

    This can be observed most clearly with Horace and Sophocles .

  5. 贺拉斯,那么,你知道他是谁。

    Horace , well , you know who this is .

  6. 发怒是短暂的疯狂。&贺拉斯

    Anger is a brief madness . & Horace

  7. 每个角度都要看,没有东西是美的&古希腊诗人,Q.H.F。贺拉斯。

    Nothing is beautiful from every point of view & Quintus Horatius Flaccus Horace .

  8. 这是体现在最敏感的方式,由贺拉斯和卡图卢斯;

    Thiswas exemplified , in the most exquisite way , by Horace and Catullus ;

  9. 一幅画是一首没有文字的诗歌。(古罗马诗人贺拉斯)

    A picture is a poem without words . ( Horace , ancient Roman poet )

  10. 贺拉斯是在1940年英国敦刻尔克撤退时被希特勒的部队抓获的。

    Horace was captured by Hitlers forces during the British retreat to Dunkirk in 1940 .

  11. 苦难显才华,好运隐天资。(古罗马诗人贺拉斯)

    Adversity reveals genius ; fortune conceals it . ( Horace , ancient Roman poet )

  12. 贺拉斯的专业是当时被称为“自然哲学”的科学。

    Horatio studies science – what they called in those days " natural philosophy " .

  13. 和谐真实合式&贺拉斯《诗艺》的美学思想新探

    Harmony , Reality , Decorum : Analysis of Aesthetic Thought of Horatius ' " Poetry Art "

  14. 教育教学史印证了贺拉斯的寓教于乐观点的准确性。

    Horatius ' view of edutainment has been proved accurate by the course of teaching and learning .

  15. 当然其他方面诸如动机之类,刘勰与贺拉斯也是有不同的。

    Of course , other aspects such as motivation , Liu Xie and Horace has a different starting point .

  16. 他提倡艺术,保护像维吉尔、李维和贺拉斯这些歌颂罗马历史的作家们。

    He encouraged the arts and patronized writers like virgil , Livy and horace who glorified the destiny of Rome .

  17. 从西塞罗、贺拉斯等人的著作中已经可找到关于翻译相关论述。

    Some contents related to translation can be found in the works of ancient scholars such as Cicero and Horace .

  18. 2009年与传奇人物贺拉斯弗拉录制了他的第二张唱片“布宜诺斯艾利斯的圣日”。

    In2009 recorded his second album with the legendary Horacio Ferrer and Raul Garello ," Bs As es tu fiesta " .

  19. 贺拉斯后来娶了妻子布伦达,夫妻俩搬到了西班牙的布拉瓦海岸,两年前91岁的他在那里去世。

    Horace married wife Brenda and the couple moved to Spain 's Costa Brava , where he died two years ago aged 91 .

  20. 新闻饥荒期,众所周知,就是每年记者们对公元1世纪的诗人贺拉斯说过的一句至理名言进行实践的一段时期。

    You know , that time of the year when the wisdom of the 1st century poet Horace is adopted by news editors ,

  21. 远离罪恶是美德开始;摆脱愚蠢是智慧之初。&贺拉斯

    To flee vice is the beginning of virtue , and to have got rid of folly is the beginning of wisdom . - Horatius

  22. 希腊、罗马与大海上的陌生人&贺拉斯《抒情诗集》释义论花鸟画的抒情

    Greece , Rome and Strangers on the Seas : An Interpretation of Horace 's Epodes , Translated into Chinese by Lin Guohua LYRICISM IN FLOWER-AND-BIRD PAINTING

  23. 于是那时才刚21岁的贺拉斯一夜又一夜地冒着生命危险逃出监狱去见他的情人。

    So night after night Horace , then aged just 21 , risked his life by breaking out of his cell to meet his young lover .

  24. 在论创作时,刘勰与贺拉斯在论艺术构思、论文章整体结构之美以及论文学的通变的问题上都有比较接近的看法。

    Liu Xie and Horace have similarities in theory of artistic conception , the beauty of the whole structure and the theory of article thesis of Tong Bian issues .

  25. 他的作品模仿古罗马诗人贺拉斯和卢克莱修,作为讽刺的媒介,在五音步抑扬格中双韵体的发展起着重要作用。

    His work was important in developing the rhymed couplet in iambic pentameter as a medium for satire and for his imitations of the Roman poets Horace and especially Lucretius .

  26. 贺拉斯来自英国莱斯特郡伊布斯多克地区,他在1945年5月24日被释放,后来他继续收到来自罗莎的信件,那时她在为美国担任翻译工作。

    Horace , from Ibstock , Leicestershire , was liberated on May 24 , 1945 , and continued to receive letters from Rosa – by then a translator for the Americans .

  27. 贺拉斯曾说他们是吹笛子的穷汉、卖艺人、小丑、江湖郎中。并且,只要社会将来还是今天这个样,他们将来便也还是今天这个样。

    Horace speaks of them : Ambubaiarum collegia , pharmacopolae , mendici , mimae ; and so long as society remains what it is , they will remain what they are .

  28. 两年多来,贺拉斯•德迪欧一直在数据可视化挑战极限。

    Horace dediu , who has been pushing the envelope of data visualization for more than two years , has outdone himself with the interactive chart he posted on his asymco .

  29. 英国士兵贺拉斯格里斯利是如此深爱他的德国女友,所以他甘愿冒着被纳粹行刑队发现的死亡危险,也要溜出战俘营去见她。

    British soldier Horace Greasley was so besotted with his German sweetheart he would risk death by Nazi firing squad by sneaking out of his prisoner of war camp to see her .

  30. 古希腊罗马时代出现四种形式概念:即毕达哥拉斯学派的数理形式概念,柏拉图的理式,亚里士多德的四因说,贺拉斯提出了合式的概念。

    In the time of ancient Greek and Rome , there were four concepts of form Pythagoreans ' mathematical form , Plato 's idea , Aristotle 's four causes , and Horatius ' decorum .