
dǎng fèi
  • party membership dues
党费 [dǎng fèi]
  • [membership dues] 党员依照党的章程,向党组织交纳的费用

党费[dǎng fèi]
  1. 尽管反对党费尽了心机,还是在大选中遭到了失败。

    The opposing parties failed in the general election for all their pains .

  2. 她是缴了党费的党员。

    She 's a paid-up member of the party .

  3. 他让翠平参与的所谓革命工作,是替他向组织上交纳他的党费。

    The so-called revolutionary job that Yu gave Cuiping was to deliver the party dues to the party .

  4. 通过分析,课题中研发的党费缴费软件系统是可行的,具备广泛的社会效应和不错的市场前景。

    Through the analysis of R & D ," party membership dues payment system " isa feasible , have extensive social effect and good market prospects .

  5. 今年3月,他得知实情后,决定捐献自己的遗体作最后一笔“特殊党费”。

    After hearing this month the truth of his medical condition , he decided to contribute his remains for research as his final CPC membership due .

  6. 该系统满足了潍坊市坊子区对于该系统的需求,该系统主要实现了对网站信息的管理,党员信息的管理,党组织活动的管理,党费情况的管理与针对于系统本身的系统管理。

    The system mainly implemented website information management , information management of party members , party organizations activities management , part membership dues management , and system management for itself .

  7. 新形势下流动党员存在着管理不利、党性观念淡漠、党费交纳等问题,需要提高认识,完善制度。

    In the new period , there are many problems in moving Party members management , such as inadequate management , shallow conception of Party , difficult collection of Party fees and so on .

  8. 另外一个南部的社会主义家,罗伯特·纳瓦罗面临的职责是他花费党费中数以千计的欧元在披萨上面,还包括其他浪费的消费,他将这些指控称之为“谎言”。

    Another southern Socialist , Robert Navarro , faces accusations that he spent tens of thousands of euros of party money on pizzas , among other extravagant expenses , charges he calls " lies " .