
dǎnɡ zhēnɡ
  • factional political struggle
  1. 他不愿卷入这种激烈的党争。

    He was reluctant to plunge into the bitter partisan wrangle .

  2. 曾布与北宋后期党争

    Zeng Bu and Factions at the Late Period of Northern Song Dynasty

  3. 有宋一朝,党争不断。

    In Song Dynasty , there were always party-struggles .

  4. 人民是在党争的喧嚣声中作出选择的,

    Amid the din of party strife the people 's choice was made ,

  5. 刘挚与北宋中后期的党争研究

    The Study on Liu Zhi and Cliquey Conflict in the Late Mid-Northern Song Dynasty

  6. 本文还对刘挚在党争中存在的观念与行为的反差现象进行了分析。

    This article also analyse Liu Zhi'sdifferent idea and behavior in the cliquey conflict .

  7. 北宋的党争不仅是政见之争,也是学术思想、文学观念的冲突和论争。

    The party contest in the late Northern Song Dynasty had both political and scholarly implications .

  8. 评民初第一届国会的党争

    Epilogue of The First Congress

  9. 因而这一时期有关两党制和党争的话题成为言论热点。

    Thus in this period , the subject concerning two-party system and party competes becomes hot point .

  10. 论美国的党争与分权制衡背后之支配力量&以马伯里诉麦迪逊案为例

    The Foundation of Parties'Competition and Check and Balance & Through the American Constitutional Case of Marbury v.Madison

  11. 这说明各党派士大夫对耶稣会士的交往态度与他们在晚明党争中所属的政治派别并没有直接的关系。

    The literati and officials ' attitudes to the Jesuits had no direct bearing on their individual political party .

  12. 这一切,很大程度上,是暴烈和恶毒党争的结果。

    This has , in a great degree , been produced by the violence and malignity of party spirit .

  13. 随着政治上的剧烈变化,形成了长达半个世纪的新旧党争。

    The strongly change of policy form the debate of the new and old parties which last half century .

  14. 秦观是北宋时期新旧党争的牺牲品。

    Qin Guan was the victim of the struggles between the old and new parties in the Northern Song Dynasty .

  15. 在党争中所体现的地域扶持和异派倾轧,与各个政治派别的人员构成有着非常重要的关系。

    Besides , the internal strife and mutual assistance of those factions both have close relationship with their personnel constitution .

  16. 西晋党争与伐吴战争之关系论略

    On the relationship between the fractional strife in the Western Jin Dynasty and the War of Attacking the Kingdom of Wu

  17. 切东多声称,反对党争取民主变革运动正在攻击执政党非洲国家联盟-爱国阵线的支持者。

    He claimed that the opposition Movement for Democratic Change ( MDC ) was attacking supporters of the ruling ZANU-PF party .

  18. 三次角色的转换,既折射出清末民初贵州党争的惨烈,同时也暴露了秘密会党缺乏明确政治目标的致命弱点。

    The three role-changes reflected the sharp party struggle and exposed the fatal weakness of the Secret Societies that lacked definite political purposes .

  19. 南唐党争中的文人心态转变论略东魏北齐文人心态研究

    A Textual Research of the Change of the Mentality of Scholars During the Struggle for Power Among Parties in the Dynasty of Southern Tang

  20. 在这个消息公布之前,反对党争取民主变革运动宣布,它相信自己的领导人茨万吉拉伊在总统竞选中赢得50%以上的选票。津巴布韦选举委员会公布的最新结果显示,争取民主变革运动及其联盟将在议会中占有具有历史意义和微弱的多数。

    The Zimbabwe Election Commission 's latest results indicate that the MDC and its allies will have an historic , small , parliamentary majority .

  21. 李混生活在朝鲜朝中期,社会动荡,党争士祸连绵不断。

    Li Huang lives in North Korea faces the intermediate stage , in that time the social agitation and factional strife gentleman calamity continuously .

  22. 文章第四章结论部分着重指出:在来的十年,中国将成为国际商业集团党争的主战场。

    Chapter Four " Conclusion " stresses that : China will become a main competition battlefield for international business groups in the future ten years .

  23. 赤裸裸的党争、经济和地域方面不断攀升的自满情绪、迎合不同人群造成的媒体间的分裂,

    The rise of naked partisanship , and increasing economic and regional stratification , the splintering of our media into a channel for every taste ,

  24. 最后论述嘉靖朝言官的变化对明晚期的影响:一是对地方吏治的败坏;二是开启明末的党争之祸。

    Finally , toward the changes of Supervisors effect lately Ming : First , the corruption of local officialdom ; second , cause the party struggles .

  25. 由于党争,众议院通过的预算案恐怕不能得到参议员的许可。

    The budget passed by House Republicans is expected to fail in the Senate , as is the budget prepared by Democrats and the White House .

  26. 正如我们将会在章学诚本人的历史哲学和学术思想中看到的那样,朝廷对党争的批评有一个显而易见的参照。

    The imperial malediction on factions has a more than curious parallel , as we shall see , in Chang 's own philosophy of history and learning .

  27. 围绕熙宁变法,不仅形成了元皊后的新旧党争,还出现了新旧史朱墨史的斗争。

    Around Xi Ning Reform Movement , there not only formed the struggles between old and new parties but also appeared that between red and black in writing history .

  28. 溯其根源,它是北宋后期新旧党争的产物,并且从属于南宋的“元祜叙事”。

    This saying came from the competition between the New and the Old partisans in the Late Northern Song Dynasty , and belonged to the Narration in the Era Yuanyou .

  29. 晚明文学变奏的政治考察&钟惺、谭元春与晚明党争之关系平议

    The Political Situation of the Literary Activity in Late Ming Dynasty & A Review on the Relationship between Two Scholars ( Zhong Xing and Tan Yuanchun ) and Party Squabbling

  30. 李商隐这位素有七律圣手之称的华丽诗人正是因陷入了牛李党争而才识末路。

    Li Shangyin this is known as the seven-character words outstandingly skilled name the magnificent poet was precisely because of fell into Niu the Li factional strife , but talent dead end .