
hè xìn
  • congratulatory letter;letter of congratulation
贺信 [hè xìn]
  • [congratulatory letter] 祝贺的信件

贺信[hè xìn]
  1. 他给金发了一封贺信。

    He sent Kim a congratulatory letter .

  2. 红十字会与红新月会国际联合会秘书长乔治·韦伯向今天的大会发来了贺信。

    George Weber , secretary general of the International United Association of the Red Cross Society and the Red Crescent Society sent a congratulatory letter to today 's meeting .

  3. 富兰克林一回来,就收到了好几十封贺电和贺信。

    Scores of congratulatory telegrams and letters greeted Franklin on his return

  4. 我收到了大学毕业的贺信。

    The letter arrived in congratulation of my graduation from the university .

  5. 经过40年发展,已形成全球化、分众化、多语种、全媒体传播体系,报纸发行量约70万份,全媒体用户总数超过3.5亿。以下是贺信双语全文:

    After 40 years , it has developed into a global , multi-language , multi-media information platform , with its newspaper circulation reaching 700000 and the number of its multi-media product users exceeding 350 million .

  6. 然而这些变化与美国西南航空公司(SouthwestAirlinesCo.)温馨舒适的公司文化相差甚远。在西南航空公司,专门有一整个部门负责在员工家属生病的时候向员工发送支助通知或在他们生孩子的时候发出贺信。

    But the changes are a long way from the warm-and-fuzzy corporate culture of Southwest Airlines Co. , where an entire department is devoted to sending employees supportive notes when a family member is ill or congratulations when they have a baby . '

  7. 他收到了满满几篮子贺信,贺卡和贺电。

    He received baskets full of cards , letters and telegrams of congratulation .

  8. 他给她寄去了贺信,祝贺她通过了考试。

    He sent her a letter of congratulation on her passing the exam .

  9. 市教育局连续三年发来贺信。

    Yancheng Education Bureau sent three congratulation letters in the last three years .

  10. 生日那天,他收到大量礼品和贺信。

    Gifts and messages snowed in on her birthday .

  11. 在您肯定要收到的许多贺信当中,我也想加上一份。

    I would like to add my congratulations to the many you must be receiving .

  12. 非常感谢您在我获得化学博士学位之际发来贺信。

    Thank you very much for your note of congratulation on my receiving doctorate in chemistry .

  13. 贺信和贺电从国内外雪片似地向她飞来。

    Messages of congratulation by post and telegraph poured in upon her from home and abroad .

  14. 写道贺信是表示友好的重要方法之一。

    To write a letter of congratulation is one of the best ways to promote good will .

  15. 肯尼迪在对会议的贺信中,非常清楚地说明了他对当时形势的看法。

    In his message to the conference Kennedy defined his conception of the occasion with great clarity .

  16. 贺信&希望《煤炭科学技术》成为传播新技术的阵地

    Letter of Congratulation & May " Coal Science and Technology " Journal Become A Forum for Disseminating New Techniques

  17. 他在向“减贫经验交流国际论坛”致贺信中作出上述表示。

    He made the remarks in a letter of congratulations to the International Forum on Sharing Poverty Reduction Experience .

  18. 为泰党在选举中获得压倒性胜利之后,柬埔寨首相发表了一份祝贺信。

    After the Puea Thai Party 's landslide election victory , the Cambodian Prime Minister issued a letter of congratulations .

  19. 主席在贺信中称赞这次活动有利于激励青年开启创业理想、开展创业活动。

    He has also hailed the event as helpful for the youth to inspire their entrepreneurial ideas and start businesses .

  20. 任何一位创办了新企业、或收购了既有企业的创业者,从政府那里收到的第一封函件都应当是一封贺信。

    The first contact received by any entrepreneur who starts a new business or buys an existing one should be a letter of congratulation from the state .

  21. 要是当初我就用意念把她吸收了那我脸上长颗毛痣就行了而不必每年都收到一封无聊的圣诞贺信了

    If only I 'd had the presence of mind to reabsorb her , then I 'd have a mole with hair in it instead of a tedious yearly Christmas letter .

  22. 奥地利总统菲舍尔在一封贺信中称,“昆曲是世界上最古老的舞台剧之一”,他表示这将使奥地利人民有机会亲自领略到其独特的美感。

    In a congratulatory message , Austrian President Heinz Fischer called Kunqu Opera " one of the oldest theaters of the world ," saying Austrians will have the opportunity to appreciate its unique beauty .

  23. 祖马先生没有参加任何楚楚的生日事件,但没有发出贺信新闻界发表的声明说,“我们尊重他,爱他,并且随时欢迎他的律师的问题上。”

    Mr Zuma has not attended any of Tutu 's birthday events , but did issue a congratulatory press statement saying ," we respect him , love him and always welcome his counsel on issues . "

  24. 勋章与贺信一起,寄到了图灵的办公室,这令图灵非常生气,或许是他不愿意因此引起同事们的注意,也或许是他很反感这种形式化的奖励。

    The letters OBE were added to his office door , which made him furious , perhaps because he did not want to be asked what it was for , perhaps at the absurdity of advertising a token recognition .