
  • 网络The Course of Positive Philosophy;The Positive Philosophy;positivism;positivist philosophy
  1. 实证主义哲学的发展推动了实验语言学和历史比较语言学的产生;

    The development of positivism philosophy brought about experimental linguistics and historical comparison linguistics ;

  2. 实证主义哲学对近代中国的影响

    The Influence of Positivism in Contemporary China

  3. 19世纪末期开始,实证主义哲学思潮逐步进入中国。

    During the later period of the 19th century , positivism began to enter China .

  4. 形而上学的境遇&逻辑实证主义哲学与马克思主义哲学的方法比较

    Circumstances of " Metaphysics " & A Comparison on Philosophical Methods Between Logical Positivism and Marxism

  5. 早期介绍西方实证主义哲学和实证主义史学的严复、梁启超关心的是用实证主义史学的进化史观和实证的方法来解决中国的实际问题。

    Yan Fu and Liang Qichao cared about how to solve the problems using evolution opinion and positive method .

  6. 第一部分:通过梳理制度法理论基本思想的哲学基础及法律思想渊源,明确了该理论的发展进化所依存的实证主义哲学立场和分析实证的法律态度。

    The first part of this paper details philosophical foundation and legal thought origin of the Institutional Theory of Law .

  7. 但自然主义文学在对社会的认识和文学对社会自然的反作用问题上的认识和实证主义哲学相悖。

    However , naturalist literature is contrary to positivist philosphy in terms of social cognition and the retroaction of literature to society and nature .

  8. 在实用主义热潮的推动下,相当一批学者吸收了实用主义所包含的实证精神的营养,破旧创新,发展了中国现代实证主义哲学、中国现代史学等新型学术研究。

    Pushed forward by the Pragmatism movement , many scholars absorbed Pragmatism 's positivist spirit and developed Chinese modern positivist philosophy and historical studies .

  9. 以实证主义哲学为代表的价值理念和话语体系长期支配着教育研究领域,影响着人们对实践教学问题的基本判断。

    For a long time , positivism philosophy has been deeply influencing the practical skills teaching ( PST ) in education research and basic judgment about PST .

  10. “形而上学”在逻辑实证主义哲学和马克思主义哲学中的不同境遇是它们各自运用新的不同方法以图超越传统思辨方法的结果。

    The different circumstances of " metaphysics " in Logical Positivism and Marxism was the result of their using different philosophical methods in order to surpass the traditional thinking methods .

  11. 近代法以来,乐观的理性主义遭到了失败,随着实证主义哲学和社会法学思想的发展,对具体个人进行救济的侵权法损害救济的理念得到发展。

    Following with the failure of rationalism and the developing of the positiv - ism and the law thoughts priority to social interests , a damage redress idea is developed .

  12. 马克斯·韦伯把实证主义哲学关于事实和价值二分法理论引入法律社会学领域,强调在认识和解决社会问题时,必须严守价值中立原则,现代法的合理性基础是目的合理性(工具合理性)而非价值理性。

    Max Weber thinks that the principle of value-neutral must be complied with when we know and solve social problems and that the basis of rationality of Modern Law is purposive rationality ( instrumental rationality ) .

  13. 经验主义是逻辑实证主义和杜威哲学的共同前提。

    Empiricism is the common ground of logical positivism and John Dewey 's philosophy .

  14. 它以逻辑实证主义为其哲学立场,否认伦理学的科学地位,主张道德是个人情感的表达,否认道德的客观性。

    It bases on the philosophy 's position of the logical positivism , holding that morals expresses individual emotions , denying moral 's objectivity and the ethics as a science .

  15. 面对着科学本身的危机、人类生存环境的危机乃至人性本身的危机,海德格尔从他的存在主义哲学的角度,以现象学为方法提出了有别于逻辑实证主义的科学哲学。

    Facing the science itself crisis , the crisis of human survival environment and human nature itself from the crisis , Heidegger with his Angles of philosophy of existentialism and the method of phenomenology , put forward the scientific philosophy which are different from orthodox philosophy .

  16. 主要考察了科学哲学中实证主义对会计实证哲学的影响、科学哲学中历史主义对会计规范哲学的影响。

    Mainly on the philosophy of science positivism of the accounting impact of empirical philosophy , philosophy of science historicism accounting norms Philosophy .

  17. 受实证科学影响发展出的西方实证主义在近代传入中国,而接受实证主义思想的中国的学者,其实不论对实证主义还是对中国哲学都有误读的成分。

    Positivism in the west , influenced by positive science , was introduced into China in modern time , while the Chinese scholars who accepted positivist ideas were somewhat misinterpreted on either positivism or Chinese philosophy .